The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 778 Uncle 6

Chapter 778 Sixth Uncle
"Who?" Chu Shinian's voice was full of anger.

"It's the kid who helped my uncle and grandpa today." Taohua sensed Chu Shinian's anger belatedly, and said speechlessly, "Are you jealous?"

"That's right." Chu Shinian said aggrievedly, "You actually think that kid is good-looking, what exactly is he good-looking?"

Hehehe, Taohua chuckled lightly.

She simply patted Chu Shinian's chest lightly, "Don't be like this, I just think that kid is good-looking, and he should be promoted to serve as the face of our Chu family."

"When doing foreign affairs, you should have rich experience and be prudent in the old city, not rely on your face." Chu Shinian gritted his teeth.

Taohua couldn't help laughing.

"I just think he can't let his face grow in vain, it should be used on a knife's edge. It's really meaningless."

Hmph, Chu Shinian hummed angrily several times. "Who would use such a person, isn't this finding an enemy for himself?"

Ahhh, Taohua really couldn't hold back her laughter. "I think that kid is also in his early twenties, but he has been unknown all the time. Zhuang Zihan, Ling Yanshu and others at the same age have already achieved great results. It turned out that it was because of his appearance.

No, you transfer him to the Department of Foreign Affairs. Those old guys in the Department of Foreign Affairs have been picking on me all the time recently, which is quite annoying.You let him go, but also give him a good encouragement, let him be used by you.So you and the owner are very optimistic about him. "

Chu Shinian couldn't help turning dark for a moment. "I'm not going."

"Go, go." Tao Hua pulled Chu Shinian's sleeve and coaxed him, "Mr. Lang." The tone of voice imposed several degrees of sweetness.

Chu Shinian was grinding his teeth and feeling helpless, he couldn't laugh or cry.

But after Taohua coaxed him all night, Chu Shinian finally agreed.

The key is that Taohua told Chu Shinian of her plan, and Chu Shinian thought it was feasible.

So early in the morning on the second day, Chu Shinian met the kid Chu Yanqi.The moment he saw his face, Chu Shinian couldn't hide his surprise.This kid is not only good-looking at the beginning of his growth, but the most difficult thing is that he has a kind of elegant temperament.

This kind of temperament is simply too eye-catching, and it is simply unforgettable.

No wonder Taohua would have that kind of proposal.

"Someone is following you."

That's what Chu Shinian said in the first sentence.

Chu Yanqi was shocked, but he still said calmly, "Who is it? What's the purpose?"

Chu Shinian carefully observed his expression, nodded in satisfaction and said, "You're okay. Sit down, I have something for you."

Sure enough, it was to test him.

Chu Yanqi made up his mind, and sat down on a chair near Chu Shinian respectfully.

Chu Shinian then lowered his voice and explained and explained carefully.Finally, he said, "Can you complete the task?"

Chu Yanqi considered it carefully before saying, "It's more difficult, but the mission is guaranteed."

"You are not fighting alone. The Department of Foreign Affairs also lacks some solid backbones." Chu Shinian expected him.

"I will work hard." Chu Yanqi secretly said excitedly.

Several real power departments have been established within the family.For example, the Craftsman Division mainly manages the household registration of craftsmen and various projects.The Refining Department, the Pill Department, the Lingzhi Department, the Talisman Department, the Array Department, and the Geological Survey Department all have their own transfer abilities.

The Department of Military Affairs is in charge of the Legion and Guards, the Department of Household Registration is in charge of population and taxes, and the Department of Officials is in charge of talent selection and so on.

Among them, the Department of Foreign Affairs is responsible for foreign reception and negotiations, and is a very important department with real power.

Chu Yanqi had been at the bottom of the Department of Foreign Affairs before, so he really never thought that he would be summoned by Chu Shinian suddenly and be directly qualified as Zuo Eng of the Department of Foreign Affairs.The Department of Foreign Affairs has the head of the department and the left and right staff as the main officials in the department.

However, Zuo is still idle, and there has been no one for several years.He really didn't expect that he would reach the sky in one step.

However, it is difficult to secure this position after being promoted.

Chu Yanqi walked out of Chu Shinian's office compound, fought for a while, and then took the initiative to meet his boss.

As soon as he returned to the department, he was stopped by someone, saying that the department wanted to see him.Chu Yanqi happily went.

The boss is a middle-aged man in his 40s, thin and handsome.The figure is also kept very stylish, very beautiful.


"There's no one here, so call me Uncle Six." In fact, both of them were surnamed Chu, and they were distant relatives.

Chu Yanqi smiled pretending to be relaxed, and simply sat on the chair next to the director.

"What did the Commander tell you to do?"

Chu Yanqi frowned slightly, "Does the Patriarch favor the Grand Commander, or what's the matter? The Grand Commander is now in charge of the whole family's affairs, but he has no serious reputation. Let everyone call him the Grand Commander. Is he secretly The Commander of Wei, or the Commander of the Family?"

"That's why you don't understand. According to the current size of the family, the establishment of the country is a matter of time. Even if the country is not established, the family will be re-established... some things. Before the direct line was abolished, that At that time, the direct line had a dual-power system of elders and patriarchs in the city, checking and balancing each other, and managing the family.

But now that the direct elders' council is gone, the head of the family is in power alone, and he doesn't want to be entangled in daily affairs, so Chu Shinian was promoted.In fact, Chu Shinian's reputation is not right now.But no one dared to question him.

Firstly, Chu Shinian himself was a formidable figure, and secondly, the patriarch supported him infinitely.

You come from the secret guard system, so you naturally know what the Patriarch means to a family like ours.No matter how turbulent people's hearts are, as long as the Patriarch is still there and the family has not completely fallen, then everyone in the family will support the Patriarch. "The boss took a meaningful look at his cheap nephew.

Chu Yanqi nodded, he knew.

The head of any generation of the Chu family is not so easy to be selected.Sometimes, there is only the Presbyterian Church but no Patriarch of the Chu family.Even if the direct line creates a family, as long as the offshoots don't recognize her, she is just a direct line patriarch.

As for their current patriarch, whether she is the Chu Xi who is said to have fallen or not, she is extremely qualified.

What people rely on to be the head of the family is not by unscrupulous means, but by true wisdom.

Capable and wise.

"Is the commander-in-chief willing to live in such a dishonorable way?" In fact, Chu Yanqi always felt that his commander-in-chief was very strange, and he didn't seem like a person who was willing to wrong him.

"I don't know." The director smiled and said, "Who knows what he thinks? Anyway, it's his own business. If he wants to change it whenever he wants, it's not all up to him."

After hearing this, Chu Yanqi couldn't help but look at his cheap uncle's face. Why did he think Liu uncle's words were so problematic?
(End of this chapter)

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