Chapter 787
"Where is it worth a hundred coppers? This is a little thing I made with rabbit fur at home." The young lady said shyly.

"But sister, you made it exquisitely, beautifully, and cutely." Tao Hua said as a matter of course.The main reason is that there is really nothing to say about this craftsmanship, this little rabbit is so vivid.Taohua hurriedly gave the copper to others, and then ran away with the little rabbit in her arms.

The lady couldn't help but smile, "Okay, thank you then."

Taohua took the little rabbit to Chu Shinian's side, and the little rabbit Duchun played with it.

Brother Chun is crazy by himself, if you don't tease him, he will live in peace, and if someone teases him, he will immediately laugh badly.Giggle... like a duckling.

"Brother Chun is good at everything else, why does he look so silly when he smiles?" Tao Hua was quite puzzled.

"It's okay to be stupid when you're young, but when you grow up, you'll be tricked a lot, and you'll get smarter." Chu Shinian said with special experience.

Ah poof.Even Taohua was teased by him.

"It's okay, even if you are a little stupid, mother still likes you." Tao Hua comforted her son.

Chu Shinian was speechless, how could he and Taohua's child be a fool?

Just when the young couple were teasing their son, a young lady in light yellow and a group of other young ladies stopped their way. "What's your name?" She looked straight at Chu Shinian.

A deep coldness quickly flashed across Chu Shinian's eyes.He didn't speak and looked at each other coldly, as if his little lady was a dead person.

The little lady shuddered suddenly, and subconsciously took a step back.

But she looked at Chu Shinian's face again, and immediately she was in a daze again, struggling to ask, "What's your name?"

"Get out!" Chu Shinian sent a word to the other party.

But Chu Shinian and his wife, who had just bypassed the three of them, were stopped by the three young ladies who were chasing them again.

"If you don't tell me your name, I won't let you go."

"Did you ask me about my husband's name?" Taohua asked with a smile.

"You said he was your husband? Then he is holding your son?" The little lady bit her lips and asked unwillingly.

"Yes." Peach Blossom is very straightforward. "Isn't that obvious?"

"I thought he was your brother."

"Ahem, how did you find out?" Tao Hua asked speechlessly, "How did you find out that he belongs to my brother? Could it be that the two of us have a special brother-sister resemblance?"

Chu Shinian looked at his wife speechlessly, what brother and sister look like?

Unwilling and tangled, the little lady said, "Then will you give him to me? I'll give you the money."

"Then how much do you think he is worth?" Taohua almost laughed, and asked immediately.

"Then how about I give you 100 yuan of spirit stones? This is the dowry money I saved. If you say give him to me, I will give you this spirit stone."

"Oh, sir, you are only worth a hundred spirit stones?" Tao Hua laughed uncontrollably.

"Do you think there are few? Then I will give me some more spirit stones when I go home." The little lady said.

"No, this is my husband, I like it very much, I can't give it to you." Tao Hua replied directly.The little lady was shocked immediately. "The mayor of my father's place, if you don't give him up to me, I will let my father kill you."

"You little lady, why are you so irritable? You rob someone's husband in the street, and even kill someone? Do you think that no one will care about you in the Chu family?" Taohua asked with a smile.

"What are you laughing at? I'm not joking with you. I just fell in love with him. If you really don't let me. I will really let my father kill you."

The expression on Taohua's face changed little by little, and finally became serious.

"Just because your father is the mayor? Can the mayor kill people here?"

"Have someone find out who the mayor of Wuyang Town is, and did he commit any murders in violation of discipline?" As soon as Chu Shinian explained, a hidden guard immediately appeared beside him, bowed down, and then disappeared again.

The little lady on the opposite side was dumbfounded.

"You... who are you?"

"Now you have to pray that what you said just now was just to scare me, you know? Then at most I will let your father teach you a lesson, don't be so irritable when you are a little lady, if your father really kills people casually, then your family will die It's gone." Tao Hua said to her very indifferently.Then she waved lightly.The three little ladies in front of them were all dragged away by the hidden guards hiding around them.

The three people were dragged away, and the young couple finally attracted the attention of many people around them. The young couple who didn't want to be monkeys wanted to return.

As a result, before he left the main street of the town, he was blocked by the sweaty middle-aged mayor.

As soon as the mayor came, he knelt down at Chu Shinian's feet with a plop. "Commander, please punish me, it's because I'm not strict with my daughter-in-law."

There was an uproar around.

The Grand Commander turned out to be the Grand Commander Chu Shinian.Then beside him is his wife Chu Taohua, and in her arms is his eldest son who is only a few months old.

"Follow the rules. Take care of yourself." Chu Shinian ignored the other party at all, and left with his wife and children.

The middle-aged mayor suddenly turned pale.

Although he didn't do any major murders, but he also had minor corruption. Sure enough, his daughter and little friend were sent back intact the next morning.But his position as mayor was taken away.The reason, of course, is corruption.

And it was his former enemy who took over his position.It was really bad luck.He has worked so hard for so long, and he is about to be promoted in a few months.

In the end, we had to change towns and start over from the grassroots.

"Let your mother quickly find someone for you. You must marry me this year."

After saying this, the former mayor left his daughter alone.

"Mother, save me, save me. I like the Grand Commander, Chu Shinian. Why can she, Chu Taohua, marry me, but I can't? I'm not bad looking?"

The little lady's mother followed suit and cried, "Yes, why, they are all little ladies of the same age, why should that Chu Taohua marry the commander-in-chief."

"Hurry up and shut up." The former mayor stared angrily. "It's not that you dote on your daughter too much, otherwise how could she say that kind of nonsense? How could I change from the mayor to the former mayor?
You continue to spoil her, and our whole family will be dragged down.

It doesn't matter who you like, but please keep a guard on your mouth, don't talk nonsense. "

His daughter looked at him timidly.

"Besides, you like the commander-in-chief, but others don't like you. Although your mother always said that you look good, it depends on who you compare with. Just like you, if you grab a lot in Xianyang City, the commander-in-chief can fancy you?
Be pragmatic, just find a suitable man and marry him. "

The words of the former mayor directly made his wife very angry.

(End of this chapter)

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