The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 806 Qiu Fengyu and Shangluo

Chapter 806 Qiu Fengyu and Shangluo
The major legions under the Patrol Guard changed their generals very quickly.Even though they knew that the combat effectiveness would decline, the patrolling guards released a large number of mid- and lower-level officers who were unwilling to stay in the patrolling guards, especially the school lieutenants at all levels, who actually left about [-] at a time.

Originally, Zhuang Zihan would definitely not allow such a thing to happen, but the Patriarch and Chu Shinian are here, and these two quasi-big bosses are fighting together. Some things that don't return to their hearts are kicked away.

However, kicking them away is actually beneficial. First of all, it recovers a batch of resources that were taken away by them for no reason.They haven't had time to take this batch of support away.

Thirdly, because of the arrival of the newcomer, the atmosphere of the whole Patrol Guard has changed, and it has become much more active and decent.

It's nothing like ganging up with friends and drinking extravagantly at night.

The new officials in office have also done a lot of things seriously.All kinds of official documents are also rare, and there are delays everywhere.Work is very neat.

As for the decline in combat power, that's not a big problem. Zhuang Zihan benefited from Chu Shinian, and Zhuang Zihan dispatched more than 60 sea battleship formations at one time to find sea beast groups and fight sea monsters.

Fighting is when the abilities of the new officials who have just taken office are displayed.

The sea patrol has changed from stagnant water to stinky water to living water. Zhuang Zihan's heart has been very complicated recently.

When drinking alone with Chu Shinian, he couldn't help showing it.

"Actually, my earlier strategy of retaining people was not wrong."

Chu Shinian nodded. "Good talents are cultivated by ourselves, so naturally we should keep them to serve the family."

"But I didn't expect that, instead, they raised their hearts of extravagance and lust. They also brought down the atmosphere of the entire patrolling guards." Zhuang Zihan sighed.

"A good order is difficult to maintain, but a bad atmosphere can become a habit in three days. You still need to pay more attention and don't always sit with your butt facing them."

Zhuang Zihan was very embarrassed when he heard this.

"My fault."

"I actually watched you and Zhu Wei successively take over the Chu's Marine Corps. Zhu Wei just sat on the wrong side of the chair. You don't want to follow in his footsteps." Chu Shinian gave him a meaningful look. "In your position, what you need to do is balance. Balance your subordinates, your subordinates and the family. It doesn't matter if you are slightly biased towards your subordinates. But it is too biased. Otherwise, the team will If it’s not easy to carry, the owner will feel the pressure.”

Zhuang Zihan nodded understanding.

"In addition, this time the Patriarch acquiesces in letting you release so many outstanding officers, so it doesn't mean he doesn't want to beat you. You really didn't take these officers well. You should know it in your heart."

Zhuang Zihan: "..."

"Don't be afraid if you are ambitious, you can also want to be in the top position. But what do you train guys who don't want to be for the sake of the family, and don't want to win a win-win situation? It's good to be able to suppress them in the front line. If they want to go, let them go. When you train generals, first of all You have to screen them step by step.

Forget it, you were born as a strategist, and like me, you have two knives for leading the army.Let's figure it out together. "

Chu Shinian himself was not from the orthodox general training system, so he was more accommodating to Zhuang Zihan and others.If there are shining points, that's fine, but if something goes wrong, you can't beat it.In fact, it's not a big deal if you don't come from an orthodox background.

Just like Di Chu trained some boys from the orthodox general training system, and now those guys have basically gone to serve the Song court.It's not as good as people in the civil service line, at least they know a lot about returning.

"I'll pay attention in the future." Zhuang Zihan nodded.

In fact, he understood what Chu Shinian said, but it's a pity that many of those who left were really talented.Let him love their talents.Three of them are talented generals.


In fact, Chu Shinian also knew why Zhuang Zihan insisted on not releasing him for so long.Isn't it because those boys do have some talent for leading naval battles.

In the eyes of Zhuang Zihan, the outstanding talent is the same in the eyes of Chu Shinian, who has seen countless geniuses in the family.

It's not that Chu Shinian denies his excellence, it's just that the Chu family has established a complete training system for follow-up generals and schools. As long as they are willing to invest, no matter how many talents can be piled up, why bother with someone who doesn't care about you?
He has met those three people before, they are all people who can create their own families, why bother with your Chu family?

The three people who were not seen by Chu Shinian, left the Chu family's patrol guards, and made another appointment, and gathered in a wine shop on Yanbo Island at the same time.In the bright private room, they each brought their confidants in.Soon the entire large private room was filled.

The sturdy and burly young man who took the lead sat directly on the host seat.His two guests each occupied one side.

"If you have anything to say, just say it." The fair-faced young handsome boy on his left had an unusually stern expression.

"That's right, Boss Qiu, if you have anything to say, speak up quickly. Brother has other things to do, so you can't wait here for long." The chubby, dark-faced young man on the other side also said.

"I want to form a business alliance, how about the three of us join hands?" Qiu Fengyu asked.

"Zhao Chunqiu, what do you think?" Leng Wuyi, a cold white-faced boy, asked.

The round, black and fat young man Zhao Chunqiu thought it over carefully and said, "Although we have all come out, everyone must understand that our small arms are no match for Chu's thighs. If you are an alliance, you just want to watch and help each other. Then I agree. If you want to compete with the Chu family, then I won’t join. I haven’t lived enough yet!!”

It is true that Zhao Chunqiu wanted to be self-reliant, but he is not a fool, who can sleep against the Chu family in the sea.Don't forget, they all came from the Chu family. Who knows better than them the true combat power of the Chu family's patrolling sea guards?

That's scary, right?

Leng Wuyi listened to Zhao Chunqiu's words, and nodded in agreement directly, "I also mean the same thing. If the alliance is to help each other and exchange needs, then I can join. If it is aimed at the Chu family, then I will not get involved."

Qiu Yuyu felt a cloud in his heart.

"I didn't expect that after only staying in the Chu family for a few years, I would scare you out of courage."

Leng Wuyi and Zhao Chunqiu sneered in unison: Ha ha.

You still want to use us as knives because of your hatred of wind and rain. Who gave you the courage?
"Is that Prince Shang from Lishan Kingdom so attractive to you?" Leng Wuyi first asked with disdain.

"It's just such a master who doesn't give you anything by talking about it, and you have to embezzle yourself to get some equipment. Why do you love him so much?" Zhao Chunqiu opened his mouth and complained directly.

(End of this chapter)

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