The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 805 Promotion

Chapter 805 Promotion
"Old Wang, don't lie to us. There are many servants who have turned into in-laws. The most famous one is the Qi family. The wife of the patriarch of the Lingzhi Chu family is named Qi. The Ming family is also from the Lingzhi Chu family. Long dear uncle."

"This is the last ten years. The life of our servants has been better, and there are no strict restrictions on marriage. Otherwise, if we want to marry someone, and our daughter is married, we must pay for the deed of sale to buy our daughter. No At least, 100 taels per person.

The daughter-in-law also needs to fill out a deed of sale when she gets married.Ordinary people who are willing to sell their bodies, so the boys in our family have to exchange marriages if they want to get married.Everyone is a servant family, so don't dislike anyone. "Old Wang said with a wry smile. "The Lingzhi Chu clan you are talking about is all from the side branch. The original side branch Chu clan members are actually similar to ordinary people, and everyone doesn't care.As long as the character is good, people will be happy.

At that time, the direct line was still there. If a member of the side branch married a child of the servant's family, the direct line would be regarded as a black account, and if there was anything good, they would not take you.

So even those offshoots who don't care much about the direct line have taboos. "

Therefore, Chu Dachuan married Qiao's back then, perhaps because of the fear in his heart.

It's just that his uncle is also a servant, so Chu Dachuan got rid of being looked down upon by his descendants no matter what.

"Right now, any member of the Chu family has raised their voices." You said humanely.

"Yeah, follow the family. Wherever the family fights, we will follow. Basically, we will not lose money. My family has more than 100 acres of land, and the branch is on the island, the wasteland, and near my home. I am four children and four children. Daughter, the daughters can work hard on their own, the four sons have inherited the family business, and each manages a share. The youngest son has also entered the army and is now in Youxianwei."

"Old Wang, you are too powerful." He is usually quiet, and everyone thinks he is an ordinary person. Who knows that his family is so rich.

"But old Wang, your family is living so well, why are you still squatting on the patrol? You are also destined to be an old man when you go home." A boy asked jokingly.

"What can I do if I stay at home? It's better to earn two more money in the Patrol Guard, and the resources here are rich, which is also conducive to my cultivation. Last time, the blood dates that were distributed for half a catty per person directly improved my cultivation base." I have reached a great realm. I am now at the seventh level of the Divine Platform Realm. I am heading for the Purple Mansion Realm.

If this is squatting at home, who will give me the Jinchen Yuye Pill? "Old Wang rolled his eyes directly.

Their old wife has basically no talent for cultivation, and she relies on pills to transform her body and prolong her life.The other children, that is, the second daughter, the third daughter, the fourth son, and myself have pretty good cultivation talents, and there is room for improvement.

So the other people took care of their own, and lived a prosperous life in peace. He and the gifted children went out to fight for further progress.

Now that you know you can live forever, who doesn't want to pursue it?
"So you're eyeing the Jinchen Yuye Pill."

"Except for the army, the elixir is sold at a sky-high price outside, and we ordinary people can't afford it at all. Besides, from the Zifu to the golden elixir, we need more powerful elixir. If you don't stay in the army, how can you qualify?" Get the elixir?" Lao Wang complained angrily.

Even the little scholar gave him a thumbs up this time.It really is foresight.

In fact, he chose to join the army because of this.

In the Chu family, as long as you do well in the army, your cultivation will be one step ahead of other sergeants.Nine times out of ten, you will have a chance to wait for the mirror-shattering elixir of the corresponding level.Just like now, the Jinchen Yuye pills in the outside world are all sold at sky-high prices, but in the Chu army, as long as someone has reached the Great Perfection of the Divine Platform, with a look on his face, part of the military merit will be deducted, or part of the military merit will be borrowed. A Jinchen Yuye Pill.

What if there is no breakthrough after eating?
Pay back the money, or continue to deduct military merits to exchange for pills before breaking through? !
No one stipulates that you can break through with just one.If you’re lucky, you’ll need one with a good foundation. If you’re unlucky, if you don’t have a foundation, then you can eat a few more.

Of course, if you are not careful, you will break through and die.Then die.

"Wang Guo? Wang Guo?" A school captain shouted across the school grounds.

Pharaoh stood up suddenly, and hurried over. "Captain Chu, is something wrong?"

"The team leader of your centurion has left. From now on, you will be the new team leader. Can you do it? If you can, tell me quickly. If you can't, I'll find someone else."

"I can do it, what can't I do? I have long wanted to be the team owner, but I have never had the chance."

"Okay, that's you. Take good care of your centurions."

"Zhang Han, Zhang Han..." Xiao Xiucai also ran over.

"The five hundred masters of your team have left, and you have been promoted from the hundred masters to the five hundred masters."

"Yes." Xiao Xiucai immediately nodded and said yes, and saluted the school captain politely.

Lao Wang gasped in his heart.Xin said that this little scholar looked like an ordinary soldier, but he did not expect to be the leader of the centurion.

"This is the kingdom. When your five hundred masters left, you took away one of the team leaders. He is your new team leader." Captain Chu said to Zhang Han.

"Captain Wang." The little scholar nodded reservedly towards Old Wang.

Pharaoh quickly saluted politely.

"Zhang Baizhu."

"Okay, it's enough for you to get to know each other a little bit. Hurry up and clean up your new team. Don't mess it up. There have been frequent changes in the army recently, so you should be more careful, and don't get tricked by others." I'll clean up the mess for you."

Yes, they both agreed.

As soon as the captain left, Zhang Han immediately said to Lao Wang, "Let's quickly point out our small internal warehouse. Those people left, and they may take a lot of things."

Lao Wang's complexion suddenly changed, "It's over, our original team leader is very shameless, don't shave me to nothing."

Zhang Han's complexion also changed suddenly, and he also remembered that his original Baizhu was also a greedy one.

The two of them glanced at each other, then hurriedly ran towards the small warehouse they managed.

If the things are gone, they have to report them immediately, so as not to be tricked by others and say that they have been corrupted.

Not long after the two of them left, the group of soldiers who gathered together also received news that some of them had changed their superiors.Become so and so.

Everyone was shocked to find out that Zhang Han and Wang Guo, who were squatting next to him just now, had both been promoted.

Ouch, these two guys who pretended to be dogs, everyone thought they were the same, but in the end, they all went to get promoted and made a fortune.

"That little scholar is actually the team leader? Which team leader hangs around with us all day like him?"

"That Wang Guo actually ascended to the sky in one step, and became the team leader?"

(End of this chapter)

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