Chapter 807
After hearing what the two of them said, Qiu Fengyu immediately turned black. "What master, we are allies, allies."

"Hehe, if you give your sister-in-law to Shang Luo as a side concubine, isn't that an in-law? But even if it's an in-law master, there's nothing for it. It's too chilling to rely on lip support? What a loss You still miss him." Zhao Chunqiu's tone of voice was sour.

"Zhao Chunqiu, do you know how to talk, you little brat, and you don't know that you can keep silent." Qiu Fengyu was immediately angry.

"You're angry from embarrassment, what's the matter, I revealed the biggest secret in your heart? Are you uncomfortable?" Zhao Chunqiu angrily gouged out Chou Yuyu's eyes.Damn, this calf has never been a good thing.

"Li Shanguo, it's true that you stretched your hand too far." Leng Wuyi also said coldly with disgust.

Both of them knew the affairs of Lishan Kingdom and Shang Luo clearly, which made Qiu Fengyu a little passive.He really didn't expect the news of these two people to be so well-informed.It seems that my plan today is probably going to be bad.

"I sincerely invite the two brothers to conspire for great things."

"Don't say it's so great, you probably want to draw our brothers in to make knives and cannon fodder for you against the Chu family. Let me tell you, that's impossible. The Chu family has now formed its own Qianniuwei, This Qianniuwei has been acting very aggressively lately. Our basic backgrounds and books cannot stand the investigation. Fortunately, we came out early.

I'm afraid you won't be able to keep those dark threads you left in the army. "Zhao Chunqiu said with a cold face.

Qiu Fengyu's face turned even darker.

"I heard that the Chu Clan launched another thousand Dafa ships, and this time they were directly deployed to a newly formed legion. I also heard that the Chu Clan will have several large-scale attacking crossbows in the coming month to test their effects.

If it works well, it will be put into use.It is said that these nine large-scale attack crossbows are sharp weapons developed for the monster race. "Leng Wuyi's voice was similar to that of Bingzhuzi.

Qiu Fengyu's face turned even darker, because he knew it too.

"In the past three years, the Chu family has invested more than [-] types of attack-type crossbows, all of which are new versions that have been improved for sea beasts and sea monsters. If the sea beasts and sea monsters have new abilities, the Chu family will target them. What new bows and arrows, crossbows.

While the two sides are fighting each other, the Chu family is constantly getting stronger.In the past, when we were here, we could delay the growth of Chu's army, but now it's impossible.The other party has realized the harm of our existence and knocked us all out.

Chu Shinian is indeed a powerful person. He came here this time to suppress Zhuang Zihan and knock us out. "

After hearing Leng Wuyi's speech, Qiu Yuyu snorted heavily.

Neither Leng Wuyi nor Zhao Chunqiu were willing to take care of him.So what if you just don't feel angry?
"If you ask me, the Chu family is really no big deal. Isn't it just that they have invested a lot of French ships and personnel. If the three of us join forces and develop, we can also form a powerful alliance..."

"Sorry, I still have something to do, let's go first." Zhao Chunqiu said goodbye directly.

Leng Wuyi didn't even say a word, and took him away directly.

Qiu Fengyu: "..."

Crackling, a table of dishes was directly overturned by Qiu Yuyu.

"What the hell, you're too deceitful!! Leng Wuyi and Zhao Chunqiu, I want you to look good."

At this time, a young man in a green robe with a dignified temperament came over from the private room next door.

"Leng Wuyi and Zhao Chunqiu are not willing to join for the time being, so let's not join. Why bother with them?" The young man said with a smile.

"Your Highness," Qiu Fengyu cupped his hands, saluting like a general in the army. "Those two thieves and foxes are so slippery." At this time, the anger on Qiu Yufeng's face had disappeared, and instead he was surprisingly calm and calm.

"Of course I send you off to the Chu family, but I just want to learn how to train troops and build a navy. Now that we have successfully obtained the training methods, it's time to build a navy for ourselves." The young man said quietly.

"Yes, Your Highness. I have been looking forward to it for a long time." Qiu Fengfeng said with a face of joy, but after his joy, he regretted it. "It's a pity that those two thieves and foxes didn't take the bait. As long as they agree, it doesn't matter whether they like it or not in the future. I'm sure to push them to the opposite side of the Chu family."

"There are people behind those two people." A certain young man said. "The Chu family is too strong in the sea. I don't believe it. Everyone is not interested in it."

"It's just that the Chu family acted too quickly. As soon as they found any sign, they came over and cut off everyone's hands and feet that were in the navy." Qiu Fengyu said with a twitch.

"Of course, the Chu family has capable people. Otherwise, why do you think the Chu family has been able to stand up to now and has not been exterminated?" The young man smiled sarcastically.

"That's true."

"I heard that something big is going to happen on Yanbo Island recently?" the young man asked curiously.

"Yes. I have been inquiring about this news for several years and lost several good players before I got the real reason. The truth is too powerful." Qiu Fengyu said with a sigh.Although everyone is their own master, he himself was arranged by His Highness.

But he also has to say that the Chu family is too awesome.

"The Chu family dug out a small world from somewhere. And it is a small world with very good potential. After they transformed the whole small world, they sank into the cultivation of the earth veins. Recently, the small world has completely transformed, and slowly It rose from the veins of the earth. It intends to float out of the ground."

The young man looked at his subordinate general with a look of complete disbelief.

"Really, Your Highness, that's what happened. The Chu family is powerful. They are still reclaiming a small world, and they control another small world here. Do you think this family is good or not?"

"Our Lishan country is so big that we have never controlled a small world..." The young man's tone contained quite a lot of envy and hatred.

"I've only heard of some legends about the small world, and the only small world I've ever seen is the one in the wasteland." Qiu Fengfeng said.He used to have a high status, so it's not a big deal to go to see what a small world is.

In fact, he is definitely not the only one who joins in the fun to watch a strange thing.When the small world first opened up wasteland, many people in the Chu family went to see a new one.

There are many people who go to Small World for a day trip.

"I didn't just go to some small world." A certain young man said in a resentful tone.

Ahhh, Qiu Fengfeng is very happy. "Would you like me to accompany you to go shopping? Don't worry, Your Highness, even if I leave the Chu family, there are contacts who will arrange for us to visit."

(End of this chapter)

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