The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 779 Chu Yanqi and the cheap sixth uncle

Chapter 779 Chu Yanqi and Sixth Uncle Cheap
The boss smiled and said nothing.

"Although the direct line always brags that Chu Zifei is great, but I personally think that you are also very good, sixth uncle, but you are too low-key in your behavior." Chu Yanqi thought for a while, and complimented him.

Ahhh, the boss was amused by him.

"Commander, apart from a few deputy commanders and a few special positions, the top ones are the chiefs of each department. Look at how many chiefs of each department have changed since the rise of our Chu family. None of the directors who can still stay in their positions are easy to mess with." A certain director smiled complacently.

"Just like the director of the Military Affairs Department, everyone knows that it is a department dedicated to logistics for the major legions and guards, replenishing the source of troops, and distributing military salaries and benefits. It is such a lucrative department. Thirty bosses have been changed within a short period of time. It can be called a dead boss manufacturing machine.

It is also called the tomb of the master. "

Chu Yanqi's eyes widened immediately.

"Really, I won't lie to you. It is impossible for you to know so many upper-level affairs in your previous position. After many people die, they will not report to the lower levels at all. That is, his own relatives know some specific situations." A department head He said with a smile, but there was a chill in his smile.

"It was only after changing the current director that he stabilized. He has been in this one for seven or eight years. Now that I think about it, he is really amazing, and he can do what he is doing now." A certain director frowned. "That old boy is very treacherous and cunning, he talks a lot of nonsense, don't believe him at all."

Chu Yanqi stared at his cheap uncle in astonishment, he couldn't believe it.

"What did Chu Shinian summon you to do this time?" Uncle Cheap asked.

"The commander-in-chief said, let me be promoted to the left of the department."

"What?" The boss was shocked.

"What's the matter? Uncle Six?"

"Do you know why Zuo Engeng has been vacant?" the director asked with a gloomy face.

Chu Yanqi shook his head directly.

"There are only two situations in which Zuo Zong will be prepared. One is that the head of the department will be absent in the future. The other is that he will be trained and transferred away. Therefore, there are always many left-officers in each division." The head of the department frowned and frowned. turned pale.

"Do you think Chu Shinian is dissatisfied with me?"

How would Chu Yanqi respond to his words?
There was no other way, and he had to keep talking, so Chu Yanqi could only bite the bullet and say, "It doesn't feel like it."

"Then did he say why he chose you to be the leftist?" the director asked.

"I told you, I'm good-looking."

"Ah, hahahaha" the chief laughed, then looked at Chu Yanqi's face, and continued to laugh.That's it, that's it.

"It was also because of this that I transferred you to the Department of Foreign Affairs. Chu Shinian really has the insight to recognize heroes."

Hearing Uncle Cheap's laughter, Chu Yanqi was particularly depressed.

"Okay, I know what's going on. Hey, he looks good, so he's popular."

The corner of Chu Yanqi's mouth couldn't help twitching several times.

"Okay, then you go through the formalities first. Come tomorrow morning with a new official uniform, and I will introduce you to everyone. You have fulfilled your duties."

"Okay." Chu Yanqi was still able to speak, but could only resign himself to the laughter.

When he returned to his workstation, his younger brother was already sitting at the next table, smiling and waiting for him. "Brother, how did you get summoned? What is the commander looking for?"

"Pie in the sky." Chu Yan said in unison.

"Ah? What? Pie in the sky?" Erlang asked in astonishment.

"I'm going to be promoted to Zuo Zheng in our department tomorrow."

"Ah, is this true? Sure enough, there is a pie in the sky?" Erlang looked at his brother in shock, "Did the commander-in-chief say why he chose you?"

"It's said that she is too handsome, Mei Ziyi."

When Erlang heard this, his expression was extremely strange.

On the second day, Chu Yanqi performed his duties under the introduction of the director.Promoted to the left of the Department of Foreign Affairs.Reasons for promotion also spread like wildfire.Beauty instrument.

With this evaluation, this rookie of the Chu family won a lot of attention and praise as soon as he appeared.

What can a little boy who is promoted by his face alone be capable of anything.So the colleagues in the Department of Foreign Affairs are secretly eyeing this kid.If he doesn't have the ability, then I'm sorry, you appointed the left unstable left to take up this position.

But this pretty boy is indeed very capable. He took a few people to the underground small world, and in more than half a month, he persuaded an ancient fairy city to join the Chu family as a whole.It was persuaded by words, and it didn't cost a single soldier. It was simply outrageous.

It is said to be an ancient fairy city, but the main population is still mortals.Although there are hundreds of thousands of monks, compared with the Chu family's tens of millions of monks, they are thin and pitiful.Besides, these hundreds of thousands of monks are not under the command of the same force.They just lived together in some ancient fairy city.

It is said that the entire city of Immortals surrendered to the Chu family.

Tao Hua and Chu Shinian were both happier.I thought that Chu Yanqi's face was quite valuable.One face is exchanged for a fairy city.

The key is that you don't have to take the initiative to settle the payment, leaving too much money for the Chu family.

It took Taohua and Chu Shinian more than an hour to teleport to this fairy city through the teleportation array that was just linked together.

This is the ancient fairy city closest to Taohua they discovered the exit.

After the teleportation hall in the city and the teleportation formation outside, some monks rushed into the teleportation formation eagerly, and teleported towards Chu's territory.After going out, they can choose to leave the Chu family to develop independently, or they can choose to join the Chu family.

Most of them chose to join the Chu family, but nearly one-third of the monks chose to develop independently.

In addition, a large number of mortals are packing up their things. They have received orders that they will move out of this small world as a whole and return to the main world for development.This little world is about to die.

Ordinary people are not like monks. They have a deep misunderstanding of the demise of the small world, and they all think that the small world is about to collapse, so they pack up their things and leave quickly.If it weren't for the Chu family's regulations on how many people leave in a day, and the people who leave that block, these mortals would probably have to fight over the date before and after they left.

In order to be able to leave as soon as possible, these mortals are looking for someone to find a way like crazy.

Whether it works or not, try it.

It's a pity that the monks of the Chu family and the servants who came down are not easy to buy.Encounter particularly shameless weirdos, those who block people in the street to sell their daughters, and those who let their daughter-in-laws, or choose their own sex.

Almost every one of them was given a severe lesson.

Those who don't have time to teach them a lesson now, wait until the main world, and there will be a lot of servants and officials of the Chu family to clean them up.

The Chu family is very strict in terms of officials' requirements.If you make a mistake, it will definitely affect your promotion.

(End of this chapter)

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