The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 809 Wooden Level 5 Peak Small World

Chapter 809

Taohua only intends to let the two mothers bring their son to his first birthday, and it will not be many months, so he doesn't have high demands on the two of them, as long as they don't cause trouble and can take good care of the child.

"You're so naughty." Taohua herself would never say that her son is catching a demon.

After coaxing the little naughty, put him in a place where he can see him, and he can also see him.Taohua began to wash and dress up.She still has important things to do today.She has to go when the little one falls asleep.

When Taohua was eating breakfast, the little guy also started to drool, too greedy.But Taohua can't let him have breakfast with her, so she asks someone to prepare light sherbet for the nanny to feed him.

Brother Chun really enjoyed the food.

After eating the sherbet, the little guy will feel sleepy.It didn't take long to fall asleep.

As soon as he fell asleep, Tao Hua led him away lightly.

Chu Shinian had been waiting for her outside the door.

In the veins of Yanbo Island, geologists and array mages have long dug out huge holes.All kinds of formation materials were buried deep into the ground veins according to the formation diagram.The violent atmosphere of the earth veins filled the void, and many earth masters and formation masters couldn't hold on anymore, and began to go to the temporary camp on the ground in groups, and the retreat room over there gave them a reply.

On the ground in the middle of the cave, a huge formation is taking shape little by little.

Various formation patterns are continuously linked together under the orderly digging and chiseling of craftsmen and formation masters.When the last ditch was dug, the buzzing sound of the formation immediately sounded.Not long after, a cloud-like portal opened directly in the center of the formation.Inside the portal, rich aura and fruity fragrance rushed out.

Everyone just smelled it lightly, and immediately smelled an ethereal and attractive peach fragrance.Then the door slammed shut again.

At the same time, the mana of the people present surged, and a large amount of impurities were squeezed out of the body surface, causing a black and strange smell and dirt.

"Hey, what's going on, I just asked about the smell of peaches."

"It seems that the scriptures have been washed."

"My God, what's going on, it's just peach scent."

"Taozixiang has been cut and washed?"

"Oh my god... what happened in the small world?"

Tao Huaxin said what else could happen, it means that Tao Zi has advanced.

Tao Hua gave Chu Shinian a look, and Chu Shinian immediately stood up to deal with the people present.

Including him and Taohua have been washed by indirect cutting scriptures.

Taohua simply went back to wash up.

After Chu Shinian warned everyone present, he also went back to clean up.Everyone went back to the top and cleaned up again.

Then a large number of spirit stones were placed in the new formation again, and only then did they start connecting to a certain portal again.When this formation was just taking shape, the connecting portal was only an experimental opening.If you don't have enough spirit stones, it's not bad to be able to open a few breaths.

This time, in addition to the earth masters, craftsmen and formation masters who were there before, Chu Shinian also called down a large number of hidden guards and Qianniu guards.

After a while, they will all enter the small world to rearrange new formations.Connect the formation here, stabilize the small world and build an underground palace in this underground space.

The portal to the small world reopened.

This time the door was opened even bigger, with a full height of three feet and a width of six feet.It's like a gate tower.

The aroma of peaches and rich aura gushed out again.

The new dark guards and Qianniu guards were also passively washed by the cutting scriptures.

But this time, instead of turning back, everyone entered the small world directly.

The richness of spiritual energy in the small world of the fifth-level peak is much higher than that of the outside world.The aura is not detectable in the outside world.In the small world, aura is something that can be touched by human hands.Walking in the small world is like traveling in the ocean of aura.

Here is a living gaseous ocean.

The moist aura was blowing on the person's body and face, like drizzle falling.

The dark guards and Qianniu guards are using various cleaning spells and utensils to clean themselves up.Although he didn't wash up directly, it was not unacceptable to a group of sergeants.

The drizzle of spiritual energy rolled down on their skin non-stop, penetrating into their bodies all the time.

"People below the altar level in this small world are not physically strong enough to survive." Chu Shinian carefully observed the aura drizzle in this world, and said bluntly.

On the contrary, Chu Ziyan said happily, "Although it is not suitable for ordinary people to survive, it is suitable for soldiers in the army to build a promotion."

Chu Shinian nodded in agreement.

Not long after they walked, they saw seas of Blood Spirit Flowers.They are all first-order blood spirit flowers and seedlings of blood spirit flowers.Although the blood spirit flower consumes the origin of the small world, if it is just a flower seedling that does not enter the rank, and a first rank blood spirit flower, the consumption is actually not too great.

At least the small world that constantly absorbs the leylines to supplement its own original consumption is still tolerable.

In addition to the blood spirit flower, there is a large area of ​​spirit peach trees.

The snow-white snow fairy peach tree and the golden-yellow new variety of spirit peach tree guard two huge peach trees on the largest peak of a certain mountain range layer by layer.

Qi Tianjian in the eyes of peach blossoms brushed through new peach trees, Huangyang spiritual peaches, and top-grade spiritual roots.An epiphytic variety of top-grade fairy root zhaotian peach.

This Xuexian peach is the same as the epiphytic variety of the top-grade fairy root Xueyu peach.

And on a mountain peak like a huge fairy platform, there are actually two giant peach trees that seem to touch the sky.

Chu Shinian looked at the two big trees with twitching corners of his eyes.

"Those two are immortal roots, right?"

Tao Hua nodded and said, "It's the fairy root. The top-grade fairy root Xueyu peach and the top-grade fairy root Zhaotian peach."

"Really... is it a fairy root?" Chu Ziyan was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped. "Does our family still have fairy roots?"

"There's nothing I can do if I don't leave." Tao Hua said helplessly spreading her little hands.

"Immortal Root, I heard that Immortal Root can suppress Lingshan. The Lingshan with Immortal Root is the real Lingshan." Chu Ziyan said dumbfounded.

"How should I put it, the immortal root is suppressing Lingshan, but that depends on whether it is compatible. If the immortal root is not so compatible with Lingshan, it will be bad sooner or later." Taohua said.

A green light flashed.Taohua, Chu Shinian, and Chu Ziyan were moved directly in front of the two huge immortal roots.

The two four- and five-year-old dolls have been waiting for a long time.

"Taohua, Taohua, you're finally here." The chubby girl in a embroidered gown was the first to say to Taohua with a smile.

"Yes, I'm here." Taohua said.

"Why did you come so late? I have adjusted this small world." The little boy in a bright yellow brocade robe said arrogantly.

"I didn't ask you to adjust this small world for me." Taohua said speechlessly, "Once you adjust, my small world with all the five elements may directly become the small world of the fifth-level peak of the Mu Xing."

When the two fat dolls heard this, they were both embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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