The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 827 White Jade Ganoderma lucidum

Chapter 827 White Jade Ganoderma lucidum
Not every elixir is suitable for large-scale planting, and some elixirs like to grow alone.

"No wonder your family is so rich in various low-grade medicinal materials. I thought you all collected them from Longshanfang City." Guo Peng said in surprise.

"Longshanfang City is also very important. Every month, we buy a lot of wild medicinal herbs from the Beiming Continent and Yunzhou Continent. However, the nearby wild medicinal herbs we purchase also account for the total amount of wild medicinal herbs purchased. one-third of.

The last third is the wild medicinal materials sent by medicinal material merchants from all over the mainland. "

"Why do I hear that you can buy so many wild medicinal materials every month, can you use all the medicinal materials?" Guo Peng asked puzzled.

"Use, the daily consumption of various medicinal materials by our family's pharmacists and alchemists is a crazy number. Those prodigal sons don't care how much spirit stones the family paid to buy so many medicinal materials. I just saw them One furnace after another, the piles of medicinal materials were directly refined into waste residue and poison."

Chu Dashan's painful appearance made Guo Peng burst out laughing.

"Actually, I don't dare to watch the scene where the alchemists in our Baicao Pavilion are refining pills. Alas, that furnace of herbs turned into waste, it was like spirit stones turned into moss. It hurts me so much. .”

As soon as Chu Dashan heard this, he said with deep emotion, "Me too, I went to see it once, and then I came out holding my heart. Oh my god, I swear I will never go to see it next time." gone."

Even for a formal alchemist, the amount of dregs refined daily far exceeds the amount of pills.

Not to mention that after the furnace exploded, the dregs of the medicine were everywhere, let alone buried.

"If you don't like trouble, just wait for me for five days, and I will find a way to exchange all your fifty thousand spirit stones for the grass beads you want. If you still have something to do, you can go first and come back to pick up the goods after five days. "

"I'd better go first, I have to report to Second Grandpa first." Guo Peng said.

Chu Dashan didn't ask too much, why did you say you wanted to make a report.Chu Dashan didn't want to inquire about Guo Peng's personal affairs.

Guo Peng brought him to Chu Dashan with [-] spirit stones, then left Xianyang and went directly to Zhao State.

The foundation of the second grandfather of the Guo family is in the country of Zhao.When the State of Zhao united with the State of Lishan to invade and occupy the Song Dynasty, it also gave up some territories and people.But later, when the weather was no longer severe, they brought those original lands back into their own territory.

On the contrary, it was the territory of the Song Dynasty that the two countries invaded, but they seized it alive and refused to return it.It also looks like a tiger is covetous, always wanting to continue to occupy the territory.

The friction that led to the armies of the three countries has not stopped until now.

Zhao Guo is like a hungry wolf that has grown up, and he directly regards the weak Song as his own meal.

Of course, Lishan Kingdom is not a good thing either.

However, Lishan Kingdom was in turmoil. Although one emperor died in Song Dynasty, six emperors had died in Lishan Kingdom in the past three years.The internal strife within the Lishan royal family is very serious, and there are not many remaining direct descendants of the royal family.

He and Da Song are now precarious brothers and sisters, and they don't know who will fall first.

Guo Peng returned to Xuanniao City, the capital of Zhao State.

Second grandfather and fourth brother were already sitting in the study waiting for him.

"Does that Chu Dashan agree?" The fourth brother couldn't help asking first.

Guo Peng sat on the chair safely, "Don't worry, I have cooperated with their family many times. The Chu family has no hostility or prejudice towards us. This business is not difficult to imagine."

Grandpa Guo Er couldn't help laughing and said, "You little monkey, you're lucky. Your bloodline awakens after a night's sleep. It's also fortunate that you awakened in the lower realm. If you were in the upper realm, you might not be able to keep your family." is you."

Guo Peng's expression darkened upon hearing this.

The upper realm is not a peaceful realm. Some people like bloodlines, while others want to destroy them.

When he was in the upper realm, he heard from time to time that a guy accidentally awakened his bloodline, and in the process of awakening, he was attacked and killed by others.

"Second brother, don't think about it too much. This time you were lucky enough to meet the senior of Guangyuanzong when you awakened. As soon as he agreed to accept you and let us get the channel for transporting goods up and down, that's already Very good.

When the second brother accumulates the resources and awakens again, it is estimated that the bloodline awakening can be completely completed. "

After Guo Peng heard this, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Where is there such an easy thing? My cheap master gave me a list of resources. Seeing the names of the resources on it, I want to die."

"What's the matter, let's collect a little bit, and we will definitely be able to collect it all." Grandpa Guo said angrily.

Guo Peng lowered his head: "..."


In the Mingyue Underground Palace, Taohua walked into the spiritual field outside Mingyue City accompanied by several family top pharmacists and alchemists.

There are a lot of spiritual plants planted here.All kinds of elixir and spiritual fruit trees are increasing day by day, but all kinds of food are decreasing day by day.After all, spiritual food can be grown outside.Why do you have to plant it in the underground palace space where the spiritual plant is getting richer.

"At the beginning of the underground space we pulled out, there were more than 400 kinds of mutated and glowing spiritual plants, and some of them were not researched to find out what use they were, so we directly planted a batch and put them away temporarily. It was abandoned, and only some seeds were left for storage.

The rest, suitable for breeding, were screened out by us, and a total of more than [-] species were planted. " said an old doctor with a white beard.

"There are more than 400 varieties. If we can discover more than 100 useful varieties, that's already pretty good." Taohua praised directly.

The old doctor smiled, "This is also the result of everyone's hard work."

"Among the more than 100 kinds of spiritual plants, are there any particularly good varieties?" Taohua asked.

"Yes, it's a white jade ganoderma." The old doctor said.

"A batch of this white jade ganoderma can grow to maturity in seven days, which is about [-]% more powerful than the green wood spirit plant that our family has grown on a large scale. But both the growth cycle and the number of reproductions are far more than our family's. The green wood ganoderma grown by myself." After finishing speaking, the old doctor guided Taohua to see a ganoderma field they planted.

The fields are densely packed with white jade ganoderma lucidum, large and small.

The largest umbrella cover is larger than a grinding disc, and the smallest one is not as large as a fingernail.

White and tender, the squeezed white jade ganoderma makes people look very appetizing.

"Patriarch, don't you think he looks very attractive?" said the old doctor.When the Patriarch came this time, he was followed by a large number of hidden guards, who also wore masks.

(End of this chapter)

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