Chapter 819 Fight
When Yin Ji saw Chu Junqi again, she found that this guy was listless and neurotic.He confirmed again and again that there was no tail behind him, and then he went to the opposite side of Yin Ji again.

"The Chu family really has a big secret."

In the first sentence of the opening, Chu Junqi looked like he was going to sell the Chu family completely.

"If, I said, if my sister is in the Chu family, can you help me master the secret guards of the Chu family?" Chu Junqi looked at Yin Ji eagerly.

"The successive patriarchs of the Chu family have been able to control the hidden guards smoothly. Why do you think that is?" Yin Ji asked back.

After hearing this, Chu Junqi lowered his head thoughtfully, and raised his head in shock after thinking for a while. "The dark water is very deep?"

"In short, you can't control it." Yin Ji said to him very straightforwardly. "Da Lang, you should live your life well. The position of Patriarch is really not suitable for you. If you have that time, you might as well remarry a daughter from the family and have more young lords."

Chu Junqi's cheeks twisted and twitched.

Then he said dejectedly, "Indeed, the Chu family has never lacked smart people."

Yin Ji also nodded along with him, so if you are not very smart, you should just stay honest.

"The Chu family still has one outside, and the other is in a certain palace. The Chu family needs to do something in that certain palace. It was originally planned well, but it was ruined when it came to Chu Xi.

What kind of palace is there now, a big shot has been sent down.

They said they were going to get rid of my sister. "

Yin Ji nodded, indicating that she knew.

"Hurry up and send a letter to my sister, tell her to be careful." Chu Junqi said.

"No need, the Patriarch himself will be careful." Yin Ji said without worrying at all.

"Why do you have such a big heart?" Chu Junqi was speechless in surprise.

Yin Ji smiled at him and said, "But you're right, I should pass the news back." She said and released a small kingfisher that was only the size of a thumb from her sleeve.

The little bird whizzed, and ran away without a trace in a flash of green light.

As soon as the kingfisher left, Chu Junqi was obviously relieved.

"Don't worry, they're gone."

After hearing this, Chu Junqi looked at her in surprise, "What has left?"

"Those who followed you. They followed the kingfisher." Yin Ji said.

Chu Junqi immediately became anxious when he heard this. "Are you crazy? If they followed the kingfisher, they will definitely find my sister. How could you make such a big mistake? Are you still a hidden guard?"

Yin Ji burst into laughter after hearing this.

"You are greedy for life and afraid of death, and you are selfish. I looked down on you at first. But after a while, I found out that you still have some advantages. At least you still have some feelings for your own sister."

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" Chu Junqi said angrily.

"Don't worry, it's time to come or come back. It's useless for us to be anxious."

With just a few breaths, the kingfisher has leaped over a large area of ​​mountains, forests and river valleys, and with a few more breaths, it has already leaped over a certain big city.Only a bird's mount can barely keep up with it.

The rest who don't have bird mounts can only stay on the flying boat and hang at the end.

In the back house of a large courtyard in Xianyang, Taohua was standing on the porch holding Brother Chun.Phew, the kingfisher flew in and landed on the wooden bench not far from the peach blossom.

"Come on, you are ready."

Without saying a word, Taohua hid Brother Chun in her arms and hid in the inner room, and then hid again in the Taiyin Stone Pagoda.

Tao Hua directly put Brother Chun on an exquisite wooden bed in the stone pagoda.Then he took away a pair of hammers that were placed next to the small wooden bed.

When she reappeared, she put on a peach blossom mask and changed her clothes.At this time, Chu Shinian had already fought with the visitor.

Everywhere in Xianyang City are the wreckage and battlefields of fierce battles by the powerhouses of the Zifu Realm.

Without further ado, Taohua smashed a strange monk who flew towards her into a meatloaf with a hammer.Then, holding a hammer, he rushed towards the battlefield with many strange monks.

The opponent's cultivator in the purple mansion has a variety of tricks, and every time it is life and death, they will play a few hole cards.In comparison, the monks of the Chu family are a little simpler.But the monks of the Chu family are not all weak chickens. While they are constantly dying in battle, they also frequently use various insidious tactics to encircle them.

The two sides really got angry, and the cultivators in the purple mansion fell like dumplings without money.Every hour, dozens of Zifu died in battle, or were seriously injured and left the battlefield.

Taohua returned to her side several times to rest and take the elixir.

Once she was surrounded and killed by seven or eight powerful monks in the purple mansion, and she almost didn't come back.Fortunately, she is also a person with cards!
This kind of killing, from dark to dawn.

The Chu family was not doing well. The foreign monks couldn't resist at first. At first, the descendants rushed to the flying magic ship, and then a small part abandoned everyone and fled.As soon as they escaped, the entire battlefield was completely chaotic.

I don't know who yelled and ran away!

As a result, those strange monks all ran away in all directions.

The people of the Chu family chased and killed them all the way! !
From the Chu family's Xianyang to the Chu family's territory, this hunt lasted for several days.

After the battle, it was concluded that Chu Shiguang had killed and seriously injured more than 800 people in the Zifu Realm in the past few days.Fortunately, because there were so many people and they were on their own territory, not many people died in battle.As long as he doesn't die, the Chu family's pill resources are not lacking.

However, there were more than 1000 strange Zifu monks who came to commit the crime, and a third of them left their bodies alone.

Most of them did not die in the battle of Xianyang, but in the pursuit of the Chu family's multi-faceted encirclement and suppression.

Ants kill elephants!
What's more, the Chu family's Purple Mansion was not given for nothing.

They just lacked a little bit of experience against the enemy according to the cultivators in the Purple Mansion Realm in the upper realm.However, after this great battle, some monks in the purple mansion were also trained.

Although the Chu family suffered a heavy loss this time, the Chu family has shown its prestige this time.

It's still not majestic to beat a monk from the upper realm.

Even if the Chu family didn't say it themselves, some people spread the prestige of the Chu family.

Unlike the Chu family's majesty, Zhou Chongyu's face was ashen.

They all have hole cards in their hands, but Chu's people also have hole cards in their hands.

When it comes to melee, the number is the real advantage that can determine the winner! !

Even though Zhou Chongyu turned around and contacted many upper realm forces, no one expected that they would be able to suffer such a big loss from the Chu family.The Chu family's purple mansion confronted them head-on.

The record this time simply discredited the upper realm forces.

"I think it's normal for us to fail. No matter how capable we are, we won't be able to cast [-] purple mansions against other people's [-] purple mansions. With just one password, all kinds of spells will be overwhelming. How can we play?" Son? If you don’t run, you can’t do it?” A monk with a broken mouth and an arrogant expression, ignored Zhou Chongyu’s dark face, and complained directly.

(End of this chapter)

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