Chapter 820
"The problem is not that one thousand five is against five thousand purple mansions. It's that we were defeated by others with great fanfare. Not only did we fail to achieve our goal, but we were defeated by their family. I think we are about to lose face.

Those technical forces should be rampant again for a while. "Another middle-aged monk with a strange face said with an ugly expression.

"Senior Brother Zhou, I'll pay off the favor I owe you this time, and next time something like this happens, don't look for me. Farewell." After saying this, he got up and led his people away.

"Junior Brother Zhou..."

"Brother Zhou Xian..."

"Brother Zhou..."

Everyone started to find their own reasons to leave.

As soon as someone led the team away, the others followed suit.In the end, only fifty or sixty purple mansions of Baicao Pavilion were left for Zhou Chongyu.Because of Shantou's order, they can't get away now.

Everyone's faces were rather ugly.

People are squatting in the barren mountains and mountains, or it is still late at night.If it weren't for Zhou Chongyu's insistence that everyone who escaped from the Chu family gather here, everyone would actually want to have a good rest for the night and gather again during the day.

But now those people who were really summoned last week have also left.

In the end all that was left was them.

"Senior Zhou, do you have any other orders? If not, we will also leave." Zhu You is the person who came to participate in the assassination on behalf of Yang Xianzhi and the Yang family.

Although everyone knew that the Patriarch of the Chu family was difficult to assassinate, but everyone was from the upper realms, so they would not pay attention to a group of aborigines.

The result is that they stumbled a lot this time, bad luck!

"In the current situation, I am still in the lower realm. I can't use many things, and I can't use many methods. You guys, just leave first, and I will think of other ways. I will contact you when I have a new plan. you."

After sending away all the cultivators of the Yang family, Zhou Chongyu brought people back to Zhang Yucheng again.

At this time, Fu Zhongyu also came to the Qijin mansion purchased by Baicao Pavilion in Zhangyu City.This is a large house that occupies half the street area, and it is also the most important house for receiving guests of Baicao Pavilion in Zhangyu City.

Zhou Chongyu brought someone back, and Fu Zhongyu hurried out to greet him in person.

After the two parties sat down in the study, Zhou Chongyu's face was a little dignified.

"I didn't expect the Chu family to develop so rapidly."

"Of course, the Chu family has great luck." Fu Zhongyu said with a helpless expression. "Since the rise of the Chu family, I have been watching it secretly. There is no doubt that the Chu family has great luck. Every time the world changes, it can take advantage of the situation.

The mysterious head of the Chu family is also a very powerful guy.

The foundation she laid for the Chu family is too strong.Aunt Liu was developed by the Chu family to the huge size she is today. "

Fu Zhongyu said with regret in his words, "When I found out that the Chu family was a little abnormal, I thought about cutting off the foundation of this family. But it was taken by the seniors, so I didn't do it. Then I know that it has come to this stage now."

"My master didn't expect them to be able to do this." Zhou Chongyu's face became even more ugly.

Fu Zhongyu didn't want to continue to rub salt on his wounds, so he changed the subject and said, "Then do you have any plans for the next step?"

"When I came down this time, I planned to make a quick decision at the beginning, change the Patriarch of the Chu family, and complete the final entrustment of the master. Unfortunately, through the recent battle, I already know that the Chu family has developed and grown in the lower realm. Time to cut its roots.

Since I can't clean up the Chu family in a short period of time, then I have to spend more time and plan in many ways, and have a confrontation with that Chu family leader. "Zhou Chongyu said very confidently.

In fact, when he chose to assassinate Patriarch Chu in a sudden rush, he was prepared for two things. One was to succeed in the assassination, and he successfully controlled the Chu family, set things right, and let the master's plan continue to be implemented.

The second is to take a long-term view.Re-arrangement, officially a certain Patriarch confronts.The two competed intellectually and strategically.Although it took some time to do so, it was better than returning to the upper realm with nothing to be scolded by the master.

"Actually, our Baicao Pavilion has quite a foundation in several nearby countries. If senior brother Zhou is interested in planning, I will tell you about the situation in the surrounding countries in detail."

Zhou Chongyu immediately became interested after hearing this, "Okay."

The two of them chatted about the layout of the surrounding countries with great interest.

In an exquisite three-entry house not far from them, Chu Yuxuan, Chu Da and others lived.

My father is a useless person. After Chu Da felt that her father was completely useless, her attitude towards him became worse than before.That is to say, Chu Yuxuan himself always turned a blind eye to his daughter's increasingly impatient tone and demeanor.

Then Chu Junqi came to see him with a bag of stuff every now and then.

After receiving that the Chu family killed and drove away the Dulai Zi Mansion who attacked Xianyang this time, Chu Junqi came to see Chu Yuxuan with his things again.

"Jun Qi is here, did you bring something delicious for your father and me this time?" Chu Yuxuan asked with a peaceful expression.

Seeing his peaceful face, Chu Junqi was a little surprised.

"In the past, every time I came here, your face would turn so dark, why did you change your face this time?"

Chu Yuxuan's face froze.

"The things I brought you this time are all edible. You can eat them whenever you want." Chu Junqi said.

"Jun Qi, look at your father and me. Now I have no money to buy what I want to eat. Why don't you let me take care of the two restaurants in your hand. I don't have your house deed or anything, so you can Just leave it to me to take care of it." Chu Yuxuan discussed with his son in a good voice.

"What?" Chu Junqi was startled, and immediately said, "Why do you have to take care of my restaurant? I don't know how to take care of it myself? Besides, the shopkeeper in the restaurant is watching. One account a month is enough. What kind of outsider will take care of it?"

"What outsider? Little bastard! I'm your own father." Hearing this, Chu Yuxuan's face suddenly became grim.

Seeing his ferocious face, Chu Junqi secretly breathed a sigh of relief because he was familiar with the expression on his face.

"Father, the shop and treasure you brought from home were given to Chu Da in the end. Why do you think you have the nerve to worry about my property? It's my mother's dowry." Chu Yu's seven orifices ascended to heaven.

"At the beginning of the civil unrest in Changyang, everyone fled in a hurry. How much can I bring? Even if I give Chu Da some property, so what? She is your own sister."

As soon as Chu Junqi heard this, he couldn't help curling his lips and said, "I would rather not have a girl who raped and gave birth to children."

(End of this chapter)

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