The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 791: A New Stage of Aura Recovery

Chapter 791: A New Stage of Aura Recovery

Tao Hua had a weird expression when she heard that, "So, you copied the antelope's hometown?"

"Cough, cough, cough." The old man laughed undisguisedly. "Who told these antelopes to arrange their hometown so well? You don't know, the owner, that this place is rich in groundwater resources. Under this basin is a huge underground dark lake.

After the city is completed, delicious oasis can be poured from any direction.Moreover, this terrain is also a place where groundwater from the surrounding mountains gathers.Even if we build a city here that can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, it will not mean that there is a lack of water here.

There is no other place around that is as convenient as this place.There is no way, we moved the sheep and sheep and let them live in other surrounding valleys. "

"I'm only on this kind of mountain mausoleum, and you also designated the water source as the first point of casting the city. Although Lai Mausoleum has been rebuilt, it can accommodate at most about 30 people. It has a lot to do with the lack of water near it. Great connection." Taohua said.

"Unless a few more small dams are built on Lingshan Mountain, the water shortage will only increase." A master craftsman said bluntly. "I don't know why the Patriarch chose to build that city in Lingshan?"

"Although there is a lack of water in the Lingshan area, it has earth-like veins flowing through it. It won't work without building the city." Taohua hurriedly explained to the old man.

The old man listened thoughtfully.

"All the cities in our family are built on the nodes of the leylines, right?"

"Oh, you always noticed it." Tao Hua laughed.

"What's so hard to guess, we old guys guessed this from the beginning." The old man smiled with a ruddy face.

"Over Lingshan, after the small world over there is dragged away, there will be no shortage of water." Taohua told him directly.

"Drag away...? That's a good idea." Hearing this, the old man immediately thought about it, and spoke after a while.

"But let's build this new city first." Tao Hua said.

"If this new city is not in a hurry, it can be completed in about four months." The old man said.

"Xianyang has only been cultivated for two months." Taohua stared at him speechlessly.

"Practice makes perfect in Xianyang. This city was rebuilt after we thoroughly understood the ancient city inside. What are you worried about? Let's take it easy." The old man said angrily.

"I found that all of you master craftsmen are more powerful than me as the head of the house."

"Of course, why don't you lead the team to repair it yourself." The old man said with a cold snort.

Peach Blossom: "..."

"Slow work produces meticulous work. By the way, the stone materials for building the fairy city are both inside and outside the small world. We will try to collect the internal stones for the time being. After the small world is sold and dragged away by you, we will collect the outside. of."

"Yes, you can collect this kind of white stone, and you can also collect other similar stones. I found that we don't lack all kinds of stones here." Taohua agreed.

"Speaking of crossing the Mausoleum Mountain and entering the Great Northwest Wilderness, there is a kind of dark gray stone underground, which is also very good. It is very suitable for casting cities." The old man said.

"Well, I heard that there are still a lot of dark gray stone veins over there. In the depths of the Great Wasteland, there are also forces that use that dark gray stone to build cities. The oldest ones have a history of hundreds of thousands of years. .” Taohua said.

"Over the Great Wasteland, I traveled there in my early years. Some places there are quite mysterious." The old man said.

"Have you ever been there?" Taohua looked at him in surprise.

"Why can't I visit the Great Wasteland? I was amazing when I was young." The old man said angrily.

"Now you are growing old and strong." Taohua smiled.After the old man practiced the exercises, his life span was greatly extended, and the days to come will be long.

"Oh, by the way, I think the group of mortals that you moved out are okay. The family gave them pills and exercises. After their physique improved, I think they are working hard. Don't hire those from outside. People are doing much more aggressively."

"Aren't those people recruited from outside working?" Tao Hua asked in surprise.

"No, the people recruited from outside are also good at work. It is these newcomers who work very hard and diligently. They work desperately in the morning and at night. Well, after the completion of this city, they will go to the city anyway. Add some mortals to it, why not leave them alone."

"Fifty thousand young and strong." Taohua reminded him.

"Yangshan City is big enough to accommodate [-] young adults plus their families," the old man said.

Peach Blossom whitened him speechlessly. "People are needed elsewhere."

"Then how much do you keep?" the old man asked helplessly.

"At most [-] and their relatives and family members. The rest of the people need to be scattered and resettled to the surrounding cities."

"Are they all nearby?" the old man asked again.

Taohua nodded. "Exactly five new cities have been rebuilt."

"What about the other people who moved out?" the old man asked.

"It's placed in another place in the family. You always know that there is a shortage of people everywhere."

The old man twitched his mouth. "An old man I just met asked me to ask him. He turned out to be from the ancient city. He was just an ordinary person. He was very worried about what happened to the ordinary people who came out of their small world."

"Then you can tell him what I said." Taohua said with a smile. "It's not a secret anyway."

"He told me that there are a total of eight cities in the small world, with a total population of nearly [-] million. With such a large population, I don't know if our Chu family can eat it. Will there be any problems? After all, this number is too big. It's not small." said the old man.

"It's quite a lot. But last time we also transferred hundreds of thousands of people from the previous small world, so they were quickly consumed and resettled." Taohua said. "Although there are a lot of people this time, it's not a one-time deal. We can take our time." Taohua said.

"Accordingly, our Chu family's territory is not small from south to north, and from east to west. It shouldn't be a problem to accommodate these people." The old man said carelessly.

In fact, it is a problem. If there are not so many new cities to be resettled, and there is no high food production brought about by the recovery of spiritual energy, there will definitely be problems if so many people are resettled.

Before the Chu family, there had never been so many cities with such a large population density concentrated in such a small area on the entire continent.

If there is a plague or something, the city will definitely die.

Taohua dared to do this because he had confidence in the fairy city he built, and because he had no choice but to do so.

In the summer of the 13th year of Yuanwu, the recovery of spiritual energy has entered the tenth thought.Reiki recovery will also enter a new stage...

(End of this chapter)

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