Chapter 781
"A strange scarlet aurora. It always appears in the middle of the night. It has appeared for three consecutive days..." Taohua thought about it carefully and recalled it, and immediately understood what it was.

She found out all the relevant secret reports, and then drew a simple map of the continents and oceans.

"Taohua, do you have any thoughts in your mind?" Chu Shinian was also watching. "Why doesn't this strange sign seem like a good thing to me?"

"This should be the foul wind in the legend." Tao Hua said.

Following her, she sighed and said, "I really didn't expect that the foul wind would be lifted so early."

"What do you mean?" Chu Shinian asked puzzled.

"In order to exercise the potential of hammering the prototypes of Lingshan, when the number of prototypes of Lingshan reaches a certain amount, the world will rain down the evil wind. The evil wind is responsible for beating and training the spirit veins to continuously advance and finally enter the Lingshan Mountain. It is also a kind of disaster that Lingshan must experience. "Peach Blossom said.

"That weird phenomenon is actually aimed at our family's third-order spiritual vein?" Chu Shinian asked.

"No, the filthy wind is a temper for the spiritual veins, and it is a catastrophe for the world where the spiritual veins are unexpected. It can corrupt all spiritual and ordinary plants, turn the forest into a desert, and make the spiritual energy in the soil sink instead of rising. The fertile fields on the hills have become barren.

Do you know the Wanji Mountain Range?
That is a place that has been eroded by the foul wind for many years.Up to now, only some weird plants can grow, and even weird plants are very rare. "

The Wanji Mountain Range is a dead place like a tomb.

"Then what about our many islands in the sea and territories on land?" Chu Shinian frowned. "I'm not worried about the places protected by the third-order spiritual veins, nor the islands on the sea. There are underground spiritual veins and guardian formations there.

I am worried about the section from our place to Longshanfang City through the Great Northwest Wilderness. Although there are spiritual veins in those places, not all spiritual fields are under the protection of spiritual veins.And can Lingmai really withstand the foul wind? "Chu Shinian asked with an unusually serious expression.

"That depends on the level of the foul wind." Tao Hua also said helplessly, "The higher the level of the foul wind, the greater the effect of destroying the spiritual veins. But the high-level foul wind will not last long. Moreover, the dirty wind market is accompanied by heavy rain, hail, and blizzard.

It's almost impossible to guard against. "

"Will it affect the human body?" Chu Shinian asked.

"Yes, being directly eroded by the filthy wind will reduce your lifespan and make you sick and weak." Tao Hua said.

"That's really troublesome." Chu Shinian said unexpectedly depressed.

Hoo hoo... Brother Chun fell asleep like a piggy.

Even the sound of his parents talking didn't wake him up.

Taohua covered Brother Chun with a small quilt, and then carried him to the cubicle for the nanny to take with him.She came back and continued to discuss with Chu Shinian, "Having a magic robe should reduce the damage of the dirty wind to the human body."

"The common people are too proficient to make so many magic robes," Chu Shinian said.

"How about we produce drawings and release materials for everyone to do. How much will we pay for a set?"

"This is an impossible solution, but I'm afraid it's too late. If the bad wind comes within a few days, why bother? It will definitely be blown." Chu Shinian said.

"Order the workshops all over the place to temporarily put down other things and change to robes."

Chu Shinian shook his head, "There are a lot of orders from workshops in various places, and it is a trouble if they can't complete the orders. Besides, if there are only a few days, it will be too late to use up all the workshops."

Tao Hua also frowned and thought deeply.

The key is that everyone was unprepared and did not expect that the foul wind would come so early in advance.

Could it be that this time the Three Realms merged, besides the Yun'an Continent, a large number of prototypes of Lingshan Mountains also appeared in other continents?Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why the filthy wind came in advance.

"Let's inform you about the dangers of the dirty wind in advance. If it's really not possible, it's fine if you keep the people, but it's fine if you don't keep the land." Tao Hua said.

Chu Shinian also nodded.

Although both husband and wife are a little bit pained.

In the Great Northwest Wilderness, the husband and wife quietly reclaimed the wasteland, and indeed a lot of spiritual fields were reclaimed.Unlucky and unlucky, the bad wind is coming.

"We have arranged dozens of first-level spiritual veins and one second-level spiritual vein over there, which should be able to preserve most of the spiritual fields." Tao Hua frowned.

There will definitely be losses, but I don't know how big the loss will be due to the foul wind.

As soon as the news of the dirty wind came out, it immediately caused intense turmoil in the six northwestern prefectures.Many people with their families want to move into the city for refuge.There are also more people rushing to Chu's territory day and night.

Who let the Chu family's territory even have spiritual veins and formations to guard even the small villages.

And those forces and people who really couldn't find a place to hide nearby came up with the method of digging holes.Dig a deep hole somewhere in or outside your house.Once the feeling is not high and there is a foul wind coming, just go straight into the hole.Wait until the foul wind is gone before going out.

Five or six days later, during these five or six days, the Chu clan was frantically publicizing the knowledge of avoiding the foul wind, and then they tried their best to tidy up their spiritual fields, elixir gardens and so on.If it doesn't work, it will be harvested.

If you can't harvest, just give up.Or put it into the formation disk, and the opponent has a lot of spirit stones around the formation disk, hoping that this way can keep their own spirit field.

As soon as they moved, the surrounding affiliated in-laws, small clans, small forces, etc. also took action.

On this day, it started to rain heavily from the evening, and when the heavy rain came, everyone felt bad.Dharma robes, those who have not opened their defenses among the dharma robes, can feel that puffs of coldness and darkness almost pervasively penetrating into the body.

Even though the defensive formation was activated, the rain outside felt extremely cold, and it felt like a needle pricked him when it touched his body.

If they were not wearing cassocks or cassocks, the mortals in every household would huddle together and still feel cold.

Not only the people are cold, but the animals are also cold, and they all hid in the deep caves in the mountains.

The guards of the Chu family all have magic robes. They wear two layers of magic robes inside, and they are in charge of the common places on nights when the bad wind comes. mortal family.Lest they really freeze out of trouble.

After taking Sanyang soup, there shouldn't be any problem if you stick to it for one night.

The torrential rain fell for three whole days, and the foul wind always came at night, but it became weaker every day.Finally, the rainstorm stopped, and the foul wind disappeared.

Everyone walked out of the house again, their noses could smell the faint fishy smell in the air.

Many people persisted for three days, and their spirits were listless.As soon as they came out, they found that the spiritual plants in the protective array outside were also wilting.Fu Lingzhi rushed in to check, and found that although the Lingzhis were a little sluggish, this sluggishness can still be recovered.

(End of this chapter)

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