The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 799 Six Yaohui and Chu Shiluo

Chapter 799 Liu Yaohui and Chu Shiluo

"Qianniuwei, I remember that the royal family of the Song Dynasty also had one, and the nearby Zhao State also had one. What is the name of this Qianniuwei? Why is it called Qianniuwei?" Wang Ben asked curiously.

"Actually, this name means shield guard guarding the home. Besides, the cow is not afraid of hard work, and it also implies that we must persevere in this job, and we must not take it lightly." Wang Ben's seventh uncle said.

"I see." Wang Ben understood. "Qian Niuwei's accusation is not taken lightly."

"How can such an easy job achieve results?" Seventh Uncle's partner immediately said disdainfully.

Wang Ben's seventh uncle also said, "The Chu family itself is neither from aristocratic nor trench clan, but from a poor family. That's why we have a chance to win. Otherwise, it won't be long before it will be annexed by other powerful forces around us." .

In this case, not only the family has to fight, but we also have to fight.Only by fighting can we get more resources to strengthen ourselves.

Get ready, I will take you to the kung fu pavilion of our hidden guards in two days, and then you will be asked to choose a better training kung fu, so that you can cultivate to the altar state as soon as possible. "

Wang Ben immediately nodded happily.

"Bringing outsiders to the secret guard's kung fu pavilion to pick out kung fu, your seventh uncle's merit points for you are not small. You must cherish it." Seventh uncle's partner said with a smile.

Wang Ben looked at his seventh uncle very moved.

"Look, look, if you weren't my eldest nephew, I would have paid so much for you?" Uncle Wang Qi rumpled Wang Ben's hair angrily.

Wang Ben: I'm so old, I'm an adult, I'm a man, why do you still touch my head, Uncle Qi?

Are you afraid that I will not grow taller?
Besides, you are not a few years older than me! !
But no matter what, he was very satisfied to be able to mix with a Qianniuwei as soon as he came here.


On Yutu Island, in a small town, several shops opened today.Every shop is decorated with grand Don Juan, either on the second floor or on the third floor.A rhombus-shaped glowing purple gauze lantern is hung on the signboard of each shop.

The two characters Liuyao are embroidered on the front and back of the lantern yarn.

A passer-by saw several shops opening together, and they all had the word Liuyao, so they asked the guy in the shop what that Liuyao meant, "That's the special light sign of the Liuyao Chamber of Commerce."

"Then these shops belong to the Liuyao Chamber of Commerce?"


"The Liuyao Chamber of Commerce is really rich. It opened four big shops at once."

"Isn't this normal? Which chamber of commerce has no strength?"

The passers-by below kept talking, and some monks took the initiative to enter the shop to choose products. After all, new shops usually sell at a discount.

Chu Shiluo was sitting on the fourth-floor main building in the backyard of the largest shop.

Surrounded by a few useful confidantes.

The Lingzhi Chu family, after absorbing a group of business allies from the outside world, reorganized into Liu Yaohui.This Six Yao Society was reorganized under Chu Shiluo's design.Chu Shiluo doesn't care about the sales of spiritual plants, spiritual food, and other products of the Chu family. Those specific sales plans are all handed over to Saburo.

He single-handedly established the Liu Yao Society today.

In addition to the commercial firms on the surface, there are also hidden businesses.

At the beginning, he just had an idea, and his little sister Taohua helped him find someone. From the beginning, it developed into a secret trading business.It was only later that he took the time to form the chamber of commerce on the bright side.

Because he himself is very busy, busy with his family, busy sect, busy master, busy training, busy with the chamber of commerce and secret business, and he has to squeeze time to do it.

The reason why he is still single until now is because he is too busy.

Sometimes he really felt that he was so stupid, why did he discuss with his sister to organize private trading meetings to supplement the family's internal transactions and auctions?

Well now, the stall is getting bigger and bigger, and it is getting harder and harder for him to get out.

"Did the main line say when the city was built on Yutu Island, which city was built first?" Chu Shiluo pinched his forehead. Emma has been spinning for seven or eight days recently, and he wants to Worn out.

The father at home still sends him messages every day asking him to go back to work.The old man is so bad, he has several sons, why did he just catch him?
"I heard that the construction will start next month. The first city is our small town now. A big city will be built to connect the teleportation arrays of the family." A confidant of Chu Shiluo said.

"Did you tell me the name of the new city?" Chu Shiluo asked.

"I heard it's called White Wall City."

"What? Call it a failure? Is this name unlucky?!" Chu Shiluo said speechlessly.

"Someone suggested that this name is not very auspicious. It is said that the main line is studying what a good name should be."

"What is it called a failure? The reefs near this island produce Moyu snails, and the snail meat is delicious. The snail shell is also the main material for refining Moyu beauty cream. It might as well be called Moyu City. Isn't Yangshan because of the nearby Produce a delicious alpine antelope?" Chu Shiluo said smoothly.

"Don't say it, it's a good idea for you to be the host. I'll recommend your suggestion later."

"Ah, I've been looking for trouble. How can the main line listen to us?" Chu Shiluo said speechlessly.

"Maybe our recommendation can really work? After all, I think your suggestion is really reliable. Moyu City, it sounds like the place where Moyu snails are produced. Maybe our Moyu snails here can follow the trend of Moyu City. The establishment of the family has greatly increased, and it is a fire."

Chu Shiluo didn't know why he felt bad all of a sudden, "Besides Yutu Island, how many other places produce Moyu snails?"

"There are also several islands near the reefs that produce black rain snails." His confidant immediately said.

"Then if we use Moyu City, will someone knock us on the door?" Chu Shiluo asked in surprise.

"I can't say for sure." His confidant also changed his face, and said uncertainly.

"Then you still don't recommend it. Otherwise, what if they hit our chamber of commerce?" Chu Shiluo immediately said with a bitter face.

"No way, who made them think of other names when they built the city. If they don't use it, is there still a chance to cut us off?" Chu Shiluo's confidant said a little bit angrily.

"It makes sense." Chu Shiluo thought after hearing what he said.

"Is it still recommended to go up?" the confidant asked.

"Forget it." Chu Shiluo didn't want to make trouble for himself anymore. "By the way, have all the Zhuangzi purchased by our family on Yutu Island started to be repaired?"

"The construction has begun, and the six villas are all selected near the one chosen by Liu Niangzi."

"Okay, you can follow how the Sixth Sister's family repaired it. My Sixth Sister is especially good at doing this." Chu Shiluo said casually.

Chu Shiluo's confidant nodded directly, this job is easy to do.

(End of this chapter)

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