The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 800 Yanbo Island Fish Flood

Chapter 800 Yanbo Island Fish Flood

"What is Sixth Sister doing recently? Jade Rabbit Island has mutated like this and she hasn't come to see it?" Chu Shiluo said leisurely.

"I'm busy. In that newly discovered small world, the second ancient fairy city has already surrendered to us. I heard that it has a larger population than the first ancient fairy city, and the situation is more complicated. Many monks in it are feuds, even if they surrendered We are also fighting in secret." Chu Shiluo's confidant followed up.

"It's really troublesome." Chu Shiluo got a headache when he heard it. "It won't be quiet for a while, right?"

"How can it be quiet? I heard that the main line has split them to various places, temporarily separating them, and letting them resolve conflicts by themselves in the future." The confidant said.

Chu Shiluo thought to himself: In short, it is trouble.

"If you are broad-minded, then try to seek new development. If you are narrow-minded, you have nothing but revenge in your heart. Such lunatics are scary no matter how small they are, and they probably need more attention. I heard that the family is going to set up Qianniuwei. , cough cough, I don’t think it’s true, it’s really bad, there are too many burrs, and it needs to be combed out more. Qianniuwei just does this.” Chu Shiluo picked up a cup of fragrant tea thoughtfully, and took a sip.

"This Huiwu spirit tea is not bad, it really tastes better the more you drink it."

"This is the spiritual tea specially cultivated by the Qi family. Now that the Ling tea family is mentioned, who would not praise the craftsmanship of the cultivation of spiritual tea?" Chu Shiluo's confidant said enviously.

"Speaking of which, the Cha family does know how to grow tea. My family's spiritual tea is all raised in the Cha family." Chu Shiluo said. "There are a total of three such spirit tea mother trees, two of which are in the hands of the Qi family, and the other one was taken away by the Yuan family back then."

"Yeah, I also heard that the Shi family still keeps the mother tree of Huiwu spirit tea. It is said that they were willing to transfer all the mutant spirit tea trees to you back then, so they left some spirit tea tree seeds and two mother trees."

"My sixth sister said later that the foundation of these gray mist spiritual teas is shallow, and it is difficult to advance to the fourth level unless there is a sudden change. So just keep them and make some money. It doesn't matter if you want the mother tree or not." Chu Shiluo heard Out of regret from his confidant, he told him what the girl had said back then.

The other party almost spit out the spiritual tea from his mouth with a puff.

"The fourth level is already very powerful, but Liu Niangzi doesn't even look down on the spirit tea mother tree that may become a fourth level in the future?"

Seeing the surprised look in his confidant's eyes, Chu Shiluo was immediately amused, "You're blaming her wrongly. In her words, everyone's resources are limited. If you have that family background, why don't you cultivate something that is destined to be promoted to the sixth level? Instead, cultivate a defective product that is destined to squat in the fourth order.

You must know that wild ones are not counted. If a domestic tea tree is cultivated to the fourth level, it will require a lot of resources. "

The confidant gasped, and said solemnly, "It makes sense."

"Even if there is an occasional mistake or omission, it is just a tea tree that may be promoted to the fifth or sixth rank. There are so many spiritual fruit trees in our family, counting on the basis, it is also easier for the spiritual fruit trees in our hands to be promoted to the sixth rank. what."

A certain confidant immediately thought of the high-grade spiritual root Qingyang spirit peach, the top-grade spiritual root Xuexian spirit peach, the top-grade spiritual root Panlong spirit peach and so on.

"By the way, I will leave the rest of the construction here to you. I have to go back. Your fish season in Tianshui River is coming soon in the first half of this year." Chu Shiluo confessed to his confidant.

"Okay, Master, let's go, leave everything here to me."

Chu Shiluo was very satisfied. Although the other party was not very beautiful, he was very reliable in handling things.

As for the placement of the major forces in the ancient fairy city that Chu Shiluo and the others have invested in your small world all the way, Chu Shinian simply handed it over to Chu Xinjia and Chu Zixian to take the lead.The formation of Qianniuwei was directly handed over to Chu Zixian.

The small world is like a big pit, devouring a lot of human and material resources of the Chu family, and feeding back a lot of minerals, various ancient heritages, fairy cities, and a large number of mortals and monks.

There are as many small families within the Chu family as there are small forces.Now these monk forces who have withdrawn from the small world need to go through several days of orthodox training by the Chu family, telling them what they can do and what they can't do before they are let go.

The Chu family doesn't care about those who directly leave the Chu family's sphere of influence.If you choose to settle within the Chu family's sphere of influence, you must abide by the Chu family's rules.

In fact, most of the monk forces chose to settle in the Chu family's sphere of influence, and only about one-third of the forces chose to go out to make troubles.

Chu's principle is: love to walk around.

Because the Chu family didn't keep them and ignored the policy without coercion, many people who didn't want to be inferior to others left.In their minds, the Chu family is just a family power. Except for members of their own family, it is difficult for any other surname to find a way to develop in such a family power, so they might as well find another way.

They have heard that there are also many sect forces on this continent.

And the couple Chu Shinian and Tao Hua managed to return to their home and hadn't stayed for a month before going to Yanbo Island again.

If we say that the fish season in Tianshui River this year has made the entire upper and lower reaches of Tianshui River full of big fish.

Then Yanbo Island's fish schools and big fish floods of several species are even more spectacular.It can turn the nearby sea surface into a silvery white.It has become a sea of ​​silver light.

The Chu family's big boat slowly squeezed among the fish, every time it moved a bit, the fish were squeezed and hit the hull directly.There were also big fish half a meter long that jumped directly onto the deck.A stack fell off with a crackling.

The crew happily picked up big fish for nothing and threw them into the water tank.After a while, a water tank was filled.

"I've never heard of such a big fish flood in this sea before. And they still came to Yanbo Island." Chu Shinian said leisurely.

"It should be running along the sea current on the spiritual vein of the seabed." Tao Hua said. "In the future, the resources around our overseas islands will become more and more abundant." She said with a smile while teasing her youngest son who was happy to see everything now.

In fact, they can't take advantage of these resources for many years.

Once the current world is integrated into the Great World of God's Court, the positions of the continents and seas will change, and the currents and spiritual veins will also change.It is not yet known whether this fish flood can be maintained by then.

"Anyway, it's a good thing." Chu Shinian said. "Yanbo Island has gained such great benefits, this year's taxation should be very eye-catching."

"Zhuang Zihan has been sitting on Yanbo Island recently, and we will know the specific income of this fish season after he counts it." Taohua looked at the tightly packed fish under the boat, and was very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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