The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 771 Full Moon

Chapter 771 Full Moon
"What can I do? Put him by his mother's side, Taohua will not be able to rest well." Chu Shinian whitened his son, Brother Chun, with a look of disgust.But Brother Chun thought it was his own father who was teasing him, so he started giggling.The smile is particularly innocent and healing.

"Oh, my brother Chun is so cute." Chu Xinjia couldn't like it, and came over to look at the little guy after reviewing the official documents for a while.

"It's really good-looking. It's just picking on the merits of your parents. Even if you don't have a cute temper, you are very likable at first." Chu Ziyan said frankly.

"It's justice to grow up well these days. When he can talk, he will run away. You see, he may find many ladies and little ladies to love him." Chu Zixian said. "By the way, the full moon banquet, do you plan to hold it big or small?"

"Let's do it small. The whole moon and the day are small, and my family can eat and drink. Make it big after the first year." Chu Shinian said with a smile.

Wow wow wow... I giggled and my father ignored him, Brother Xiaochun was not happy, and started howling again.

Chu Shinian simply hugged him and coaxed him.

Brother Chun was well raised in the womb, and his little hands are particularly strong.As soon as Chu Shinian hugged him, he stretched out his small arms to grab Chu Shinian's fingers.

And oh oh, oh oh screaming.

It's like talking.

Too bad no one understands baby talk.

Although on the surface he disliked him, in fact Chu Shinian liked his little baby.He spends more time holding his son than peach blossoms.Sensing that his son was about to be hungry, Chu Shinian called the nanny to feed his son.

"It makes me want to have a baby." Chu Xinjia said enviously.

"Then let's hurry up and have a baby." Chu Zixian laughed at him.

"Forget it, it looks cute, but it's not so cute if you carry it by yourself. I don't have time." Chu Xinjia sighed.The main reason is that he doesn't want to bring it anymore.Occasionally, it's good to watch someone bring a baby, but if you really put it on yourself, you don't necessarily like it.

Although Brother Chun's full moon is a small event, everyone in the Chu family who can be called a name has returned as much as possible. Even if they really can't come back, their close family members will participate on their behalf.

Brother Chun is the eldest son of Chu Shinian. He is full moon, making the entire Chu family beaming with joy.

Yang Xianzhi and Fu Luyi also took this opportunity to enter Xianyang City.

"The cultivation of Xianyang is also very good. It is not much different from the fairy city in the upper realm." This is the first time that Fu Luyi has officially toured the entire Xianyang city.

"Because of the re-integration of the world and the rebirth of many people, the new cities built in many continents led by the human race are modeled after the fairy city in the upper world. This Xianyang city is only built more comfortable and has indigenous characteristics. "

Yang Xianzhi saw many facilities and buildings that he was familiar with, and also saw many facilities and buildings that he had never seen before.Not only the architectural style here, but even the formation base is different from the upper realm.It can be said that it is a formation routine with its own style.

Because these routine formations had hardly appeared in the upper realm before the third-order fusion.So even if it is integrated into the Great World of Shenting in the end, it will be recognized by the internal rules of Shenting.That is to say, even if their city is finally merged into the upper realm, there is no need to modify or rebuild their formation base.

Almost all the newly built cities on Chu's side are this kind of routine formation.In other words, the formation masters of the Chu family have formed their own way.Very powerful natives.

"In fact, not only formations, but also many low-level refining products, the Chu family also has its own set. The various artifacts refined are very distinctive. The several large workshops we transferred want to rely on the cost It is also very difficult for the advantages to completely squeeze them out of the market.

Of course, the most important thing is that the Chu family would rather lose money than keep their refining items in circulation in the world. " Guo Zan said.

"Yeah, I'd rather lose money, the more I produce, the more I lose money, but the Chu family would rather stick to it. They really have strong financial resources." Dong Ce also said.

"The main reason is that the Chu family has made too much money in trade, shipping, food, spiritual plants, and elixir." Yang Xianzhi said. "Especially in terms of food, spiritual plants and elixir, they are simply making huge profits."

"I heard that they are crazy about making money just from bodiless pills and Jinchenyuye pills." Dong Ce also said, "It's a pity that our upper realm forces are unwilling to release a large amount of bodiless pills and Jinludans. Otherwise, the Chu family will not be able to earn money." So much profit."

"It is impossible for the many medicinal pill forces in the upper realm to indulge so many cultivators in the divine platform and purple mansion realm among the indigenous forces. The more such monks there are, the greater the danger will be for our upper realm forces. " Guo Zan said.

Yang Xianzhi also nodded. "How many Bodiless Pills and Jinchen Yuye Pills can a single Chu family release, and how many masters at the Divine Stage Realm and Purple Mansion Realm can be cultivated? If all the big forces in the upper world let go of these two kinds of pills, how many two pills can we create? Realm master?

Although this lower realm is far less vast than the Shenting Great World, there are really many natives. "

"It is precisely because the number of natives in the lower realm is too large, so many upper realm forces suggest that the population of the lower realm should be enslaved. Unfortunately, the opinions of the ancestors on the ground are not unified. Some people think that it is better to fight hard, There are also people who think it is not good.

Until now there is no consensus. "Dong Chu said.

"This kind of thing will definitely not be easy." Guo Zan said. "The ancestors above come from various forces, and their ideas are different. How can it be possible to unify their opinions? In the end, they should decide on their own according to the situation of each place." In Guo Zan's mind, when they finally merged, that would be certain It was the ancestors who occupied that territory and then decided on their own.

"I'm pretty much what I guessed. There are also Yaozu, I guess it will be the same in the end." Dong Chu said.

"The monster clan is also a resource. The monster clan resources in our divine court have lost too much in the past ten thousand years. Many forces have proposed to conquer some worlds with many monster clans and plunder the monster beast resources there. This time the fusion of the three realms, the aura The recovery, the Yaozu revived in various ways, even the ancient species appeared, and many forces were jealous, staring at the Yaozu in certain areas.

I heard that this reintegration of the three worlds may revive the real dragon. " Guo Zan said.

"That's a bit of an extravagant hope. How can the real dragon be so easy to recover? There are not even a few gods." Dong Ce laughed.

"There are fewer and fewer worlds where true dragons can be born." Yang Xianzhi also said with emotion.

"Hey, I heard that someone showed the little unicorn in the clear water in Xianyang Square. Go and have a look." Suddenly, people rushed to Xianyang Square.

Yang Xianzhi and others became interested after hearing this.

"Is there really a clear water unicorn? I haven't seen it yet?" Fu Luyi said in surprise.

"I've heard that the Chu family has it, but I've never seen it before. Let's go, let's go and watch it."

(End of this chapter)

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