The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 792 The Dark Guard Recruits New

Chapter 792 The Dark Guard Recruits New
Wang Ben silently touched the magic sword on his back with his hand, and walked into the newly built Pengcheng with unusually suggestive eyes.He is a casual cultivator from other places, looking for Pengcheng, and also heard that his uncle and grandfather's family lived in Pengcheng.

But Pengcheng was newly built, and the addresses of the original neighborhoods had changed, so as soon as he entered the city, he asked how to find relatives who lived in the original neighborhood.

The well-meaning soldier of the city guard dragged him to a small gate by the city gate.

"This is the back of the government-run dental office. You can also enter from here. Wherever you go, let them help you find someone. It's a matter of a few coppers."

Wang Ben was overjoyed when he heard this.He thanked Xiao Bing and entered the tooth shop.As soon as you enter, you will know how many dental shops there are.It's almost like a big market.Fortunately, there was a guy in charge of entertaining guests who received Wang Ben, otherwise he wouldn't be able to find anyone to ask questions.

Someone specifically asked his relatives' names and original addresses, and after searching for a while, he said, "For thirteen coppers, find a child to take you to a relative's house. For nine coppers, I will give you an address, and you can find it yourself."

"Thirteen coppers." Wang Ben quickly handed over the money.A seven or eight-year-old boy rushed out immediately. He took the note from the young man who had given Wang Ben the wrong address, and said to Wang Ben, "My lord, please follow me."

"I'm not an adult, you can just call me Brother Wang." Wang Ben said shyly.

"Okay, Brother Wang, let's talk as we walk."


Wang Ben followed the child out of the tooth shop, and the lintel they walked out of was not small enough to enter two carriages head-on.

"This time the east side door. The piece you saw just now, Brother Wang, is from our dental shop." The child said.

"You are so young, you already have an errand in the dental clinic?" Wang Ben asked in surprise.

"No, no, I'm a part-time job. I'm an apprentice doctor. I have to study in the morning to learn my skills, and I can work in the afternoon. It's because I'm too young. If I get older, I have to travel with doctors to see patients. went."

"You are so powerful?" Wang Ben exclaimed. "I can't do it. I can't learn everything. I have great strength. I have learned a few sword skills and can be a casual practitioner."

"That's already very powerful. When I first settled here with my parents and grandpa, I also wanted to come here in front of casual cultivators. My grandpa and dad and uncle are both casual cultivators, and now they are hunting monsters in the mountains and forests outside the city. But I made money." The child said with envy and longing.

"Monster beasts are not easy to deal with, they are too dangerous." Wang Ben said with special experience. "You're still young, so it's serious to be an apprentice doctor. With this ability, you can live a good life in the future."

"I also know that going hunting outside the city is actually a desperate fight with monsters. But I still want to go. But I am too young, and almost everyone of my age is learning various skills. My father doesn't care what I do. If you don’t like it, you force me to become a doctor’s apprentice. This doctor’s apprenticeship is quite difficult. I only passed the exam twice.”

After hearing this, Wang Ben couldn't hold back the envy in his heart.Although the child didn't say what he took the test, he must not agree to pass it. The child in front of him passed the test only twice, I'm afraid he is very talented.

"Your family also moved here from other places?" Wang Ben asked.

"Yes, we moved here from the southwest. At the beginning, our entire Zhuangzi moved here. Now almost half of the people in our Zhuangzi have chosen to settle in Pengcheng."

"Southwest, is it so far away?" Wang Ben asked speechlessly.

"Wars are fought every day in the Southwest. Today you fight me, and tomorrow I fight you. There are troops everywhere to collect food and recruit young men. What if we don't run away? So everyone ran away. When we came here, there were a lot of fields along the way. Wild dogs, wild wolves in groups.

There are as many refugees as there are bandits.

Along the way, we were blocked by thieves and bandits four times, and we were trapped as refugees twice.All the little things brought out from home were forcibly wiped out.Fortunately, people are fine, but when we settled here, we didn't even have clothes with little holes, and we were exactly the same as beggars outside.

But it's fine once you settle in. "

"Is it easy to settle down here?" Wang Ben asked.

"That depends on how you settled down. By the way, that's where it is." The child led Wang Ben to twists and turns and finally walked to a small building.Then he pointed to someone and said.It happened that someone in that family was going out.

"Uncle Si?" Wang Ben suddenly called out.

The middle-aged man immediately looked at him in response.Then he smiled and waved, "It's Ben'er, how did you find it?"

Seeing that it was delivered, the child also sneaked away.

Wang Ben was also pulled into the home by the middle-aged man.

Wang Ben's uncle lived on the first floor of the small building in front of him.Has four rooms.Because of the large interior space, they were directly dismantled into small suites by the uncle's house.

There was a burst of warm greetings in front of relatives.When she learned that Wang Ben was the only one left in her family, her great-aunt and grand-uncle hugged him and burst into tears.

"Back when we sent a letter to my eldest brother, asking them to come to Pengcheng earlier, it's not that my elder brother's family disagreed, but they insisted that they were worried about their family's property. Now there is only one seedling left, but I love you so much."

Hearing the cries of his uncle and grandmother, Wang Ben also felt distressed.

My great-uncle has two sons and a daughter.The daughter got married early, and the eldest son's family is the family of the fourth uncle, who lives with his uncle and uncle, and the seventh uncle is not at home.Wang Ben's seventh uncle is five years older than Wang Ben, and he is only 25 years old this year.

"Where's Uncle Seven?" Wang Ben asked without seeing Uncle Seven.

"Your seventh uncle can't stay at home for a few days all year round because of that errand." The great-aunt said helplessly.Speaking of which, the family of the great-uncle and grand-uncle looked quite young, especially the great-uncle and grand-uncle who seemed to be in their forties.Standing with his fourth aunt looked like sisters.

"What kind of errand does Seventh Uncle do? Running a boat?"

"What is running a boat? Our family has been servants of the Chu family for generations. Our six generations have guarded the shop for the Chu family. Your seventh uncle was selected by the Chu family when he was only a few years old. The guards have gone."

Ah poof! ! !

Wang Ben looked at his uncle and grandmother in shock, "Is it really that Chu family's secret guard?"

"Yes, it's the secret guard of the Chu family. Your elder brother's boy was only three years old and he was summoned away. Oh, I feel sorry for my eldest granddaughter-in-law."

The fourth aunt hurriedly pulled her mother-in-law to coax her, "Oh, you are about to cry. If you make my good daughter-in-law cry again, you can go and coax her."

Immediately, my great-uncle dared not cry like a child.

"It's too small." Wang Ben said speechlessly.

"It can't be helped, it's just such a small group of people who are selected away." The fourth aunt said with a wry smile.

(End of this chapter)

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