The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 788 New Tier 3 Refining Furnace

Chapter 788 New Third-Stage Refining Furnace
She always thought that her little lady would be able to match up with a young gentleman who had family background, ability, and good looks.

"What do you say about your daughter? Oh, I'm dead. Finding a gentleman is useless. I have to blame my little lady. What's wrong with our child? Isn't it because he has a good eye and fell in love with the commander? How come? In your mouth, it becomes a big evil."

"Stop messing around. If my daughter hadn't been used to being so ignorant, how could I lose my official position today? You should be glad that our family is the in-laws of the Chu family. Otherwise, your stupid girl would have offended our chief commander, and we The family may not be able to stay on the territory of the Chu family." The former mayor snorted coldly.

Hmph, none of them have any self-knowledge.

"Go, pack your things quickly. We are going to change places. This means that the Chu family is a family power. If we change it, we are doing things for the court of the Song Dynasty. If I offend the nobles, I will never expect to come out to be an official again in my life. , let alone start over." The former mayor saw it very clearly.

In fact, it is not because the Chu family is a family power, but mainly because the Chu family is expanding too fast and lacks talents.In addition, everyone is an old relative by marriage, so as long as there is not a huge amount of corruption, or betrayal of the family, or doing evil things that harm others.A small mistake is at most dismissal.

"Daddy, I'm sorry." The girl walked up to her father timidly and said humbly.

"Do you know where you went wrong?"

"Where did I go wrong?" The girl was very confused.

"Who do you like? Don't you come back and ask your parents to inquire about whether they have a wife and their family situation. Is it right for you to go up and ask for their names so recklessly?"

The girl fell silent.

"To put it bluntly, what's the difference between you and the color embryo who wants to see color?"

When the girl heard this, she burst into tears.

The man strokes the girl's head. "You are still young, and there is still a long way to go. If you make a mistake this time, you will be wrong. Don't be so reckless in the future. Come back and tell Dad who you like, and Dad will help you find out. If it is a good match, you will definitely help you. Don't just rely on your father's power to kill people at every turn.

Not only does your father not have that ability, but he would really do that and make the whole family die.Do you think your dad would actually do something like that? "

The girl cried louder.


It was a small incident in the town this evening. I didn't expect that within two days, there would be rumors from the outside world that Chu Shinian's wife was jealous and intolerable.He also said clearly that in a certain town, Chu Shinian fell in love with a certain young lady, but was severely punished by his wife.And kicked out that little lady's family.

Chu Shinian immediately had someone find the person who spread the rumors, and pulled out the other person's tongue.

The rumors stopped immediately.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to give something to his third uncle, Chu Junxia paid a special visit to his third uncle who had not been seen for many days.Chu Zifei became more energetic.The key is that the official department he is in charge of is specialized in managing the selection and deployment of officials from various places.

With such power in his hands, he is simply overwhelming.

"Third Uncle Zuan."

As soon as Chu Zifei saw him, he immediately pulled him up, and then pulled him with a smile to talk about the recent situation.Chu Junxia's errands have already entered the state, as long as you do it with your heart.

"Third Uncle, someone from Chuda sent me a letter again, saying that we are asking our direct descendants to wait for some good news. What do you think is going on?"

After talking about the recent situation, Chu Junxia hurriedly explained the main purpose of his visit.

When Chu Zifei heard this, his head hurt.

"Can't Chu Jungan and Chu Da calm down?"

"How do I know that?" Chu Junxia asked innocently.

"Is there any good in being a moth all the time?" Chu Zifei complained helplessly.

"Our Chu family recently kicked out a lot of clansmen, and I heard that they were all taken over there. I heard that there are delicious food and drink offerings. It's just that they didn't give property or anything. But they also said that they will arrange work." Chu Junxia Said while blinking his big innocent eyes.

"Listen to what they say, I can't support myself over there." Chu Zifei was also secretly concerned about that side.

Chu Junxia looked at his third uncle in surprise. "There are indeed some industries over there, but no matter how much those industries earn, they are not worth the more ruthless they are. Many times, the clansmen there rely on the resources that Chu Da asked from their masters to survive.

I don't believe that her master can take care of her for the rest of her life? "

"Why does Chu Da have to fight to the death with the main line here?" Chu Junxia was puzzled.

"Actually, people who belong to the main line have never wanted to reconcile with her. They despise her for being stupid and poisonous. It is probably because Chu Xi's death is related to her. The main line is not a fool. That little lady even has Chu Xi's half-sister If she dared to kill her, no one would be willing to reconcile with her.

Besides, she also worshiped an outsider as her master. "

No matter what it is, she is stepping on the bottom line of the main line, and probably no one in the main line is willing to reconcile with her.

Ever since Chu Shinian came to power, he had gathered a group of people.They no longer belong to any branch, and all of them have real power, and they hold high positions in the family.These people were classified into the main line.In order to be different from the former Dimai.

The current Patriarch is the person who drives these main lines to run the entire family.

Whoever is talented and who has entered the upper echelon of the family, as long as he is willing to join the main line, then he is a member of the main line.

This provides excellent opportunities for outstanding talents in many branches.

Who wouldn't want to be the mainline person?As long as you become the main line, your descendants will also be the main line people, and enjoy the various preferential treatment of the main line from birth.Of course, the main line is not so easy to advance, otherwise there would not be only a hundred or so people so far.

In nearly ten years, there were only a hundred or so members of the main line recognized by the outside world.It can be seen that the selection is strict.

"Third Uncle, what do you think she meant by the news she sent?"

"It's probably going to torment our Chu family again. I just don't know what kind of tricks those people from the upper realm have come up with." Chu Zifei said with a gloomy expression.

Just when Chu Junxia went to visit his third uncle, Taohua and Chu Shinian ran to Tishan City again.

After day and night research by the refiners, a new third-tier refiner was finally born.

This is a large purple-gold stove.

It is as high as the chest of an adult man.It has three huge purple-gold beast legs.From the inside to the outside, it is engraved with dense runes.

A batch of special crystals and ores can be used to produce twenty or thirty finished magic swords in less than half an hour.

"This output is not bad. I heard that those third-level refining furnaces brought down from the upper realm can only produce [-] or [-] low-level magic weapons in a day." Taohua said in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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