The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 808 The Man's Nightmare

Chapter 808 The Man's Nightmare

"Forget it, I'm not interested in visiting small worlds yet, I'm more interested in this small world in Mrs. Chu's hands." Having two small worlds! !

"What's going on in this small world, I can't get in to find out for the time being." Qiu Yuyu frowned.

"It's okay, it's a small world, unless the Chu family doesn't use it, our people will always have a chance to go in and find out." The young man said confidently.

"That's right." The development of a small world is not something that a hundred or so people can accomplish.It is bound to be anxious for a large number of people to go in.Once there are too many people, all forces will have the opportunity to put people in.

"Does Your Highness plan to stay on Yanbo Island temporarily to watch the excitement, or leave first?" Qiu Fengyu asked.

"Look at the fun." The young man said.


After Chu Shinian took a bath, he let his wife wipe his wet hair with a dry cloth.Taohua wiped his hair half dry, then touched his cheek playfully and said, "Don't say it, just with the looks of our husband, he can be counted in the world."

Chu Shinian was teased by her and chuckled, "It's rare that my wife likes me like this? Are you satisfied? My wife?"

"Satisfied, very satisfied." Taohua continued to tease him.Speaking of which, her husbands in the two lifetimes were all good-looking, whether it was Yang Xianzhi or Chu Shinian, they were all outstanding and amazing.Yang Xianzhi's beauty is more sharp-edged, while Chu Shinian's beauty is more restrained and mysterious.

"Speaking of which, my husband has worked hard." Chu Shinian's introversion is not only in appearance, in order to avoid conflicts with her, this guy restrains his sharpness all the time.Quiet and introverted, like a bottomless abyss.

Although this guy was put on the stage by her, he always regarded himself as her shadow.It was Chu Shinian who did the hard work.

"Madam has worked hard for me." Chu Shinian said in a calm tone.

Tao Hua angrily pecked and kissed him on the cheek, "Speaking of which, you paid more."

"Life between husband and wife has to pay a little bit. I don't feel bitter." This is the truth, Chu Shinian really doesn't feel bitter.From the very beginning, he knew Taohua's intention to send him out to put on the surface.It must be hiding in the dark and manipulating the entire family to avoid more disputes and troubles.

If not, it is a woman who only relies on peach blossoms, and besides, she is from the Lingzhi Chu family.It will send her and Chu Dashan's family to the forefront.

But as long as he stands in the front, he can cut off all these messy things.

Taohua can spare more time to manage the family well, and can also spare more time to manage their small family well.

"But without you, I'm afraid I'd be in serious trouble." Tao Hua also said truthfully.

Chu Shiyoung smiled, "Then treat me better in the future."

"Let's do it." Peach Blossom embraced the person in front of her, "But if you like someone else, you must tell me. We will separate peacefully when the time comes."

When Chu Shinian heard this, he said angrily, "What are you thinking? You still want to separate from me. How is it possible? You will die by my side for the rest of your life."

"Overbearing." Taohua laughed at him.

"That's overbearing." Chu Shinian said stubbornly.

"Okay, listen to you, my lord."

"That's how it should be." Chu Shinian grabbed the gauze curtain beside the bed with his backhand, and it was a spring breeze overnight.

Early in the morning, Brother Chun opened his eyes and howled dryly.Even if she was carried out for a walk by her own father, she still feels wronged.Mainly even if my mother ignored him last night and didn't see him early this morning.Aww, where did you go?

Chu Shinian had nothing to do with this naughty, disobedient bastard.

Seeing Chu Ziyan coming to see him in high spirits, it was as if he had seen a savior. "Hurry up and hug me for a while. I'll go wash up." Chu Shinian threw the little fat man into Chu Ziyan's arms.

Flashed by himself.

Chu Ziyan: "..."


The two of them looked at each other for three seconds, and Brother Chun, the little fat man, howled to the ground.Aww ohhh.

The little fat man has great strength and a high lung capacity.The crying could literally knock the roof off.When Chu Shinian came back quickly and took him away to his wife who had woken up, Chu Ziyan was so embarrassed that he almost collapsed.

"He also peed all over me."

"I'll find someone to change into new clothes for you immediately." Chu Shinian said while running away with his son in his arms.

Chu Ziyan: "..." I will never love children again.The knowledge of a fat man at this age is a man's nightmare.

Chu Ziyan took care of himself again, and it took about a quarter of an hour before he saw Chu Shinian walking over with frowning eyes.

"Is your little one still crying?"

"No, you'll be honest with that mother."

"At the beginning of the year, do you still plan to have a second one?" Chu Ziyan asked with lingering fear.

"Let's talk about it after three or four years old." Chu Shinian also had a look of fear on his face.

"Why are other people's children so easy to take care of, why is your baby so troublesome?" Chu Ziyan asked puzzled.

"How do I know?" Chu Shinian was also speechless. "My father-in-law said, it depends on the child's temper. Children have a temper and are too individual, so it's difficult to take care of them from an early age."

Chu Ziyan choked speechlessly: "..."

"There's nothing I can do about it. I can't put him back in his mother's belly?" Although raising a son often made him irritable, who made this his own son!In the words of his father-in-law, Renren passed.It will be fine when he is a few years older and sensible.

"I will take care of this kid when he grows up." Chu Shinian said ruthlessly.

Chu Ziyan also nodded. The little poor child just needs to clean up. If he cleans up a lot, he will be honest.

So the peach blossoms in the backyard are very happy at this time.Although he is only a few months old, Brother Chun can already know how to act.Whenever the nurse and maids took him away, he would cry.As long as you hug him back to Taohua, he will stop crying immediately.

Doudou also giggled.

If Taohua hugged him, he would look aggrieved, as if an outsider bullied him, and he would complain to Taohua.

Taohua is sure that this kid will become a little showman in the future! !
It's only a little bit older, and it's so good at acting.

The key is that he already knows how to recognize, he can clearly recognize mother, father, two nannies, and the eight around Taohua with the breath of maids.Except for these few people, no one can hug him.

"Xiao Langjun is really too smart." Nanny Yi almost knelt down to this brat.This little ghost is not only smart, but also especially good at catching demons.

"Xiao Langjun will definitely have great promise in the future." The second nurse really complimented.Although the nature of the two nanny is good.But nanny one is a bit snobby, nanny two is smart and intelligent, very good at talking.

(End of this chapter)

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