The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 803 Little Lingzi

Chapter 803 Little Lingzi

Zhuang Zihan held a meeting with strict discipline, and the matter of eliminating waste was quickly passed back to Chu Shinian.

After Chu Shinian went back to bed with Brother Chun in his nanny's arms, he smiled and told Tao Hua about Zhuang Zihan's quick performance.

"In fact, this kid really has no other choice, but he suppresses the matter and pretends that he can't see it."

"In fact, he seems to win over the existing talents in the navy. Since the navy has successively fought against sea beasts and monsters, a group of excellent middle and low-level generals have emerged. Since this group of people became famous, they have been constantly attracted by the outside world. Influenced to buy and buy. Many people already have the intention of leaving.

Zhuang Zihan worked hard for what they wanted to leave.

But sometimes the more you want to stay, the more people want to leave.I always feel that jumping out may open up another world.

Since you can't keep them, why not send them away happily? "

Tao Hua thought indifferently.

"Those who are really talented and don't want to be inferior to others always want to go out and make a career from scratch. Talented but easy to be swayed, keeping them may not be a disaster in the future. Sending them away is not good for both parties. it is good?
Although our Chu family is not a big force, it is not that we cannot maintain it completely without them.When they left, they happened to promote other talented people who were willing to stay in the Chu family with peace of mind.No matter who it is, as long as they are given a platform and opportunities, there will always be some great guys who will emerge. "

Chu Shinian was powerless to slander, and said to himself, do you think someone has a navy of nearly 300 million?

With a navy of 300 million, how many middle and low-level generals are there?How many can command thousands of warships?

It is quite powerful to have one or two of the ordinary forces, and you are all one, so naturally you don't care about being drawn away by some who are not firm-willed and have other plans.

"You're right. We've given them what they deserve. If they still have to leave, let's send them away." Chu Shinian also said.

While Taohua and Chu Shinian were waiting for the formation materials for the past few days, someone from Zhuang Zihan wanted to leave again.

"My lord, I'm sorry." The captain on the opposite side was the one Zhuang Zihan had always been optimistic about.Unexpectedly, they also insisted on leaving.

Zhuang Zihan sighed, "Are you going too?"

"Sorry my lord."

"Okay, hand it over to your deputy, and he will temporarily take over your duties." Zhuang Zihan agreed to leave without too much effort.The school captain was obviously taken aback, he didn't see it being allowed so easily.The last time he expressed his intention to leave, Zhuang Zihan tried his best to keep him.

He was also promoted.

"Okay, my lord, thank you for your cultivation over the years."

"Yeah." Zhuang Zihan nodded lightly, no matter how hard he cultivated you, wouldn't you be leaving too?

Besides, I held a meeting for you last time, tightened the rope, and stopped blindly indulging you to take more and more, and I knew you little bastards were leaving.

"My lord, take my leave."

"You go."

When he also left, Ling Yanshu came out from behind the screen in the inner room, and he asked in bewilderment.

"My lord, haven't you been trying your best to keep them?"

"It's not easy for our navy to form an organizational system. In order not to affect the combat effectiveness, I certainly hope that they will all stay. But if they all stay, we will have to pay more. The owner is not satisfied!" Zhuang Zihan sighed.

Ling Yanshu was stunned, "The Patriarch meant to let them go? They left the Chu family, and they might go to the Chu family's hostile forces to strengthen their strength. Instead, we lacked experienced generals. It will lead to a decline in combat power."

"I'm afraid this is what the Patriarch wants." Zhuang Zihan said with a grave face.

"Ah?" Ling Yanshu was taken aback.

"Our navy emerged ten years ago, and developed rapidly in the first five years. In the seventh year, many young young generals emerged in successive battles. However, in the past two years, there have been basically no outstanding talents in the navy. .

The lack of fighting is one aspect. On the other hand, there is no platform to rise, and there is no opportunity for them to show their talents. "

Ling Yanshu said in astonishment, "So the head of the family took the initiative to send out a group of opponents to train. Then after the strong enemy invaded, he pulled the weakened navy to fight, sharpened the army through battle, and selected new generals?"

Zhuang Zihan nodded silently.

This truth is really cruel.

Maintain and sharpen the combat effectiveness of the legion with constant sacrifices!
But I have to say, it really works! !

"The military is different from other places. As long as you relax for ten years, the elite will fall to the mob." Ling Yanshu thought for a while before agreeing to this approach.

"It's fine if you know it, don't go outside and say it, the Patriarch has deep thoughts, every word she says, every time I make a decision, I think it over and over again." Zhuang Zihan said.

"Hmm, the Patriarch has a far-reaching plan. I think she took the initiative to mention us this time, definitely not just to save resources, to let us let go of some guys who have become black apples. There should be some messy people in the army who want us to rectify The meaning of the idea. I have worked hard for the family, so I should get something... Strange idea... My lord, what do you think?"

Cough cough cough...

Zhuang Zihan looked at Ling Yanshu in surprise. "Sure enough, it's still on your mind. I'll leave this job to you. The army really should rectify it."

Looking at the surprised face of the other party, Ling Yanshu had no flaws at all, but when Zhuang Zihan said that the job was left to you, Ling Yanshu was sure that he had been tricked again.

This kind of offending people's tricks really fell on me again.

Damn, Zhuang Zihan is insidious and cunning! !
No wonder people call him the snake saliva strategist! ! !
Ling Yanshu finally gritted his teeth and left with a black face.

When he walked, he stomped heavily angrily.It seems that every time I want to step on the floor tiles and miss them.

As soon as he left, Zhuang Zihan burst out laughing.

Emma, ​​let the meticulous little Lingzi do this kind of tiring work.

Xiao Lingzi may not have noticed it himself, but he is too responsible, so he is guided and used successfully every time.He ha ha ha ha...

Sure enough, to find a deputy, you should find someone like Xiao Lingzi, which is very suitable for me.

He is the one who takes the blame, he is the one who does the work, and he is the one who takes the initiative to jump into the pit! !

However, Ling Yanshu wanted to vomit blood because of all kinds of regrets, so he really, really shouldn't be Zhuang Zihan's subordinate.It's really bad luck for eight lifetimes! !

Why did he not think about it for a while, and wanted to stand out in Zhuang Zihan's hands?

Even if it fell into the hands of Chu Shinian back then, being a diligent and dedicated Chu Ziyan was better than falling into the hands of Zhuang Zihan and being an unlucky scapegoat! !
(End of this chapter)

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