The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 782 The family library is the little vest of the inner library

Chapter 782 The family library is the little vest of the inner library
If the spiritual plants under the double protection of spiritual veins and formations are sluggish, then in the forest without the protection of spiritual veins and formations, it is full of mourning.Not only a large number of big and small beasts and monsters turned into dry bones, but also many low shrubs and vines and flowers directly turned into black rot.

Even the tall giant trees are dying, and the giants continue to collapse on the mountains, and then quickly decay into black mud.Black has become the main color of some hilltops. The key is that with some of these black substances, it is difficult to see the aura rising from the earth.

It is now June of the 13th year of Yuanwu, and the crops planted in many farmlands are half grown.This filth was all ruined.Countless people cried unceasingly. They not only cried for future hunger, but what was even more difficult was that the soil was covered with a layer of black, and they had to be cleaned up.

Moreover, the normal filth was not spared because everyone hid in caves and cellars. The weak and good people and children also left everyone forever after this filth.

Even if it is the territory of the Chu family, with decoctions, spirit veins and formations to protect it, nearly 5.00% of the old and young have left.

There are funerals everywhere in villages, towns and cities.

When the sun was shining high, the influence of the foul wind completely dissipated in the air.

Chu Shinian and Taohua immediately separated and searched everywhere.In addition to them, there were also the deputy commander of the extremely dark guards of the Chu family, the chief officers of You Xianwei and Sea Patrol Guards, and the heads of the various divisions, who worked left and right and set off one after another.

Brother Chun is clinging to her, and Taohua has to take her and the nanny away with her.She is in charge of the part of the Great Wasteland from Chu's house to Longshanfang City, which is the section of the Great Wasteland that is a branch of the Tianshui River.Chu Shinian went directly to the sea.

Every time Taohua went to a place, she directly left the nanny and brother Chun in a safe place, and wore a mask to patrol the various places as the head of the family.

All kinds of bad news continued along the way.

Many spiritual fields far away from the river bank were almost completely destroyed.I warned them that they had to install the protective formation when they opened up the wasteland, but some people always ignored it.As a result, it is all right now, and years of hard work have paid off.

What's the use of kneeling in front of her one by one?

Taohua suddenly felt angry, had a toothache, and her face also hurt.She flipped through the lost Lingtian data.

"Notify the staff department to deal with this group of guys who have neglected their duties and concealed reports from the family."

"Patriarch, please forgive me."

"Subordinates have hard work even if they don't have credit. Please forgive this subordinate for the sake of the family's contribution to the family a few years ago."

"Patriarch... Patriarch..."

Many kneeling men, big and small, immediately shouted for mercy, or shouted for injustice.

They all made Taohua angry.

"All of you are not blind. Those spiritual fields are right under your noses. Don't you know if there is a protective formation? Do you think I'm stupid?"

A group of kneeling men fell silent.

"I got all the spiritual veins for you, and I asked you to build a formation. Why? It's not because I knew there would be a bad wind, so I arranged it in advance. You violated my orders and deliberately opened up wasteland for the sake of political achievements. If you don’t arrange formations, and you don’t report them, why?”

A group of men bowed their heads guiltily.

"There is not enough manpower at the moment."

"You don't have enough manpower, do you want to apply?" Tao Hua said indifferently.

"For a while, we thought that there were so many family projects and so many important projects, so we thought that we should spend more time to solve them by ourselves."

"Without array mages, we can recruit more earth masters, and without craftsmen, we can train more. When did the family lack your array mages, earth masters, and craftsmen?" Facing the patriarch's cold questioning, none of the people kneeling below dared Out of anger.

"You guys really let me down. Everyone thinks they are extremely smart, and they play tricks on others. I hate such subordinates the most." In her previous life, Zhu Yongnian was the one she hated the most.

"All the officials were taken away by me and dragged down. All the chief officials involved were dismissed on the spot. Personnel were dispatched from other departments to take over. But all responsible officials were dealt with according to family rules."

"Here." A group of soldiers from Youxianwei rushed in and dragged away a group of kneeling men like dead dogs.

"Send people to resettle those spiritual fields, clean up the layer of black impurities on the surface of the ground, dig down and dig directly to the place where the spiritual energy rises in the ground. Then rearrange the formation, together with the spiritual veins. The first-level spiritual No less than 1 yuan of spirit stones must be added to the pulse after being tempered by the dirty wind. No less than 3 yuan of spirit stones must be added to the second-order spirit vein." The dark guard who followed immediately took orders to wear the order .

This order is transferred back to the Xianyang headquarters, and there will be someone there to sort out and formulate specific sets of various orders.

The patriarch's inspections, of course, went all the way, and some people lost their positions along the way. It was just that there were omissions and under-reported imaginations in the reclamation of the spiritual fields, which caused the family as a whole to lose nearly [-] mu of spiritual fields.Of course, there are hundreds of people who lost their positions.

Almost all branches were punished and demoted by the family and transferred to more difficult places to open up wasteland.

The branch patriarchs of the major branches were even called to scold by the Patriarch, and they were all ashamed.

The power of the fusion of the three worlds has become stronger, and it is its original intention to make wind and rain. How can you enjoy it with peace of mind?Really much, think too much.

The head of the family kicked off a pair of family officials, and then called the parents of the various branches to scold them. The scolding made everyone feel ashamed, and the whole family immediately moved.While cleaning up the dirty mess, officials from all over the country rushed to make up for the shortcomings.

Anything that the head of the family explained was not completed, or only half completed, and they started to rush to work.If no one has no money, hurry up and apply to the superior.One by one the actions are fast.

Soon the household registration department ran out of Lingshi inventory.

"They actually applied for more than two million spirit stones within a few days. Go and check to see if there is a legitimate reason and if there is any embezzlement." Taohua told the secret guards to do things again.

"How to pay for the spiritual stones in the family treasury? The household registration department said that if all the applications are approved, the spiritual stones in the clan treasury will be exhausted in less than two months. The most important thing is that the spiritual veins from various places pass through this Due to the influence of the bad wind, they all applied for supplementary spirit stones. This is really a large number, and the people from the household registration department said that it is impossible for them to earn so many spirit stones in a short period of time even if they are bald."

"Tell them that the spiritual stones replenished by the spiritual veins from various places will come out from the internal treasury, and they will not be accounted for. In another month, the internal treasury will distribute 500 million spiritual stones to them."

A certain hidden guard heard this, and immediately remembered what Chu Ziyan, the deputy commander of the family, had said, that the clan treasury is the little vest of the inner treasury.

(End of this chapter)

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