Chapter 804
"Hey, brother Meng, have you heard? Another captain has left our navy?"

"I heard that the one who just left, as soon as he left, a brat who was brave in fighting was promoted up."

"real or fake?"

"Of course it's true. Don't say anything else, just say that Zhao Lie, Zhao Laohei, who was imprisoned for a month for complaining about the lieutenant's tampering with military achievements, heard that he was also promoted yesterday and directly took over the new post. The job has become a palm print, and I am in charge of the examination."

"No way?"


"Really, really, it's all true. I saw it with my own eyes. Zhao Laohei put on his new paw print robe right in front of me, and walked away very mightily. He also said that he asked me to tell the brothers, as long as In one day, he will never allow anyone to tamper with our military achievements. Whoever deserves it will be his."

"I'll go, our navy has changed a lot this time."

"I heard that they are all spreading the word that it will be difficult to get things in the future. The family control is stricter."

"Listen to them quarreling, my brother is in charge of the warehouse in the army. The family management is strict, but it is aimed at those who can misappropriate armor, weapons, and various military supplies in the army. We all follow the No matter what the card is, it won’t get stuck on us. If it really gets stuck on us, we can go to Xianyang to file a complaint. I’m afraid of a bird.”

"That's right, I heard that a Qianniuwei Yamen has been established in Xianyang recently, and it has been transferred to be responsible for these internal affairs. We can go to sue at that time."

"So everyone has heard of Qianniuwei?"

"How could I have never heard of it? My brother in the same room, that kid is very clever in handling things. In the end, he was recommended by the Shangguan to go to Qianniuwei. No, he has been away for five or six days."

"A brother on our ship was also recommended to leave, at the gate of the Qianniuwei yamen. I heard that the treatment is very good, and he is comparable to a secret guard."

"Don't think about it, it's not a level of treatment at all. Qianniuwei's treatment is higher than that of our sea patrolling guards, and it's better than that of Youxianwei on land. But it's definitely not as good as the treatment of dark guards."

A group of soldiers who were resting did not go out for a stroll outside the camp, but gathered in a corner of the empty school grounds, chatting about the mountains.As a result, as soon as I started talking, I discovered that everyone knew so many things.So everyone became interested, you said something, and I said something.

"How many people will Qianniuwei recruit?"

"I heard at least two thousand or more."

"Isn't that about the same as a dark guard?"

"It should be more than the hidden guards. After all, Qianniuwei is responsible for more messy things. I heard that they will arrest spies everywhere."

"The first batch probably won't recruit that many, it's estimated to be between [-] and [-]." A well-mannered sergeant sat on a flat square stone and said.

"How do you know, little scholar?"

"The new army ghost spirits are not expensive, and the newly recruited personnel also need a period of time to adapt to their roles. When these new recruits are stable and Qianniuwei's prestige is also established, it is estimated that the recruitment will be expanded. At that time, the old backbone With newcomers, you will be able to form combat power as quickly as possible.

This is often used in the military.Even our patrolmen are organized like this. "

"The first batch of Patrol Guards may have more than 5000 people." An old man said.

"That's because Patrol Guard invested a lot at the beginning. The site is large, and Patrol Guard expands quickly. But Qianniuwei doesn't need such a large chassis, and five thousand is already a lot. They don't Like Youxianwei, you need to face a large-scale land battle."

"I heard that the Great Song royal family has formed several legions outside our Chu family's territory, and it seems that the visitors are not friendly."

"Isn't that a matter of time? The more the Chu family develops and grows, the more it erodes the territory of the Song Dynasty. If the Chu family is too far away from the core area of ​​the Song Dynasty, the legions of various arms of the Song Dynasty have already directly attacked. .”

"Well, they can't fight." The gentle young soldier from before shook his head and said, "They can't come, they have no way to mobilize large-scale troops. First, the entire Northwest region, basically except for the Chu family, there is no one at all." That faction can afford the consumption of various resources of the Great Army. Even the daily supply of food and other supplies is unbearable. Second, both the Zhao State and the Lishan State have coveted the large territory in the southeast of the Song Dynasty for too long. Everyone I am consuming, waiting for the day when the Great Song Dynasty can't support it and suddenly collapses. If the Great Song Dynasty collapses, then it will be enough to feed Li Shan and Zhao Guo.

Speaking of the northwest, the essence of the Song Dynasty is in the central and southeastern regions. "

"Little Xiucai didn't expect you to know so much?"

"I got the honor of being a scholar in the Southwest. Anyway, I can be regarded as a well-educated family. If there is only one person left in the family, and the Southwest is so chaotic, I would not come here." Fangdao said with a sudden smile .

"Don't say you look so pretty when you smile. How about I marry you the daughter of my cousin's family. That little girl looks really good-looking." A burly soldier with a beard walked over and slapped her. The shoulders of the little scholar.

The little scholar bared her teeth and staggered. Are you sure this isn't revenge?

"No, my lady, I'll find it myself."

"My niece is really nice, and she can read."

"Need not."

"You little scholar, why don't you know how to praise?"

"You have grown up like this, yet you still dare to introduce your niece to other young scholars, isn't it difficult for you to be strong?"

"Why does it look like this? My niece doesn't look like me. She looks like my sister-in-law. She looks really good-looking. She's a real talent. Think about it."

"No need." Xiao Xiucai insisted.

"Don't promote your niece. If you want me to say, the fourth daughter of the old Wang family is better than the old Wang's. Why don't you think about it and let Xiao Xiucai be your fourth son-in-law?"

A middle-aged soldier immediately sprayed when he heard this.

"You guys have to be blindly joined. My little sister is only 11 years old, and I want to stay for a few more years."

"What about the other older ladies in your family?"

"You don't have to worry about it. The eldest girl of my family has been married long ago, and she has three children. The second girl was directly selected as a secret guard. When she gets married depends on her mood and wishes. The third lady was recruited to be a magician. The fourth girl in the family has also been admitted as an apprentice doctor, and after two years she will become a full-fledged doctor and she will leave our old couple."

"I'm going, you are the in-laws of the Chu family, you can do it, old Wang. The daughters are even selected as secret guards. How dare you hide us for so long?" Some soldiers shouted excitedly, even the gentle and gentle The soldiers all looked at Pharaoh delicately and vigorously.

"What in-laws? How can my family have such a relationship? Our family is a family with children. We have served the servants of the Chu family for generations."

(End of this chapter)

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