The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 769 Xiao Langte Can Howl

Chapter 769 Xiao Langte Can Howl
"But, how old are you and your mother?" Qi Mingzhi asked a little frantically.

"Could it be that you think your mother and I won't be able to have true love when we get older?" Qi Sheng looked at him angrily. "No one in our family can bully her except me. You are no exception. Don't think that you are my son and we will tolerate you indefinitely. Your mother is soft-hearted, but your father will not."

Qi Mingzhi was dumbfounded.

Not only him, but even his newlywed lady Du Xiaoniang was stunned.

"If you want to do something, you can do it yourself, don't expect to get any money from your aunt. I told your uncle that I don't like you." Qi Sheng said loudly to his son.

"Father, why don't you expect me to have a better life? Why do you look down on me when I live a better life?" Qi Mingzhi roared angrily.

"If you want to live a good life, you should work hard on your own. I can support seven of you brothers and sisters, why can't you? You only raised a young daughter-in-law." Qi Sheng questioned angrily. "What's the point of you sticking to your aunt all day to take advantage of it?"

"Then you have been taking advantage of my aunt, haven't you?"

"That's because your aunt is willing to help. Besides, we didn't drag your aunt down, and we didn't add any trouble to your aunt. Unlike you, you are going to be the manager of some workshop when you come up. Who do you think you are, you Don't know anything, just go directly to be the steward of other people's workshops? Haha.

Are you going to be in charge?Are you going to embarrass your aunt?If you are capable, you started as an apprentice? Qi Sheng said. "I don't have much ability, and I always want to do big things."If you are really talented, you are extraordinary.I'm also ashamed to mention it to your uncle.But what do you have?An ordinary farmer's family. "

Qi Mingzhi listened and said, "My uncle's family is also an ordinary family."

"But they established the Lingzhi Chu family all by themselves. Can you? Go out and start a business if you have the ability." Qi Sheng said contemptuously.

"They can and I can, dad, just wait for me. I'll let you see if I can do it." Qi Mingzhi pulled Du Xiaoniang away angrily.

In fact, he wanted to leave a long time ago. Since he hit a wall in Chu Shiluo's hands, his self-esteem did not allow him to ask the Chu family again.Besides, he can't do it here, he can still go to Minglou.They had a good relationship with Minglou before.

Soon, Minglou, who made his home on Sanxing Island, received Qi Mingzhi and his wife.

Minglou was quite happy when his childhood friend brought his new wife to visit him.But after everyone had a drink and Qi Mingzhi expressed his intention for coming, it was Minglou's turn to worry.After thinking about it, Minglou arranged Qi Mingzhi in a shop on Yanbo Island.Who knew that within a month, the second manager in the shop sued Qi Mingzhi.The reason was corruption, and Qi Mingzhi blatantly embezzled the money for Lingshi in the store.

He directly regards Minglou's shop as his own home, and takes as much as he wants.

Minglou simply invited the couple away.

The two brothers who made a fuss about this matter ended up tearing their faces apart.

Although Minglou couldn't stay here anymore, Qi Mingzhi also found a suitable shop for himself. With the help of his nephew of Chu Dashan, he directly bought two shops at a low price, and then rented them out.He simply started a happy life of living on rent.

You don't have to do anything, and you can eat and drink, why not do it?
As long as there is gold and silver to spend and exquisite jewelry to wear, Du Xiaoniang will live with her husband wholeheartedly.

Qi Mingzhi simply bought a big house in a remote town on Yanbo Island, and the couple have lived a happy life of serving slaves and maidservants ever since.

Qi Sheng also found out the whereabouts of his eldest son only a few months later, he was speechless and relieved.He said in his heart that this kid is quite successful, even if he is lazy and doesn't like to work, he can at least get himself some property to live on.


In the early morning of the first day of March in the 13th year of Yuanwu, Taohua gave birth to her and Chu Shinian's eldest son.

The little guy is bright red, and has a bit of a temper, crying loudly at the first sight of a disagreement.His father can't control him either.No matter how dark his father's face was or how air-conditioned he was, this kid would cry whenever he felt like he couldn't feel it.

Just a few days after he was born, Chu Shinian had an expression on his face that he wanted to stuff this dead boy back into his mother's belly.

The problem is that Taohua, who has finally unloaded, doesn't do it either.

As for Chu Qi's face, I finally guessed the expression and was holding the baby. "I think back then, when Taohua was a child, he was able to be a demon just like a little guy. Xiaowu and Taohua were twins, but Xiaowu was easy to take care of when he was young, and he was very cute. Taohua always took me and your father Grind it."

Tao Hua watched the little guy sleeping soundly, and smiled, "Let Chu Shinian take it with him."

Chu Shinian looked dumbfounded that life would be worse than death.

How much I looked forward to when I didn't have a son, how much I regret now.

This is not raising a son, this is not paying off the debt! !

wow wow wow...

The little guy who just woke up started howling again.Chu Qi quickly threw him to Chu Shinian.

Emma, ​​this kid regards crying as a compulsory course for exercising lung capacity every day, and he will never stop crying until he is mad.Cry when you are hungry, cry when you are not hungry and have nothing to do.He also cried while exercising his legs and feet.

The kid cried when he was uncomfortable, and cried when he was comfortable.

Just like a little devil.

At this moment, Chu Shinian was walking back and forth with the little devil in his arms.The little devil can only calm down when he is exercising, so he stopped crying for the time being.

Commander Chu looked at his sobbing young son in a particularly speechless manner, and really didn't know what to do with him.

With great difficulty, the youngest son, who was crying and falling asleep, was put in the wing room to be looked after by the nurses.He had to hurry up and do some business while Tao Hua Niang was asleep.

Not an hour after reviewing the official documents, the earth-shattering crying in the backyard came again.

Chu Xinjia and the adults all broke out in a cold sweat.Xiao Lang could cry too much.He is less than ten days old, and he can make adults cry until they are stupefied.

Chu Shinian rubbed his forehead with a headache. "My father-in-law and mother-in-law are really not easy. I have raised six of them. I think it is too difficult to support the one in my family."

Chu Ziyan and Chu Zixian laughed together.

They haven't married yet, and naturally they don't have children to raise, so they don't have to be as embarrassing as the Grand Commander.

And Chu Xinjia didn't have a family either, he was born as a secret guard.People like him usually don't have families.If you get married, you usually have to retreat to the front of the dark guard.Chu Xinjia always felt that she could play for a few more years, and she didn't plan to start a family for the time being.

However, although Chu Xinjia didn't have a family herself, all her brothers and sisters in the family did, and there were a lot of nephews and nieces.So he has seen many children.Probably the one in his family's commander-in-chief has a bad temper, yelling at his throat every day.

(End of this chapter)

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