Chapter 785
Taohua looked at her son for a while, then took out a small red ball and dangled it in front of her brother Chun.It caused Brother Chun to stretch out his little hand to grab it, and Taohua immediately avoided it.Wait until the little guy puts his hand down, and then take out the ball to tease him.

When the little guy was completely attracted by the ball, she put Brother Chun on the crib and continued to tease him with the ball.After playing for a while, the little ball can't attract the little guy, so I change it to a small wooden horse, and then a little duck.When the little guy was tired from playing, he patted his little quilt lightly, and the little guy really fell asleep in seconds.

Taohua greeted the nanny and continued to look at her little guy.Then leave quietly.

Look, it's okay not to hug.

Just as Taohua conceived the plan to transform Longlin Land all night, Chu Shinian dared to come back from the sea wearing stars and moons.As soon as he came back, he hurriedly washed and changed his clothes and came to look for his wife and son.

It happened that my wife was sleepy, so she just slept on the table.

My little guy slept soundly with the nannies next door.

"Are you back?" Chu Shinian picked up Taohua, intending to gently send her to the bed.As a result, she woke up with a start.

"Yes. If you're tired, go to bed first." Chu Shinian said with a smile.

"Mmm." Tao Hua nestled in Chu Shinian's arms and changed a comfortable position.

Chu Shinian's smile deepened.Even though they have been married for several years, once Chu Shinian sleeps out at night, he is often awakened by nightmares, in which he sees Taohua marrying someone else with his own eyes, which drives him almost crazy.

I don't know what this kind of nightmare foretells or reminds him?
Chu Shinian collected a lot of information about the upper world, that is, the Great World of Shenting.Let’s be honest, sometimes knowing more about you can be more stressful.

The development of that world is too prosperous, and it is almost impossible for their native world to compete.No wonder countless large and small worlds have been annexed through wars over the years.

When Taohua woke up the second time, she found that Chu Shinian was hugging herself tightly again, as if a big snake was wrapped around her body.

Every time Chu Shinian came back from a business trip, he always had to go out like this.

"Chu Shinian..."

I heard Taohua's low and angry voice.Chu Shinian forced his eyes to let go of his wife, but when she wanted to leave, he still said that she had been dragged back and had been gone for many days, so naturally he had to have fun as a couple in time.

So when the young couple got up, Brother Chun was already blushing from crying with grief and anger.No matter how many times I cried, my mother didn't show up.

Tao Hua directly threw the little guy to Chu Shinian who still had dark circles under his eyes.

"You take him today."

Chu Shinian and the fat son were left staring wide-eyed.There were still tears on the fat boy's cheeks.

I don't know how Chu Shinian took it, anyway, Taohua was very leisurely this day, and he was not called back by the fat boy after a while.So the mind springs up, and the reconstruction plan is quickly completed.

This reconstruction plan was quickly taken away by Zhu Kangnian.

He and other geologists, array masters, and craftsmen continued to study how to break down the reconstruction plan.

"It turns out that there is a deep east-west leyline here." A geologist said in amazement. "We should survey this position more, but I didn't expect it at the time."

"The Patriarch is amazing. No wonder the aura fluctuates so much in this place. If it is from the ground veins, then there is an explanation."

"Then why is there a thin area of ​​spiritual energy here?" A formation master pointed to a small area and asked.

"It should be that the concentration of spiritual energy around the ground veins is not consistent. The ground veins actually bring out a series of spiritual vein networks. Some nearby points of spiritual energy are too rich, which will cause a certain area to be hollow." A geologist said.

"How about we go to investigate some more, and then come back and study the transformation plan."

"Go together, go together."

"Okay, let's go."

"Brother Xu, let's go, we just re-surveyed those questionable points."

"Okay, wait for me to get the tools."

"Let's go."

A group of earth masters, formation masters, and craftsmen walked away shoulder to shoulder, leaving Zhu Kangnian behind.

Zhu Kangnian's nose was almost crooked, "What do you mean? I'm leaving now? Didn't I invite them to do the task? Why did I leave like that?"

The confidants around Zhu Kangnian couldn't help laughing and said, "The design drawings given by the owner of this kind are not enough for the land masters and formation masters to re-verify where they need to be used quickly. Didn't you see that the owner wrote in small letters on it?" up.

So if you arrange the work directly, the masters will not be happy. "

Zhu Kangnian rolled his eyes speechlessly, "There is a problem with their own survey, and the Patriarch has given a plan, so just fix it."

"Boss, you can't do it like this. A large project like this must go through multiple verifications." His confidant directly rolled his eyes at him. "Boss, you can't just know how to make money, you also have to know how to do engineering."

"Get out." Zhu Kangnian spit at him angrily.

"Okay, let me know when they verify the drawings and improve them."

"That's right." The little boy said with a grin.

"Fangzhu, many people have gathered in the lobby of the service area, and they are making a lot of noise asking you to go out to meet them." A sergeant came over to report.

"Do you know the reason?" Zhu Kangnian asked with a puzzled frown.

"I heard that Dragonscale Land is going to be rebuilt again. After this reconstruction, all the spirit lands in Dragonscale Land will be upgraded again. Those who sold the spirit land of Dragonscale Land to us earlier disagreed again. They want Buy back the spiritual land over there at the original price."

"If this is the case, I won't come forward. You go and tell them, what good things are you thinking of? When we finish the renovation of the Dragon Scale Land, they will buy it at ten times the original price, and my family will not sell it. "Zhu Kangnian immediately said arrogantly.

The little sergeant immediately widened his eyes when he heard this, "Among those people are members of our clan, and some are elders of the clan."

"Even if the Grand Commander Chu Shinian's father is here, it won't work. You just go back and talk about it."

As soon as Zhu Kangnian finished speaking, he felt something was wrong. For some reason, he suddenly felt a gust of cold wind blowing on his neck, so he looked back and saw Chu Shinian holding his Bao'er, looking at him with a half-smile. What about him?

Zhu Kangnian looked at him with a guilty conscience. "The Great Commander."

"The commander-in-chief's father, do you know him?" Chu Shinian asked with a half-smile.

Zhu Kangnian: "..."

"This is not an example." Chu Shinian continued walking past him with his son in his arms.

Zhu Kangnian hurriedly nodded his little head like a chicken pecking at rice, he was so guilty.

And those guys outside who heard the message, not only refused to leave, but also cursed one after another.Zhu Kangnian, you bastard, vicious, vicious, stupid, etc... you keep hitting him on the head.

(End of this chapter)

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