The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 770 Brother Xian and Brother Chun

Chapter 770 Brother Xian and Brother Chun

In less than a month, a certain Xiaolang automatically learned to fake cry without thunder.

The grandma who took him couldn't laugh or cry.

"Who is this little clever ghost? It's really clever. It's not the right place."

Taohua hurriedly carried her Xiaolang back from his mother's arms, and then put him on the bed beside her to lie down. "Let him howl when he loves howling, and he won't howl when he's tired of howling."

"What are you talking about, how can such a little villain watch him cry all the time?"

"Although he is small, he knows how to bully the weak and fear the strong. The more you coax him, mother, the more he can cry." Seeing the son lying next to him grinning and crying again, Tao Hua hurriedly patted his baby.

Probably feeling his mother's breath, the little guy grinned a few times, then closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Taohua dared to let out a sigh of relief, it was too much trouble.

"It's fine if you feed him often, but this kid has a big appetite. The nannies prepared by your family, Chu Shinian, you can let them feed you if you have nothing to do. Especially at night, let them feed you, and you should rest more .”

"Understood, mother." Although my mother stared at her every day and repeated it, Tao Hua didn't feel bothered.Who made her raise a child for the first time, she was really confused when she was born.

During the day, Chu Qi helps her daughter to take care of her little grandson, and at night, she goes back to tell her husband a daily anecdote about her little grandson.Chu Dashan always listened with gusto.In fact, he often went to see the little guy.

I also know that my little grandson is simply super difficult! !
"The little fairy from the Qingmei family has been very cute and easy to take care of since he was born. But why is the little guy from the Taohua family so hard to take care of?" Chu Dashan compared with emotion.

"Think about the little things about our green plums, and then think about the peach blossoms who were like little devil stars when they were young!" Chu Qi reminded him.

Cough cough, Chu Dashan thinks about it, it really is.

When the couple were discussing the two babies, Chu Sanlang walked in with a young and beautiful woman with a four or five month pregnant belly.

"Father, this is my wife. Wei Lingshuang."


Chu Dashan sprayed all the scented tea in his mouth.His eyes widened, almost dizzy.

Just what is this?
Chu Qi was also taken aback, "Sanlang, what bad things have you done?"

San Lang's face darkened, "Mother, I didn't do anything bad. This Ling Shuang is really my wife, and she has my child."

"You're out of your mind, right? Don't you know that without the consent of your parents, you secretly marry a woman outside? Not only will the parents not admit the marriage, but even the clan will not admit it?" Chu Qi's face turned black up.He immediately had a problem with Saburo and the young pregnant woman he brought.

"Uncle Chu, Aunt Chu, I think the two elders have misunderstood. We met because of an accident, and I was pregnant. We didn't hit it off, and we didn't have an affair in private. It's just that we had a child by accident...

I didn't want my child to be an illegitimate child, so I forced him to bring me back. "

Wei Lingshuang said generously.

When she said this, Chu Qi's face finally eased a little.

"Come on, sit down first. Then tell me what stupid things the third child has done. Don't worry, as long as you stand up, our family will never treat you badly."

Hearing this, Wei Lingshuang couldn't help laughing at Chu Sanlang who was flabbergasted.

Wei Lingshuang talked about his own experience, it was indeed an accident.

Chu Sanlang almost went to Xianyu Island.It’s a sea route, and by the way, I’m going to give an unusual look to the storefronts on the islands along the way.As a result, he encountered a shipwreck on the road and fell into a deep-sea Jedi.Occasionally, Wei Lingshuang, the two of them became attached to each other because of the deep sea spirit plant in the Jedi. Later, Wei Lingshuang did nothing, but she found out that she was pregnant.

"Because my mother was cheated into marriage, I was born as a concubine without a proper name. So I don't want my child to be born like that at all. So I found Chu San again and forced him to bring me here .”

"You did the right thing. The person in charge of the man should not take advantage of him." After hearing Wei Lingshuang's words, Chu Qi supported her very much.

Chu Dashan was ashamed.

Chu Sanlang's face turned black.

"Sanlang, what do you say?" Chu Qi turned around and asked her son again.

"He is my wife."

"No, she can't be your wife yet. You are shameless, you can't let Wei Lingshuang follow you shamelessly. She is temporarily living in your sister's house. For your wedding, we will try our best to save time and reduce procedures. We will strive for a one-month The time is running out. At least the wedding should be grand and lively.

Ling Shuang, can you see it? "

Chu Dashan nodded when he heard this.

After hearing Chu Qi's words, Wei Lingshuang felt warm in his heart. "Thank you, Aunt Chu." She thought her wedding was only a small wedding on Yanbo Island where only a few friends were invited.

"My family has four sons and two daughters. Both daughters are married and have babies. Of the four sons, the eldest is procrastinating and useless, and the remaining three will get married sooner. Fortunately, you solved the third one, otherwise I don't know how long I will worry about him."

Chu San was speechless, and said it as if he was not welcome.

In fact, he still has a good impression of Wei Lingshuang from the bottom of his heart, but he just doesn't want to say it.

After placing the future San Lang's daughter-in-law Wei Lingshuang, Chu Qi hurriedly asked his son about Wei Lingshuang's origin.As a result, Chu San didn't know either. He asked, and Wei Lingshuang said that she was a casual cultivator who came out to travel.

All relatives in the family have passed away.

If he passed away, he would have passed away. The next day, Chu Qi went to see his daughter and told about his future daughter-in-law brought back by Saburo.

This shocked Taohua badly, she was only a confinement child, and she solved her sister-in-law when she was three, and her sister-in-law was still four months pregnant.What kind of twist is this.

"It's so fast, the third brother has solved the lifelong event, so what about the eldest brother?"

"Finish your third brother's affairs first, and then I will chase after your elder brother." Chu Qi said.


"By the way, I'm going to arrange your third brother's wedding, and your father is also busy, so he probably won't be able to take care of you in the near future. You ask Chu Shinian to take care of the child for you."

"Mother, don't worry."

As a result, when the Chu Qi family was busy with their Sanlang's marriage the next day, Chu Shinian carried his little baby to the office.

The little guy who was named Brother Chun by Chu Shinian will be full moon in a few days, and he is not afraid of life.Lying in the cradle next to his father, he would howl when he was unhappy, and howl when he was happy.

While Chu Shinian was doing things, he patted his baby when he had nothing to do.

"Head, how old is Brother Chun, why are you so overwhelmed and insist on bringing him here?" Chu Ziyan was weakened by the howling of the little guy.

(End of this chapter)

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