Chapter 786
The farce in Longshanfang City finally attracted the attention of some foreign merchants, and some people asked the local friends around them puzzledly, "Since the filth has appeared, it will be a problem to keep the Lingmai itself. Everyone knows that it is not appropriate to hold it in your hands at this time." There are too many spiritual lands. After all, everyone has limited spiritual stones. No one can invest unlimited spiritual stones into the protective formation of spiritual lands. Then why did those people want to rebuild the Dragon Scale Land when they heard about the Chu family? How about the spiritual land over there rushing back to repurchase the spiritual land over there?"

"You are right. But you are an outsider and don't know the situation here. Our entire Fangshi here belongs to a monk family of the Chu family." His local friend took the initiative to introduce him. "It completely belongs to one family. Since other forces have participated in the shares, they don't participate in the management. The whole family is very special, and the whole family is particularly good at building large projects.

For example, building a large city, such as building a large square city, lifting the sea to build an island, building various resource holy places, and so on.

They even dared to dig mountains and open rivers, forcibly transforming a branch of the Tianshui River, allowing it to flow from the main channel of the Tianshui River, pass through a corner of the Northwest Wilderness, directly flow into the foot of Longshan Mountain, and then flow into the deep hole of the Wanji Mountain Range among.

It is said that there is a direct access to the sea. "

A foreign businessman was extremely astonished, "Can it still be so powerful?"

"It's your first time to come here. The Chu family has always been so awesome. We neighbors have always felt that we underestimate the Chu family." The little friend couldn't help but said enviously.

"Then what does this have to do with those people who sold their spiritual land and bought it back in a hurry?"

"It's a big deal. After the completion of each major project of the Chu family, the transformed place will have a qualitative leap. For example, the magma lake and the ground fire waterfall that their family forcibly snatched away. The Chu family directly took those On one side of the flame mountain, there is a waterfall of ground fire magma that continuously gushes magma into the flame lake, and then there are more large-scale formations, causing the area of ​​the flame mountain and the flame lake to continue to expand.

It is said that the area of ​​the flame lake at the beginning was only a few miles in radius, but now it has an area of ​​more than a hundred miles in radius, and its thickness has also increased a lot.In addition, the flaming mountain is also constantly rising.

The Flame Mountain over there is rich in various fire-attributed spirit stones and or fire-attributed spirit mines, spirit plants.

It can also provide special breakthrough training rooms of different levels for monks who practice fire attribute exercises.

The Flame Lake over there is also very powerful. The fire-attribute spirit stones and various special fire-attribute crystals produced can provide the Chu family with a huge income every year. "

The foreign merchants were a little speechless after hearing this and said, "So, those people think that after the reconstruction of the Chu family, the wealth of the spiritual land here must also increase greatly?"


"Then why don't I buy some? I've never bought spiritual land here, so I should be eligible?" the foreign businessman asked.

"You can find a time when there are few people to ask." The local friend said. "How about I take you to find someone to ask at night. I know a small steward of the Chu family."

"Then please." The foreign businessman was immediately excited.There is also such a good thing, his little partner this time is really good.

"You're welcome, you're welcome, let's get rich together." The local friend said with a smile.


The Chu family was busy for nearly two months before suppressing the influence of the dirty wind.But the harm of the foul wind to the earth, ocean and human beings has not ended.Many of the lands that have been eroded by the foul wind can no longer grow crops. If you want to grow crops again, you must dig out the black rotten soil layer above.

Some places are willing to dig the soil and replant food, while some places are simply abandoned.

After all, the members of the Chu family have worked so hard to dig out the soil one layer at a time, so that the soil for taking spiritual energy can reappear.This is not a small project. The larger the land area, the more resources will be consumed if they want to clean it all up.

Besides, where to send the excavated dirt is also a problem, and it will also affect it if it is placed near the spiritual field for a long time.Taohua directly dug it away and sent it to the Wanji Mountains.Other forces don't have so many places to send them.Can only think of a place to deal with.

Those places in the wilderness, where there are many monsters and beasts, have become the first choice for everyone.

Now that the common people in the Chu family's territory are comfortable, the Chu family has recently ramped up the recruitment of workers, especially the high-paying recruitment of short-term workers.

Digging, transporting, driving, repairing tools, etc., are constantly being recruited for various jobs.A job, if ordinary people do it, will be increased to sixty coppers a day.

Due to the large number of recruits and the high remuneration for recruiting, many workshops have temporarily experienced a labor shortage.Whether it was a permanent worker or a temporary worker, people ran to dig land for the Chu family.

Every night when the wages are settled, mountains of copper coins are transported to the construction site, and then they are all distributed quickly.

Because too many yellow and orange copper coins were issued, it caused inflation within the Chu family.

Originally, a large bundle of green vegetables cost one copper, but now it costs two coppers.

Fortunately, the upper echelons of the Chu Clan discovered it early and suppressed prices.

The sky was full of sunset that day, and in a certain prosperous small town in Longlin Land, Taohua walked beside Chu Shinian who was holding the baby, watching the people shopping with great interest all the way, sending all kinds of things to be mailed. Go home with new copper coins to buy things.

This young couple, together with the baby in Chu Shinian's arms, are growing so well that they are amazing at first sight, and they will never get tired of watching them.

While they were looking at others, they were also directly or secretly peeped by other common people.

"Sister, you look really good-looking." A chubby girl with missing teeth was held by her mother and walked past Taohua, and she couldn't help but praise the beautiful young lady.

Pfft, Peach Blossom can't help laughing. "It's okay, it's okay. You look so cute, little sister."

The little chubby girl's mother immediately smiled kindly at Taohua, and then took her little girl away.

Chu Shinian also had a doting smile on his face.

"Huh..." Taohua saw that at a booth not far away, a woman actually made two fluffy little gray rabbits the size of a child's fist.The rabbit's eyes are still made of special black small stones.Immediately rushed over.

"Sister, how do you sell this?" Taohua asked without blinking, pointing at the bunny that they made.

The lady who set up the stall suddenly smiled and said, "If you like it, I will take thirty coppers away."

"Farewell, sister, you are such a good crafter, you should still be a hundred coppers." Tao Hua picked up the two little fur rabbits and said happily.

(End of this chapter)

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