The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 790 Yangshan City

Chapter 790 Yangshan City

"Then what should we do?" Fu Luyi asked anxiously.

"As long as they become slaves, the slave's things also belong to the master." Fu Zhongyu said coldly.

"I'm afraid it won't come true." Yang Xianzhi said quietly. "I heard that at the last moment of the world fusion last time, the great powers of God's Court almost had a big battle because of this incident."

Fu Zhongyu looked at him in astonishment.

"Really. The news came from my father. The reintegration of the Three Realms happened because of your powerful methods, which led to bad consequences."

Fu Zhongyu was shocked.

"I'm afraid there are big secrets in this world."

"It's just true." Yang Xianzhi sighed. "More than [-] years ago, part of the Shenting world was shattered, and more than one piece flew out... Was this world really discovered by accident?"

Several people were silent in unison.

Who knows, none of them have reached the level of access to secrets.

"Except for the great powers over there, everyone has their own plans in their hearts, and we can only follow the trend." Fu Zhongyu said, if it doesn't happen that these natives are beaten into slaves in the end, then they will definitely do things timidly. All work.

"I think we should focus on developing ourselves as much as possible." The Chu family is threatening, but they haven't developed to endanger themselves, Fu Luyi said.

Yang Xianzhi silently glanced at Fu Luyi.

This woman has status and beauty, but is easy to compromise, lacks self-confidence, is not good at adapting, and lacks decisiveness.

No matter how good she looks on the outside, it can't change the cowardice in her bones.

It wasn't that his mother was ruthless and full of tricks, nor was she as far-sighted and quick-witted as Chu Xi.

In general, the more you look, the less outstanding you are.

"I'll contact my friends around me again." Fu Zhongyu thought for a while.

In fact, the world is too big, but the number of people who can accommodate them is too small.Everyone scattered around to find opportunities, which itself is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.In addition, it is even more difficult to compete with the local indigenous people for various opportunities and resources.

Some places are doing well, while others are struggling.

Just like they are here.

"I remember that the whole world only gives [-] places in the lower realm? When will the number of places in the lower realm be increased? I remember that the [-]-year period of the last world integration recorded in the document has already reached [-] places." Fu Zhong Yu said angrily.

"The faster the world merges, the stronger the power of the world, the more resolutely it will be able to reject external interference, and the number of people who can enter the lower realm from the outside will become rarer. I heard that it has grown by five thousand recently, becoming thirty-five thousand It is." Dong Ce replied to Fu Zhongyu, this is also the latest news from the Yang family.

Fu Zhongyu's expression changed immediately.Too bad.

"This world is too frustrating."

"This world is really frustrating, but the world's resources are also rich. Not to mention anything else, it is now a dirty wind. You can imagine how many prototypes of Lingshan have appeared. At least [-] prototypes of Lingshan have appeared, The foul wind will really make its debut." Dong Ce said again.

"So many?" Fu Luyi almost dropped his jaw in surprise.

"For sure, without a hundred thousand prototypes of Lingshan, there will never be a foul wind. And this is the most basic, because as the gold part of the world's aura recovers, more prototypes of Lingshan will appear, and then more will be born. The filthy wind. It seems that this world is powerful." Fu Zhongyu said with a complicated expression.

"We have to ask grandpa to tell grandma to build a prototype of a spiritual mountain in the world of Shenting. We have to prepare for an unknown number of years before we can build a prototype of a spiritual mountain. If we want to cultivate it, we have to go to conquer other worlds to plunder other people's spiritual veins, land veins and worlds. This time, it is possible to turn the prototype of Lingshan into Lingshan.

But there are so many prototypes of Lingshan in this world?How many spirit mountains would have to be born? " Fu Luyi said in shock.

"There shouldn't be many." Fu Zhongyu said. "Other prototypes of Lingshan will eventually become the merits of Lingshan's transformation. Although this world is big, it can't support many Lingshan."

Fu Luyi gasped.

"It turned out to be so?"

"How strange is this? It's like it took tens of thousands, hundreds of millions of years for our divine court to cultivate a group of top monks. Along the way, how many monks have become the bones of their feet!" Fu Zhongyu said calmly. "No matter how you say it, everyone has come to the lower realm. There are plenty of ideas here, and opportunities are everywhere. While everyone is working hard for the forces behind them, it is best not to fall behind in your own cultivation. Otherwise, we will lose our original intention to come down. gone."

Yang Xianzhi and the others nodded repeatedly.

In the end, Yang Xianzhi and the others were sent away, and Fu Zhongyu deliberately left Fu Luyi behind, "I can't see your father asking you to marry that Yang Xianzhi."

"What's the matter, master? I think it's a good offer?"

"That man is not suitable for you. He is too ambitious and not a good match."

"Master, he has ambitions, and so do I. If he is willing to be mediocre, I will feel that he is not good enough for me." Fu Luyi said triumphantly.She was very satisfied with Yang Xianzhi.Now she has already thought of the time when the two of them will become husband and wife, and they will fight with each other.

Fu Zhongyu glanced at Fu Luyi lightly, and said nothing.Anyway, she won't listen to what she said.


On a basin three hundred miles southeast of Lingshan City.

A large number of formation masters and land masters are constantly surveying and verifying.The craftsmen, the apprentices they summoned, and the employees of men, women and children all began to build various bases for underground formations in the places that had been surveyed and mapped.

A small piece of foundation made entirely of moon-white square stones has already occupied an area of ​​several acres.

Group after group of hired workers are orderly rushing to their work under the shouting and guidance of the craftsman and the craftsman's apprentice.

"Is this the ancient city that you plan to demolish and rebuild after you understand it thoroughly?" Tao Hua asked.

"We directly expanded her size by 25 times." A certain family master craftsman who was in charge of the construction said with a smile.

"25 times, doesn't that take up the entire basin?" Tao Hua visually measured the area of ​​the basin and said with a smile.

"It is a new city designed according to the capacity of this basin." The master craftsman said with a smile.

"That's fine too." Tao Hua thought for a while, but she had no objection.

"Have you thought about the name of the new city?"

"How about Yangshan City? There are many hills near here, and there are several basins and deep valleys, which produce a very delicious alpine antelope. This basin turned out to be the largest habitat of alpine antelope in the local area."

(End of this chapter)

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