The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 784 The Dragonscale Land with Problems

Chapter 784 The Dragonscale Land with Problems
In fact, a single faction, nine times out of ten, couldn't afford a continent-level city like a gold-throwing behemoth in the early stage.

Longshanfang City is just a trick, taking advantage of the time.

If you miss that time period, Taohua can't afford it.Even if this market is rolled out again, it will take a lot of resources and manpower.

In fact, apart from Longshan Fang City, there are also many forces on the main road who want to form a large mainland-level Fang City similar to Longshan Fang City.The problem is that they have no convenient and safe shipping lanes to connect merchants from other continents.Second, I can't afford it.

The entire Longshanfang City is now built on the mountain, with a second-order spirit vein and a large area of ​​panspiritual dragon scale land spirit land area on the tail of the spirit vein.

The Longlin Land allows the entire Longshanfang City to be self-sufficient in terms of food, drink and consumption.The second-order spiritual veins can support the entire defensive formation of Longshan.

With these two items, many mainland-level forces were directly thrown away.

Even though many forces have built Fangshi, the scale is not small, even larger than that of Longshan Fangshi, but it is also a regional Fangshi, which is incomparable with Longshan's trade status.Although it looks very prosperous, it is completely incomparable with the huge amount of goods sold every day in Longshan.

But everyone can build one for self-entertainment, and at any rate, they can make a boom in the area.

But people mentioned that the most prosperous mainland-level Fangshi in Yun'an Continent is Longshan.

Zhu Kangnian thought for a while, but still cautiously reminded Tao Huadao, "The Patriarch should be careful, what if they get involved?"

"We buy and sell things in the dark market quickly and easily. There is no prepayment or reservation. There is no chance for them to delay the payment. Just deal like this, and there is little possibility of being implicated." Taohua explained to him.

Zhu Kangnian nodded in agreement. "How to do it."

"In short, if they don't follow the rules, we won't trade offline." Taohua laughed. "It's not like I haven't done offline transactions with them before. This dark market has existed for a long time, and there have been many problems during the period. As long as there is a problem with them, we will stop trading. What are you waiting for them? We will resume our business with them only when we have settled our internal affairs and continue to seek us for business.”

The longest transaction with the dark market has been suspended for more than 60 years.

Before Taohua took over as the head of the family, although the Chu family had a nominal direct line head, the transactions with the dark market were sporadic.Just think of it as an additional transaction channel.This dark market was re-developed in the hands of Taohua.

"That's all right, Patriarch, I still have millions of spirit stones stored here, if you need them, you can ask someone to get them." Zhu Kangnian said.

"Okay. Longshanfang City is not suitable for storing too many spirit stones." Taohua said.

Zhu Kangnian nodded in agreement.Once the spirit stone basement in Longshanfang City stored more than 500 million spirit stones, he could feel the spirit veins under his feet ready to move, and it wanted to devour those spirit stones.

"Patriarch, I think our spirit veins under Longshan Mountain are a bit too active. I have felt that it wants to devour the huge amount of spirit stones we have stored in the basement several times."

"This spiritual vein was the earliest to recover, but because of its large size, it was fully recovered late. This should be a spiritual vein that was born with spirituality earlier. We cannot provide it with a large number of spiritual stones now. For it to recover quickly. Once it is fully recovered, it will be the first and second, and the guest will take the lead. Our family still has to do its best to assist the five elements with the strongest foundation to advance.

As long as it advances to the sixth level in advance, the other spirit veins, no matter how old they are, will not be a problem if they are completely revived. "Taohua continued to explain to Zhu Kangnian.

"I see." Zhu Kangnian finally understood this time.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" Taohua asked.

"One more thing." Zhu Kangnian said.

"Oh, tell me."

"It's just that there seems to be some problems in Longlin Land." Zhu Kangnian said with a frown. "But the problem is not too big. Even though in some places, the spiritual land is steadily upgrading, in some places, the spiritual land does not upgrade but declines.

It's not like when the dragon scale land was just built, the level of the entire regional spiritual land is almost the same.

In addition, due to the family turmoil last time and the impact of this filthy wind, many people who bought the spiritual land at Longlin Land sold the spiritual land back to us. "

"It should be that there is a problem with the underground formation in Dragonscale Land. Have you shown it to the formation masters?"

"The earth masters have come to see it. They say they can't see what's wrong. You see, this is the blueprint drawn by the formation masters. This is the blueprint drawn by the earth masters after surveying. They say they can't see it. Nothing. question.

Let's adjust the formation a little bit, but after the changes, it's still the same old problem, with little improvement. "

"Okay, you put down the drawing, and I'll go and have a look at it myself."

After hearing this, Zhu Kangnian immediately put down the drawing. "Then I have no other questions."

"Then you go back to work." Taohua sent Zhu Kangnian away, and went back to the inner room to feed Brother Chun who had woken up, and then went out for a walk with him in her arms, and re-examined the drawings she had written down.

After Brother Chun fell asleep, Taohua handed her over to the nannies to take care of her, and went out again by herself.

Then she continued to think and examine carefully in the interval between brother Chun's waking up and looking for someone.It was only at last that she discovered the problem. "It turned out to be a problem with the leylines. In such a deep place, there is actually an extra leyline passing obliquely.

Talk about me! "

Finding the problem, how to solve it is not an easy task.

Ah woo, ah woo, wow...Brother Chun started howling again.Tao Hua thought depressedly, she really regretted giving birth to him now.

Well, this depressed feeling dissipated in Brother Chun's toothless giggle as soon as he was hugged by her.

Well, since the son was born, he had to be raised while kneeling.

In fact, Brother Chun doesn't care if his mother is busy or not, if he likes to play with him at any time, anyway, it's good that his mother will play with him when he opens his eyes.

Brother Chun, who is two months old, is growing in the direction of the little piggy.The fleshy little hands and feet are full of energy.And every time this kid wakes up, he is very energetic, his big round eyes are staring at people, but he is focused.

No matter young or old, anyone who is watched by him has a feeling that their souls will be sprouted.

Wuwuwu, oh oh oh, brother Chun, who is two months old, will also make various sounds on his own initiative, which sounds like singing and talking.

"Brother Chun, what are you talking about?" Tao Hua was thinking very curiously at this time.


"Little naughty, little naughty." Just as Taohua wanted to put Brother Chun down, the boy started howling.Taohua hugged him again speechlessly.Brother Chun immediately stopped crying.The small eyes are looking at Taohua with a very innocent look, as if saying that you dare to let me go!

(End of this chapter)

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