The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 802 Points

Chapter 802 Points

"No, no matter what, let others take a look. I, Zhuang Zihan, can also extract resources from the clan treasury." Zhuang Zihan said very strongly.

Peach Blossom is speechless.

"Are you displeased with Chu Shinian, or are you displeased with Chu Zifei?"
"It's not pleasing to the eye, and there's never been a time when I quickly approved something. It's always this card, that button, it's too deceiving." Zhuang Zihan said immediately.

Taohua sighed helplessly. "Isn't that also given to you every time?"

"I can give [-]% to [-]% out of [-]%, even if I give it to me, I will hold my breath." Zhuang Zihan said angrily.

"The family has no money, so you should learn to save money." Tao Hua said angrily.

"Why don't you have any money? I hand in so many spoils every month, as well as all kinds of property and monster income. Why can't I approve things smoothly?" Zhuang Zihan said angrily.

"A group of arrogant soldiers under your command, the more brave they are in battle, the easier it is for them to become erratic, and their resources will also make them feel better. Otherwise, if they are too erratic, they will fall into the pit. You need to know about monsters and monster races. The guy now seems to be very sober squatting in the dark.

A war legion, from top to bottom, cannot rely on you alone to keep a clear mind.Although you are not a professional warrior.But I believe that a well-educated strategist should have considered these things in advance.If the legion you lead wants to live forever and be victorious in every battle, you must first settle their hearts.

A proud soldier must be defeated, don't you understand? "

Zhuang Zihan was taken aback.

"But why bother with resources? Everyone has worked so hard, but it's not [-]% what they get."

When Taohua heard this, she immediately knew that Zhuang Zihan's ass was completely on the side of his own soldiers and generals.

"I know that you get along with them day and night, live and die together, and you yourself have integrated into their emotional circle. I also know that you are a trustworthy leader. But Zhuang Zihan, you are not only a leader. You are also a core elder of the family .

You should know that we should give what should be given, but people's desires are infinite, and we can fulfill them even if we don't expect them.I asked myself what I should give, and I gave it all. As for the [-]% you said, let me ask you what you used as a reference to make your gestures [-]%. "

Zhuang Zihan's face suddenly turned red at Tao Hua's words.

"Sorry, Patriarch, I made a mistake."

Taohua nodded in satisfaction and said, "We can't just guess how much we should take. That's impossible. We have to connect reality and the future. People can eat as much as they have. We don't shy away from people wanting to seek better. The development so left Legion.

You can give them permission to leave whenever there is a request.Even if a group of people are taken away, it will be successful.As long as they don't take their own issued weapons.There will be no harm to our family after leaving. "

Taohua said with a deep meaning.

"Zhuang Zihan, we are a family force. In the eyes of outsiders and clan members, we are all forces with huge flaws. The world believes that family power cannot provide better development opportunities and development platforms for people with foreign surnames.

I admit this is true.So I'm not advocating blocking those who want to leave either.

Be a human being and stay on the line, so we can meet each other in the future. "

After listening to Tao Hua's words, Zhuang Zihan fell into a brief thought, and after a while he recovered, "I understand."

After Zhuang Zihan settled down with his Patriarch and Chu Shinian, he returned to his mansion.

In his study, Ling Yanshu and the others had been waiting for a long time.

"Why did Patriarch and Chu Shinian suddenly come to Yanbo Island?" asked a captain in the navy.

"I have something to do." Zhuang Zihan responded with a smile.

"I heard that someone raised us in the dark on the back recently, which made many elders on the main line criticize us?" Another captain said.Very dissatisfied with the words.

"We are at sea and they are on land. The various resources in our hands are like mountains and seas. It is normal for some people to be jealous. However, neither Chu Shinian nor the Patriarch is a simple person. It is impossible for some False remarks treat us unfairly." Zhuang Zihan said bluntly.

Embarrassment suddenly appeared on the face of the captain who had just expressed his dissatisfaction.

"My lord, in fact, it's not that we listen to the wind and rain, but that everything on the main vein is stuck on us. Seeing that we are not pleasing to the eye, are we not allowed to be dissatisfied?" Another young captain said.

"You have 8000 people, and you insist on new equipment for [-] people. If you talk about it, you want to get one-tenth of the equipment. Why don't you go to heaven? It's me, and I will criticize you." Zhuangzi Han angrily sprayed him.

Puff puff puff, the surrounding captains snickered.

The little captain also blushed in embarrassment.

"It's not that I want to store up a little, so as not to damage the equipment of the soldiers, and there is no way to exchange for new equipment in time."

"What are you storing up? I have replacement stocks for all kinds of equipment here?" Zhuangzi said angrily, "You get one tenth more, and he gets one tenth more. In the end, our total equipment budget will directly exceed one tenth.

Do you know how many spirit stones that is?The owner will never be happy if he doesn't clean up me. "


A group of captains laughed wantonly in unison.

"What are you laughing at, you guys?" Zhuang Zihan asked with a gloomy expression. "The head of the family said that you will definitely need to spend all kinds of resources in the future, but you don't need to spend so much. Whoever wastes it will make up for it."

All the captains immediately became serious when they heard this.

"My lord, what does it mean to spend and what does it mean to not need to spend? Is there a range?"

"Stone bullets, magic bullets, arrows, magic arrows and other items should be consumed. What standard equipment, armor, weapons, etc., one person can only receive three sets a year. Others need to be exchanged for by military merit points .

Don't show me that one person receives more than a dozen or more than [-] sets of armor a year.

what to do?Bai Na is addicted? "

Zhuang Zihan questioned with dark eyes.

None of the school captains dared to look directly at him, and quietly moved their eyes away.

The fighting intensity is not enough, and the three sets of armor are definitely enough for everyone.The main reason for picking up a dozen or so sets at a time is that everyone thinks that more armor is better, so what’s wrong with stocking up more?How many suits of armor aren't worth our hard work?
Or we are desperately fighting for goods, and it is not worth a few weapons. Anyway, the family does not almost equip resources, so the more we get, the more we get.

This kind of thinking is widely popular among the middle and lower levels of the military, which has led to increasing pressure on the logistics equipment of the navy.

At first, Zhuang Zihan didn't think it was that bad, after all, it was not easy for everyone.Later, in order to win over more talents, he turned a blind eye, but this time Chu Shinian didn't say anything, and it was the Patriarch who came to order him.

Zhuang Zihan knew that there was no longer any delay, and he had to rectify immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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