The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 822 Fierce, brutal, ruthless, poisonous!

Chapter 822 Fierce, brutal, ruthless, poisonous!
"Thanks, I'm not in the mood." Chu Jun said in unison.

"Chu Junqi, you are in Zhang Yu now, do you think you have the ability to reject me?" The expression on Chu Da's face immediately turned cold.

"Hmph, it's okay to just say it. A femme fatale pretending to be a good family." Chu Junqi sneered.

" think I don't want to be a good man? Who pushed me to this point?" Chu Da said angrily.

"Find a reason for yourself, who wouldn't? How did you become what you are now? Didn't you walk out of it by yourself? After all, you and Chu Xi are not good people. Chu Chu's downfall is Thanks to the two of you practicing your hands.

But Chu Xi was superior and won the entire Chu family in the end. As for you, you suffered a crushing defeat and lost all your family business. "Chu Junqi scoffed.

Speaking of which, it's not that he didn't hate Chu Da.

Without her, he would still be the eldest son of Chu Chu's eldest son, Da Langjun, who controls the entire Chu family.

Even if his sister is the head of the family, the future family business will fall into the hands of his eldest son and grandson.

Even if he can't compete with his own sister intellectually, at least he can fight for his offspring.

But what is he now?
The power of Chu Chu has fallen to the side, and the main line of the current Chu family is the main line formed by the people selected by Chu Xi's centralized family elites.

Chu Xi is just a woman, and Chu Shinian, who is her spokesperson in the clan, got married and had a son. Now even Chu Junqi can't guess how the next Patriarch of the Chu family will choose.

"In short, whether you like it or not, you will join Baihua Palace in the end." Chu Da said with a ferocious expression.

Chu Junqi sneered back.

But in Zhang Yu, it is true that the upper realm forces are dominant now, and the other affiliated local forces dare not say anything.

Just when Chu Junqi thought that he would be dragged to join Baihua Palace, Zhou Chongyu received a letter from the head of the Chu family.After he read the letter, he smashed his temporary study.

But after smashing it, he still had someone notify Fu Luyi and Chu Da.

Chu Yuxuan and Chu Junqi cannot join Baihua Palace, Baihua Palace can protect Chu Yuxuan and Chu Junqi to live and do business in Zhangyu.

When Chu Junqi received the news, his jaw almost dropped.

In a panic, he contacted Yin Ji who hadn't left Zhang Yu yet.

"What's the matter? Chu Da and the others are so arrogant, isn't it because of the support of Baicao Pavilion and Baihua Palace behind her? They have so many properties and people in Zhangyu. Many people in our Yichu clan depend on them to live. A few days ago Chu Da has already told me that I will definitely join the Hundred Flowers Palace, why did it suddenly become that we are not allowed to join the Hundred Flowers Palace?"

He is ready to be in Cao Ying and his heart is in Han.

"Hundred Flowers Palace is not as simple as you think. Once you enter, it's hard to say whether you can come out, the most important thing is whether you can come out intact." After Yin Ji said this, she glanced at Chu Junqi's lower body inexplicably. .

Chu Junqi was terrified by her look, and subconsciously put his legs together.

"What do you mean?"

"According to our investigation, the methods used by the people of the Hundred Flowers Palace to control their disciples are somewhat evil. The loyalty to the masters of the Hundred Flowers Palace can even last for many generations along with the blood. The Patriarch does not want the descendants of the Chu family from your lineage to fall there. Bu Tiandi. Either you will be killed directly, or they will let you go.

The owner did not offer them a third option. "

Yin Ji's words made Chu Junqi's hair stand on end in fright.

"What did you say?"

"I said the head of the family said, either you die, and they will lose Zhang Yu's restraint on her from now on, and they can deal with Chu Da and others freely. Or the Baihua Palace will compromise and not let you enter. In the end, Zhou Chongyu compromised." Yin Ji explained to him over again.

Chu Junqi's heart trembled wildly: What the hell, it's better not to explain it.

"I think even if Zhou Chongyu compromises this time, he will never let me go from now on." Chu Junqi said with some fear.

"On you, beside you, there are many defensive methods of the Patriarch. Zhou Chongyu is not so easy to succeed. In case he is really shameless and has no limit to deal with you, there is no way. The Patriarch can only count you as a sacrifice for the whole clan." Yin Ji said with pity in her eyes. "Who made our family weak and weak now.

In the past, in order to unite the family fortune, how many family heroes died at the age of 35.

So sacrificing one more of you is not too much.Jun Qi Lang Jun, your life depends on luck. "

Hey, what should Chu Junqi do if he wants to cry?
Chu Junqi left Yin Ji's side and suffered for several days after returning home, only to find that Zhou Chongyu didn't deal with him at all, so he gradually let go of his nervousness.

in fact:

Zhou Chongyu wanted to put the spy next to Chu Junqi, but the spy died the next day.It was revealed that it was still placed at the gate of his dark whistle Zhuangzi.

Zhou Chongyu: "..."

Then Zhou Chongyu went to another place. He asked someone to keep an eye on Chu Junqi, and then planned to give him some poison to control his mind outside.

As a result, the poison bag turned around and was put into the dinner served to him by the maids.

Zhou Chongyu: "..."

Zhou Chongyu also contacted the forces to find fault with Chu Junqi. As a result, the forces who found fault were killed one after another by the hosts who colluded with him.

Zhou Chongyu's eye sockets turned red from anger.

Zhang Yu is too close to the Chu family. It seems that he is close to himself and the people around him, and he may not be able to support the lower realm of the Hundred Flowers Palace.The point is that he has found that the Chu family is making trouble for him everywhere.

Many of his forces that had promised to serve, turned around and fled with their families.

But all the die-hard forces who are determined to join him, no matter men, women, old or young, will be killed by the Chu family soon, and they will be wiped out.

Fierce, brutal, ruthless, poisonous!
Said it is Chu's style of dealing with the enemy! !
Once it becomes an enemy of the Chu family, it is so reckless!

The reckless Zhou Chongyu's heart skipped a beat.

He couldn't continue to act recklessly. After thinking about it, Zhou Chongyu took Chu Bingjun and Fu Zhongyu to bid farewell.He wants to go to other places first, borrow some support and strength, and reorganize his own group of people.

Wait until Zhou Chongyu is sent away.

Even Fu Zhongyu couldn't help sighing, "I didn't expect that the Chu family, a small family from the lower realm, would be able to force Zhou Chongyu to such an ugly position."

His apprentice Fu Luyi immediately said, "Master, then why don't our Baicao Pavilion concentrate all the power of the lower realm and directly pull out this Chu family?"

"Our Baicao Pavilion came down to collect resources and opportunities. We didn't come down to be thugs. Fighting is not our Baicao Pavilion's strong point. Even if the people from the entire Lower Realm Baicao Pavilion are mobilized here, if the Chu family really fights to the death We burn everything together, who will be the cheapest in the end? Do you think the masters of Baicao Pavilion will really agree to do this?" Fu Zhongyu frowned and said to the disciples beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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