Chapter 826
"You really know how to inquire." Chu Dashan said angrily, but he immediately looked at Guo Peng full of doubts, "I heard that Baicao Pavilion, Xiancaotang and Dancaolou also have contact with the Haizu, and these three families Large transactions with the Sea Clan are also very frequent."

"A force that can directly trade with the Sea Clan, can you take me to play? People make money, and they spend money all day long. With a small body like mine, I can only eat leftovers." Guo Peng said pitifully. .

Chu Dashan: "..."

"Really." Guo Peng was afraid that Chu Dashan would not believe him, so he intentionally put on a cute expression on his round face.

Aversion to cold, sweating! !

Chu Dashan deeply felt that his eyes were hot, so he had better stop watching.

"Okay, I'll collect some of these grass beads for you." Chu Dashan promised.

When Guo Peng heard this, he was overjoyed and said, "If [-] spirit stones are not enough, please tell me, Uncle Dashan, and I can borrow some spirit stones."

"[-] spirit stones are already quite a lot, at least they can fit into several big boxes." Chu Dashan said that the Chu family's own big boxes of goods and grain.They are all long boxes nearly half the height of a person.It is made of high-quality semi-spirit wood in the mountains.

After all, the size of the grass beads is not too big.

Guo Peng had an embarrassing expression on his face, thinking that only a few boxes are enough for what?
However, his own capital is not enough, and he doesn't seem to dislike the lack of goods that others gave in the end.

"In addition to spirit stones, I also want to trade some high-quality low-level spirit plants and food seeds. Xiao Guozi, look at me and exchange some." Chu Dashan said again.

"That's fine. When I come back, I'll bring you a list of seeds. I'll go back and change whichever you want." Guo Peng said bluntly.Anyway, low-level high-quality seeds are not on the embargo list of Shenting.

A large number of plants are planted in the upper bound, and the lower bound may also be able to do so.

"However, although there are many high-quality seeds in the upper realm, there are only a dozen or so companies that can manage the seeds. Most of the seeds are bred by these ten or so companies, so the right to manage the seeds is in their hands. Dashan Uncle, I can help you buy what kind of seeds you want, but the price has basically not changed much. There is no price reduction." Guo Peng hurriedly told what he knew.

Don't let Uncle Dashan ask him to bargain with others, he doesn't have that face.

"Then what kind of seeds did you Baicao Pavilion sell to our family?"

"Most of the seeds that Baicao Pavilion sold to your family back then were found by myself in the lower realms, and many of them were mortal seeds that degenerated into elixir. For example, those grass ginseng seeds and so on." Guo Peng quickly explained to Chu Dashan road. "We also have a lot of spiritual ginseng seeds in the upper world, but they are even more difficult to feed. Uncle Dashan, your spiritual ginseng seeds are full, and the emergence rate is about one-fiftieth. Cough cough, of course, my emergence rate is Calculated according to the natural emergence rate. The emergence rate of spiritual ginseng seeds in the upper realm is even lower, between one eightyth and one hundred fifty. If it is not done well, not a single seedling will emerge. If my family was not destroyed The Chu family has cultivated a group of lingzhi husbands, and they can't even take care of the current ginseng garden at home."

Chu Dashan couldn't help being startled when he heard this. "Really? Growing ginseng in my family has never been so difficult."

"Uncle Dashan, is there a time when your ginseng doesn't sprout?" Guo Peng asked with a complicated expression.

"Ahem, Lingzhi apprentices did a good job? Xiao Guo, our husband Lingzhi seldom grows ginseng without using spells to promote seedlings. You also know that once the small spells take root and germinate, there are almost no sprouts. Yes." Chu Dashan said embarrassingly.

Guo Pengxin said sure enough.

Although the Chu family's small spell is good, but there are still a certain percentage of people from the Guo family who return to the upper realm to use this small spell without seedlings.

But in the Chu family, the emergence rate is 100%.

Therefore, it is not a matter of spiritual veins, but a matter of blood.This Chu family's bloodline probably has its own spiritual plant bonus.

"Then the official Lingzhi husband who is not from the Chu clan in your family can also use magic to stimulate the seedlings of the newly planted ginseng every time?" Guo Peng asked again.

"Why do you ask such a question?" Chu Dashan was puzzled.

"Even if we use the little spell of rooting and sprouting, not all of the Lingzhi husbands who went back to our family will emerge." Guo Peng said helplessly. "The emergence rate is about [-]%."

"We really haven't counted this. But [-]% of the seedlings can emerge." Chu Dashan smiled and said, "We used to plant land, and there were some seedlings that didn't emerge. If we found that there were no seedlings, or the seedlings were not strong, we had to replenish the seedlings in the end. You just have to do the same. It doesn’t take much effort to raise more seedlings.”

"Spiritual planting seeds are not cheap at all." Guo Peng said weakly.

"Haha, you can only gain if you give up. If you don't work hard and diversify, how can you get a good harvest?" Chu Dashan has tens of thousands of acres of spiritual plants and elixir medicines, and tens of thousands of acres of grain fields. , The spiritual plant seeds that have been handed over are in the hundreds of millions. I really don't think how expensive the spiritual plant seeds of tens of acres or hundreds of acres of land can be.

But the Guo family doesn't have that power.

Guo Peng said with envy and hatred, "In the Upper Realm, if a family owns tens of thousands of acres of medicine fields, it is already very powerful. How can it be like the Chu family, sitting on millions of acres of medicine fields."

"Our side is suitable for growing medicinal materials. One is that there are not so many suitable flat fields for growing food, and the other is the climate problem. There is no telling when it will rain in the mountains here. Sometimes it is windy and rainy, and there are thunder and lightning. In addition, the mountains are high. The dense forest is also suitable for the growth of various wild medicinal materials."

Guo Peng listened and nodded.

"I know that your family has a lot of medicine fields, and I also know that all kinds of wild medicinal materials produced in the Xiongshan Mountain behind your home are not only of good quality, but also extremely large in quantity. I heard that it is one of the mountains with the richest medicinal material resources nearby."

Chu Dashan nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

"Our Xiongshan Mountain grows taller and taller every year. The resources of wild medicinal materials are also becoming more and more abundant. Sometimes we enclose some areas inside Xiongshan Mountain by ourselves, and then plant suitable wild medicinal material seeds on the encircled hilltops. , in the valley.

As long as some personnel are arranged to guard it, some rare wild medicinal resources can be harvested every year. "

"You even started to grow wild medicinal materials yourself?"

"There are many medicinal materials that are not suitable for planting in medicinal fields. They are only suitable for growing in some unique environments that are inaccessible. For example, some spiritual plants that grow on cliffs are specially planted in medicinal fields. They don't like to grow. Very It’s better to enclose some rocks and cliffs and let them grow freely. Let’s release some people, as long as we keep an eye on them so that some monsters don’t eat them.” Chu Dashan revealed some details to Guo Peng.

(End of this chapter)

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