The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 783 Underground Dark Market

Chapter 783 Underground Dark Market
No one knows how much treasure there is in the inner library, only that it can never be spent.But the spirit stones in the family treasury are always spent, and the treasury is full of rats.

This has been even more so since the Patriarch took office.As long as she presides over the affairs, the various spirit stones and property needed are never insufficient.

It is simply the god of wealth.


"You make everyone work harder, hurry up and finish the follow-up effects of the dirty wind, the dirty wind is just the beginning, and there will be more troubles in the future." Tao Hua said.Starting from the foul wind, the merged world will begin to reveal various mighty powers.

At that time, the forces in the upper realm will be as miserable as they are.Surviving to the end depends on everyone's hard work and luck.

The performance of the Chu family in the previous life during this period was simply embarrassing.

Taohua deeply felt that Chu's ability to become a power in the end had a deep connection with her continuous adventures.

If she didn't have so many adventures, the Chu family would have died long ago with a group of prodigals like the Chu family holding her back.

"Patriarch, Zhang Yufan sent you a letter." This time another secret guard delivered a superstitious letter to Taohua.

Taohua opened the letter, and saw that there were many questions Fan Zeng had confirmed to Taohua about the influence of the dirty wind, such as whether the dirty wind would appear frequently in the future, how much land could be recovered from the dirty wind impression, and can it continue to grow spiritual food? ?
And many more related questions...

The corners of Taohua's mouth hooked up. "Let people secretly pay attention to Fan Zeng's movements. He may have regretted it and doesn't want to continue to manage Zhang Yu."

"Yes." The secret guard who delivered the letter hurriedly sent another order.

"If the Patriarch has no other orders, then the subordinate will also leave." Another hidden guard also said.

"Okay, you go." This one also left.

Taohua continued to inspect and found Longshanfang City all the way. Almost all the Longlin Fields here have arrays, and the loss of Lingtian is not big.But there are also some people who feel that they can't afford it. If the filthy wind often happens in the future, everyone can't hold it.

Therefore, there are many people who quit the lease immediately, or plan to sell the Dragon Scale Land in their hands.

After hearing this report, Taohua told Zhu Kangnian bluntly, if there is a move, you will buy it.

Zhu Kangnian frowned when he heard this. "Patriarch, we have more than 3000 first-order spiritual veins, more than 100 second-order spiritual veins, and one third-level spiritual vein. Every time the dirty wind hits, we need to replenish a lot of spiritual stones. We often do this. We all have to go bankrupt ourselves first.

Why do you let me buy a large number of spiritual lands in Dragonscale Land? "

"Your vision is shallow. You look at the Wanji Mountains, which have no vitality yet, and you look at the barren and dilapidated Heiman Mountains in the north. Do you think that the influence of my dirty wind will only be affected by these two points?
When the foul wind lasts for a long time, those small forces and small sects will all be dilapidated and damaged.Otherwise, they would have to move into the spiritual land under the protection of the powerful forces to survive.

At that time, whoever has more spiritual veins and spiritual lands will have more right to speak.Whoever is more powerful. "

It was only then that Zhu Kangnian came to his senses.

"But will our family be able to persist until then?" You must know that it is quite difficult to keep so many spiritual veins and spiritual lands.

"Being tempered by the foul wind, as long as the spirit land does not die, most of them will be promoted to miniature spiritual veins, or small spiritual veins, that is, first-order spiritual veins. And the first-order spiritual veins and the second-level spiritual veins, after many times of tempering Afterwards, the regional ability against the foul wind will continue to increase. With their ability to resist, the spirit stones we need to replenish will gradually decrease. Besides, although we need a lot of low-level spirit stones, our family produces all kinds of high-level crystal stones. These crystals can replace spirit stones to supply spirit veins everywhere.

Besides, we can also buy a large number of crystals from the heavy sea beast. "

"Is it possible to buy crystals from sea beasts?" Zhu Kangnian asked puzzled.

"There are too many spars of all kinds in the deep sea. They may pick up some high-grade spars when they swim casually on the bottom of the sea. The ones they don't need are used to exchange various cultivation resources on the road with us, such as spirit fruits of various attributes. They are still very willing." After all, no matter whether it is human beings or monsters, they are willing to exchange the various resources at hand for their own powerful roots.

Only when you are strong can you survive to fight for more resources.

The key is that all kinds of crystals are not easy to absorb. Where there are spiritual fruits, you can eat whatever you want, and you don't need to worry about the side effects of erysipelas and halving the efficacy of the medicine.

So from the point of view of sea beasts, they are more willing to trade spirit fruits with humans.

As for the other deep-sea humans, they frequently follow the opportunity of trading to exchange all kinds of items they urgently need. The scale of the Chu family's trade with the deep sea is getting bigger and bigger, and it is gradually catching up with the Chu family's fleet trading with the Beiming Continent by sea. total amount.

Only then can we look at the trade volume of one transaction point on one Guangle reef.

Because a trading point was set up here, many weak sea beast groups simply attached to those powerful sea beast groups, willing to be their watchdogs, and lived directly near Guangle Reef.This is what led to the abundance of various species near Guangle Reef, which was originally very desolate.

When the sea water is clear, you can see all kinds of colorful fish and various aquatic creatures playing in the sea water.

The Chu family's big boat that travels here often has people fishing and other spiritual things here, but everyone knows that once the other party speaks or is weird, they have to be released to others.Maybe it was the kid from the sea beast group who was dropped up by mistake.

In order to avoid troubles, we all don't eat this kind of trouble.

The sea beasts over there will also tell how the old beasts and their cubs avoid the bait of humans.Even if you are caught, you must quickly explain your identity.Save others really cook for you.

There are also those who are too unlucky, have too bad mouth and talk too arrogantly, so they will be eaten as hostile forces.

Anyway, the Chu family just didn't want to take the initiative to cause trouble, not really afraid of trouble.

"We buy all kinds of seafood from Guanglejiao, and we still want to rarely flow to Longshanfang City?" Zhu Kangnian asked after thinking about it.

"It can't flow here, it's easy to be discovered by outsiders. Those things have been eaten by those forces in the underground dark market." Taohua said.

"Those people are here again?" Zhu Kangnian asked in surprise.

"That's right, they are very powerful. They organized the underground dark market. They also ate up a lot of resources that our Chu family was inconvenient to sell." Taohua said.

"Such forces are a bit dangerous." Zhu Kangnian couldn't help reminding.

"I know, maybe someone will knock him out someday." Tao Hua said indifferently.People who can organize a mainland-level underground dark market are definitely powerful people, but they develop too fast, the forces and personnel involved are too complicated, and their ability to resist risks is too poor.Just like the Longshanfang City back then, if she hadn't made up for it many times, Longshan wouldn't have been able to last that long in her previous life.

(End of this chapter)

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