Chapter 825

"Yes. Guo Peng said that he has channels to help him bring goods up and down. It is very likely that he himself has joined one of the powerful forces or organizations." Taohua guessed.

"But isn't he from the Baicao Pavilion?" Chu Dashan asked in bewilderment.

"Baicao Pavilion is also an organization. An organization that sells medicinal materials. It is estimated that it has united many partners." Taohua said.Otherwise, how could they have such power that came to their world at the beginning of the recovery of spiritual energy.

Chu Dashan seemed to have realized something.

"So since he can join Baicao Pavilion, he can also join similar organizations, as long as he doesn't belong to an organization like Baicao Pavilion that specializes in selling medicinal materials."

"Yeah. Dad is right." Taohua nodded.

"That's not to say that there are too many organizations to join, as long as..." Chu Dashan seemed to have his tongue bitten, and he couldn't continue because there were too many. "Then Taohua, do you think it's better for me to cooperate with him, or not?"

"Why don't you make money if it's cheap? Not only our family, but even the entire Chu family is in an oversupply of medicinal materials. In order to prevent the price of medicinal materials outside from plummeting, we either make medicines into pills or store them in large quantities. One The accumulation is getting more and more every year. There is no harm in releasing some appropriately.”

"Didn't you tell me last time that we should hoard medicinal materials from the lower realms in our hands as much as possible to cultivate our own monks?" Chu Dashan said angrily. When Taohua said this, he suddenly remembered that Taohua also followed He said that the medicinal materials could not be sold, and he would not lower the price, and hoarded them to train his own monks.

"At that time, our inventory was small, but now we have too many medicinal materials. Some medicinal materials are too low-grade. Even if you use a jade box, you can't keep them for a long time. After a long time, they will completely lose their medicinal properties. Thank you. "Tao Hua was called out by her own father to break through the contradictions in what she said, and continued to explain without embarrassment at all.

Chu Dashan thought about it, and thought that his daughter was also reasonable.

"Then if you have time, Shi Nian will talk about Guo Peng. I can do what I have here. You see, let Shi Nian send someone over from the main line to meet with Guo Peng. Let's talk together. .”

"No need. Father, you can make it by yourself. I also have a large deal of spiritual medicine and spiritual fruit on the main line."

"What?" Chu Dashan was taken aback. "In your hands?"

"In an average of three months, tens of millions of spirit stones will flow through my hands."

Chu Dashan gasped when he heard this.

"At that time, he was too relieved. How old are you, and he dared to let you manage our big plate?"

"It's not difficult to deal with, just find a few people to keep an eye on it. For the rest of the operations, there are people in charge. There are fixed procedures for acquisitions and sales, so it's not difficult to manage at all." Taohua said with a smile.

Although the Chu family's territory is not small, it is not messy at all.There are still few cities, not even two hundred.Taohua found four or five people and finished the work here.

Chu Dashan was speechless after hearing this.How can peach blossoms say it's easy? If it's really easy, why are the shops in my hand always making me burnt out?
"Okay, I'll talk to Guo Peng." Chu Dashan thought for a while, and then handed the price list of medicinal materials to Tao Hua, "This is the price list of medicinal materials that Guo Peng gave me, can you see if there is anything that needs to be changed? "

After Taohua read the list, she asked for paper and wrote a new list.

Many of the items on Guo Peng's original list have been heard.

Chu Dashan took a closer look.Puzzled and asked, "Why are there so many medicinal materials here that we have, but you are not listed on the transaction list?" He looked at the transaction price changes, and they were all adjusted high, so he didn't care.

But he doesn't understand those who obviously have them but don't trade them.

"These medicinal materials involve some excipients of high-level and rare pills. We can't sell them in batches like this in our lot auction. It would be a big loss."

Chu Dashan suddenly looked at his little girl in surprise, "You know a lot of pill formulas."

"What mountain to stand on and what song to sing! We live in the main line, and the business of large quantities of elixir and fruit is complicated, so naturally we need to learn more about various prescriptions. I know exactly what main medicine and what auxiliary ingredients are." Peach Blossom proudly Yangyang is arrogant.

Chu Dashan: "..."

Sending away Tao Hua, who was worried about his son's yelling, Chu Dashan waited until the next day to invite Guo Peng again.

After the two talked in detail again, the sweat left on Guo Peng's forehead.

He also thought that he could earn some price difference due to the unequal demand for medicinal materials.Who knows how shrewd the Chu family is, they quickly handed over the adjusted list of medicinal materials to him.

"Uncle Dashan, you are too ruthless. Isn't this pure intention to make me not make money? You will write off all the money you can buy." Guo Peng said aggrieved. "There are still a lot of medicinal materials. Look at the price given by Baicao Pavilion before. Compared with them, I gave so much more. Why did you increase the price by at least [-]%?"

"I've checked everything carefully, and at most the increase is a little more than [-]%, not all the prices of medicinal materials have been raised.

If you don’t have those, you are bluffing people, you clearly know that those are the accessories of high-level pills.Moreover, they are all rare prescription ingredients. If I sold these medicinal materials to you in bulk, I would be a fool.Don't think that you don't know that those medicinal materials are all auctioned in the auction house, one by one. "

The corner of Guo Peng's mouth twitched, it's over, he really knows how to do it.

"Then why don't you sell me a small amount at the head office at a low price. You can't sell me nothing at all, can you?" Guo Peng begged sadly.

"Okay, less, three catties and five catties is still okay." Chu Dashan said.

The corner of Guo Peng's mouth twitched.

"Uncle Dashan, you are really generous."

"It's okay, it's okay."

"Then I'll get the orchid demon crab grass beads with [-] spirit stones first." Guo Peng said decisively immediately.

Chu Dashan also immediately remembered the kind of sea spirit plant that was purchased for forty times the usual purchase price of Baicao Pavilion at a high place. "Is that the orchid demon crab grass bead that is equivalent to a 14-yuan spirit stone?"

"It must be larger than the size of an egg. If it is too small, it cannot be used as medicine." Guo Peng looked at Chu Dashan expectantly.

"How do you know we can get it?" Chu Dashan asked angrily.

"I heard that among the islands you raised, there are a large number of orchid demon crab grasses living near several islands." Guo Peng chuckled wickedly.The orchid demon crab grass blooms and bears fruit, and the fruit produced is the grass pearl.

"Although there are many blue demon crabgrass, most of them are young seedlings, and the grass beads that grow are generally small. The size of soybean grains, or the size of broad bean grains, and the size of eggs are really not many. The grass beads that are about ten years old are only seen. Look at the size of an egg." Chu Dashan said very seriously.

"But you are still doing business with the Sea Clan, why don't you give me some qualified grass beads?" Guo Peng laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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