The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 789 Invention Right and Improved Elixir

Chapter 789 Invention Right and Improved Elixir
If it is changed to a second-tier refining furnace, even if it is a second-tier high-grade refining furnace, the output will only be fifty or sixty pieces a month.It's only been a few days since the top of the third-tier refining furnace.

"This batch of Zijin furnaces were third-tier mid-grade as soon as they were born. The owner, Chu Anguo, this old boy, really made a great contribution this time. If he hadn't improved the core formation at the last moment, our new furnaces would definitely reach the highest level. It’s less than a third-tier mid-tier.”

"What are you talking about? This is all thanks to everyone. It's because everyone designed the stove very well, otherwise I wouldn't be able to upgrade the stove to the third-tier middle-grade by changing a few symbols."

"Everyone has worked hard this time, and everyone has a share in the reward. Jinchen Yuye Pill, each person will be rewarded with three pills. As long as the aptitude is not too bad, it is enough for you to be promoted to the Purple Mansion Realm." Tao Hua said.

Hahaha... A group of craftsmen really laughed heartily at this time.

They are a group of refining masters, all of their skills are in refining, and they don't go out to sharpen their life and death, so they have no hope of almost breaking through the pill.Still have to have pills! !
If the family doesn't have enough pills to make them break through, there will be fewer and fewer craftsmen in the future.

Instead of the team growing stronger and stronger like it is now.


"What are you talking about, the Chu family has really mass-produced third-tier refining furnaces?" In less than a month, the Chu family quietly appeared on the stage, and the low-level refining furnaces made by various third-tier refining furnaces appeared on the market. .With its own cost reduced, the Chu family's refining products finally stopped losing money.

Many refining workshops affiliated to the Chu family have successively obtained third-tier mid-grade refining furnaces.As the Chu family produced a large number of third-stage refining furnaces, the original first-stage and second-stage refining furnaces were wholesaled to overseas merchants.

Only the refining apprentice can still use it if it is kept, and no one else can use it.So most of it was sold.

The Chu family shipped a large number of low-grade refining furnaces to the large ships of the sea merchants in Longshanfang City many times, which soon attracted all kinds of attention.

"Yes, Chu's really has its own third-tier refining furnace, and it's still middle-grade. The various low-level refining tools it produces are of good quality, and the quality is very stable. Their ore is still an asset, and it's the same as ours. We simply can't compete with them."

Many people from the upper realms reported the whole important news to their superiors.

So the Chu family's refining shop soon welcomed a small wave of people who bought new third-tier refining furnaces.

The third-stage refining furnace of the Chu family is rarely sold to the outside world because it needs to be equipped with their own family.Three pieces are also sold every ten days.

The big purple-gold stove is very eye-catching.Many people have seen the real thing, but only a few actually bought it.

Yang Xianzhi, Fu Luyi and the others were called together again, this time Fu Zhongyu came in person.

When they came in, they saw a large golden stove being inspected in Fu Zhongyu's hands.

"Master Fu." Yang Xianzhi saluted him respectfully.

Although Fu Zhongyu didn't do well in the Baicao Pavilion in the Song Dynasty, he didn't develop very well.But he is definitely a first-class connoisseur of the gods.

"Master." Fu Luyi warmly greeted her master as soon as she entered.

Fu Zhongyu nodded towards them.

"Master, is this the new refining furnace from the Chu family? Is there anything special about it?" Fu Luyi asked Fu Zhongyu's arm like a little girl.

Fu Zhongyu raised Fu Luyi from a young age, so he was no different from his own child.So he lovingly touched Fu Luyi's little head and said, "This stove is wonderfully made."

"Wonderful?" Everyone looked sideways after hearing this.

"It's really wonderful." Fu Zhongyu said. "This furnace is almost self-made, and it is not the same as the various refining furnaces in Shenting. The design structure is also very strange, and it has some foreign style.

Then you all know that this lower realm will definitely be merged into the Great World of Shenting in the end. "

The crowd nodded.

"Our divine court naturally has our divine court's rules. After the small world is merged into the divine court, it will inevitably follow our rules. If the refining methods of various refining furnaces invented by us in the upper realm are not authorized by the inventive forces , it is impossible to refine similar products.

Otherwise, they will be punished, and that punishment will definitely cause heavy losses to any force.Moreover, the internal invention rights of our world are written into the world rules, and no force dares to destroy it easily. "

The crowd nodded again.

"But if it is a newly designed stove, they first refined it and sold it. Even if it is merged into our Shenting world, this kind of stove will still be recognized. Then the power that invented it will become the new inventor. Other forces If you want to produce this kind of stove in the future, you must obtain their authorization. Otherwise, you will be punished."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

In the world of Shenting, none of the major forces has the right to invent one or more commodities.

"What worries me the most is not their new refining furnace, but Chu's various innovative pills. For example, their Jinchenyuyedan. The effect is almost the same as that of Jinludan. But you have to know, they just planted it. How many years of elixir? If they have a little more time, maybe they will be able to use their advantages in elixir to transform into a more powerful elixir."

After hearing this, everyone felt chills down their spines.

"Then the Chu family should just be wiped out." Fu Luyi said.

"If the Chu family is killed, there will be no Wang family, what Li family, and what Zheng family will continue to stand up? The most terrifying thing about the Chu family is not that they are only good at themselves, but that they have cultivated a training model for pharmacists Come.

This made too many pill forces see hope.These aborigines, relying on their own various advantages, are chasing after the various pill forces in our upper realm like crazy.I'm really worried.When the two realms merge, our pill power in the upper realm may be about to usher in a big change. "

"No way. They can improve pills in the lower realm, and we can improve pills in the upper realm." Fu Luyi said confused.

"Is there such a cleverness in the upper world that can produce countless mutated elixir?" Fu Zhongyu asked.

Fu Luyi "..."

"Although the Upper Realm doesn't have so many inspirations that can catalyze medicinal materials. But once the two realms merge, and the newly merged and huge Upper Realm, I'm afraid that the inspiration will become thin, and there will be no ability to catalyze the elixir." Yang Xianzhi said.

"It's good for you to see here. It's just that the lower realm has plenty of inspiration. Once the catalyzing elixir stabilizes, it will become a new kind of medicine. There are a lot of new medicines in the lower realm. Do you think it's easy to deal with?" Fu Zhongyu asked back.

Yang Xianzhi suddenly felt his scalp go numb and cool.

(End of this chapter)

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