Chapter 823
"But maybe it's our laissez-faire attitude that's why we raised the Chu family. When the Chu family really gets stuck in the future, won't everyone really regret it?" Fu Luyi asked puzzled.

Fu Zhongyu took a deep look at his apprentice and said, "You have grown up, and you know that you can't lose your tail, and you have raised the Chu family. But your vision is still a bit small. After this world is completely integrated, these forces that were originally in the lower world will truly After entering the upper realm, a few more can survive. It's just another gluttonous feast."

In Fu Zhongyu's eyes, the revival of the spiritual energy in the lower realm could harvest a batch of forces from the lower realm, and another batch could be harvested when the lower realm was fully integrated with the divine court and the great world.

In the end, how many original local forces, or the wreckage of local forces, will be left behind, so who knows?
In short, Fu Zhongyu doesn't believe that those old guys who have lived for countless centuries will put the fat in their mouths and refuse to eat?

Guo Xiaopang came to visit Chu Dashan again.

When Guo Peng came here this time, it was a complete transformation.In the past, this kid was also a little fat.Also a little dark.This time, the person has also grown up, turned white, and his facial features have become more three-dimensional.In short, it seemed to open suddenly, a bit like a mixed-race child.

"Uncle Dashan, it's me, Guo Peng."

Even though he heard the other party's call, Chu Dashan didn't respond at first.

It was only when Guo Xiaopang approached him that Chu Dashan realized that this guy was actually the original little fat man.

For cultivators, breath cannot deceive people.

"Why have you changed so much?" Chu Dashan was so surprised that his jaw almost dropped. "If it wasn't for the breath and voice that didn't change, I would have thought you were two people."

Guo Xiaopang laughed and said, "Actually, it's just one person. My great-grandmother's ancestors were not from the Great World of Shenting. They migrated from other worlds. So after my bloodline is awakened, I am a little different from the human race of Shenting."

"The frame is bigger, and the facial features are more profound." Chu Dashan sighed.

"Yeah, who told me to wake up my blood after I slept." Guo Peng was also innocent. His own uncle was busy with his work, but he suddenly fell into a deep sleep.When he woke up not long ago, the awakening of his blood was over, his cultivation had been raised to the purple mansion, and his appearance had changed greatly.

His second uncle also gave him a big list in a heartbroken manner.All of them were priceless pills, all of which were used to help his bloodline awaken.

"It's okay, the awakening of the bloodline is also a good thing. We also have people who have awakened their battle bodies, and they all become quite powerful." Chu Dashan said, but those things happened because of the long-term growth in the small world where the blood spirit flower breeds. Mutation, resulting in a small world human race with a blood spirit combat body.

People don't need to take any pills, they can directly have powerful blood power and natural divine power.

Of course, there are also downsides. Long-term use of the blood spirit battle body and capitalizing on oneself will affect longevity.So they generally have a shorter lifespan than normal Terrans.

"My bloodline has awakened, I really don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing." Guo Xiaopang silently smiled.

"Why, your bloodline is awakened, maybe something went wrong?" Chu Dashan asked.

"My bloodline is awakened. It is said that because the bloodline is not bad, I almost entered the seventh-rank bloodline. It belongs to the eighth-rank high-grade bloodline. So I haven't fully awakened. I have only partially awakened." Guo Xiaopang said. "To fully awaken, I have to prepare a lot of resources to refine an awakened blood pool for myself."

"So troublesome?" Chu Dashan was astonished.

Guo Xiaopang said in his heart: I haven't said anything more troublesome.

"Then why are you here this time?" Chu Dashan looked at him puzzled.

"I still want to do business with you, uncle." Guo Xiaopang looked very determined.

This time it was Chu Dashan's turn to not understand. "As far as I know, Zhao Guo has forces similar to ours. That side is closer to you, and has a better relationship with your Baicao Pavilion. Why do you want to come to us at a distance?"

"There is the fourth brother of my second uncle's family to take care of it. Recently my fourth brother came down, and the second uncle also needs to take care of the fourth brother. On my side, I have to find more businesses by myself. Besides, we Baicao Pavilion itself is a spiritual plant grower, and also a spiritual plant wholesaler and retailer.

So the partners we look for are generally growers and elixirs.It is rare to cooperate with those middlemen who eat the middle price difference. "

Chu Dashan understood a little.

It seems that Guo Xiaopang's ability to grow spiritual plants is highly valued by him.

"Of course, the most important thing is that the elixir produced by your Chu family is really good. Every time you get it, someone will take the initiative to order it. You don't know that your family's low-level elixir and fruit are sold in the Shenting World It's so hot to buy here.

It's a pity that most of the spiritual fruits produced by your family are self-produced and sold. "

"We can't even afford the price of takeaway food, what else can we do if we don't produce and sell it ourselves?" Chu Dashan said speechlessly.Yun'an Continent or several nearby continents do not lack low-level spiritual plants.Maybe the quality photo is not as good as Chu's Lingzhi, but the selling price is even lower.

In some places, even one-third of the price of the Chu family's elixir is not available.

So what if a large number of elixir and elixir can't be sold?

Gather it up, or make it into a pill, or make it into spirit wine and consume it.

Anyway, someone from the Chu family was thinking about how to increase the added value of their own spiritual fruits and medicines.

"It's a pity, can you sell me some of it?" Guo Peng asked doggedly.

"That depends on what price you give." Chu Dashan said.If the price is too low, he will not sell.

Seeing Chu Dashan's godlike appearance, Guo Peng thought about it.The purchase price given by Baicao Pavilion now means that the ignorant mountain people who gather herbs are willing to sell wild medicinal materials in the mountains to them.

Anyone with a little influence will not ship from Baicao Pavilion.Or if you have a background, you can directly get a relatively high purchase price from Baicao Pavilion.

But that kind of purchase price can't attract the Chu family and Chu Dashan.

Guo Peng gritted his teeth secretly in his heart. He wanted to be strong, to develop the Guo family, and to occupy more voice in the Guo family.Then you have to be willing to invest.So he slowly pushed a black jade cocoon from the table to Chu Dashan.

"Uncle Dashan, you have seen this transaction price and please keep it a secret for me."

Chu Dashan took the jade cocoon and approached his forehead to check it.He almost stood up from his chair in fright.

The purchase price of all low-level elixir and spiritual fruit is seven or eight times or even ten times higher than the current purchase price of Baicao Pavilion. The current purchase price is more than 40 times higher.

Chu Dashan's petite heart jumped up and down.

(End of this chapter)

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