The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 828 The four-month-long drop in the price of sea fish meat

Chapter 828 The price of sea fish plummeted for four months

"This kind of Ganoderma lucidum not only has a large number of growths, but also has a short cycle, which is suitable for large-scale reproduction. The taste is also extremely delicious, especially fresh. It not only tastes perfect when made into various spirit diets, but also has added medicinal effects. The most difficult thing is that it will not be suppressed." The medicinal properties of other medicinal materials in the medicinal diet."

"Then our family's spiritual meal business is about to explode." Tao Hua said pleasantly.

"Isn't it? If you add more white jade ganoderma to the medicinal diet in the future, you can sell it at a very high price." The old pharmacist said.

"I really think that grinding it into powder is also a good seasoning. When making spirit meals, just put some in it, and it can be seasoned."

"Ahem, cough, yes, why didn't I think of it?" Another old pharmacist said with a pleasant face.

"What's the matter, you just haven't thought about it for a while. It stands to reason that as long as the taste and medicinal effect are suitable, many medicinal materials can be made into seasonings and spices." Taohua said.

The old pharmacist who spoke just now nodded repeatedly. "Yep."

"When we are researching elixir, we can also think about bath packs, powders, seasonings and so on. There are many ways to bloom. Don't be afraid of the shortage of manpower. In fact, the most important thing we need is manpower. If we are short of people, we can recruit apprentices Yes. I have cultivated it myself, and it won’t be long before I can cultivate a hand to help us research.” Taohua acted as if I was also thinking about the problem from everyone’s point of view.

After hearing this, many pharmacists and alchemists felt relieved and satisfied.

"In short, it's still the old saying, don't be afraid of trouble when doing things." Taohua emphasized again.

Even if these people take the initiative to do things and cause her a lot of trouble, it's better than them dawdling around and being overstaffed.The Chu family hasn't reached the time to sit back and enjoy their success.

"Patriarch, you are right, we will definitely work harder." A middle-aged pharmacist said with a serious expression.

"Well, in short, I will be your backing. If you need anything, Zhisheng. Of course, besides being a backing, I will also use the whip to urge you." Taohua's voice was straightforward and frank. "Any research will lose money until it produces good results. If you dare to deceive me and let me lose money for nothing, then I will never let you have a good time.

Every piece of spirit stone in the family was dug out of blood and fire.It is not for you to waste it in vain. "

Many doctors and alchemists all had solemn expressions.

When Taohua left, a group of doctors gathered together again.

"The head of the family has just cleaned up the patrolling guards. This time he came here to inspect our work, and also came to beat us. Everyone should make up your mind and strictly demand your disciples and apprentices. Work hard, look good, don't do anything Extravagance and waste, and don't engage in deceptive research or something. Also, you are a bit offline in your daily work. Don't steal new prescriptions that your apprentices and disciples have researched. "

The old pharmacist who had just taken the Patriarch away from the Lingtian outside the city spoke seriously first.

Many pharmacists nodded one after another.

"There is also the need to put an end to the shameless taking away of the finished and semi-finished medicinal materials in the pharmacy and the medicine storehouse. Don't think that I know how weird and excessive some of you are. I didn't take you away before. Reporting it up is because I want to save some face for you.

But since the Patriarch was able to come down and beat us, it means that she is clearly aware of this kind of thing, don't tell me that she definitely doesn't know.What do you think the dark guards and Qianniu guards are doing?All restrained me.If he really can't restrain his hand, then he will be blamed for sending him to hard labor.

People don’t want to be slaves, but if they insist on being slaves, then I’ll make you happy. "

As soon as he finished speaking, one of the people in the group blushed immediately, and his face changed drastically.

He was talking about his son and junior brother!

While the pharmacists were being beaten by their own heads, the alchemists not far away were also beating those colleagues who couldn't control themselves.

Taohua not only went to Mingyue Palace, but also went to Tishan City and Fushui City.Then she went to Longshan, and then the branches and cities in various places.After walking around, according to the division of small forces within the family, she sorted out almost all the important hilltops and key departments.

At the same time, as she walked around, some guys who should have been knocked out long ago, she was not polite at all.Direct dismissal, imprisonment, fines and other means are all available.

Since the Chu family rose up after the recovery of spiritual energy, it was the first time that the head of the Chu family directly sorted out the entire family through this continuous patrol method.

It was already four months before she sorted out the whole family thoroughly.

During the period when Taohua sorted out the family's rule, Chu Shinian completely transferred the management rights of the patriarch to Taohua.She can move however she wants.He diverted his realization and started working with the Sea Clan again.

Speaking of it, the Sea Clan is like Xiaoqiang who can't be killed, no matter how many tribes or thousands of sea beasts you kill.It won't be long before it makes a comeback again.

There are countless species of fish with various types of fish that have become huge.There are too many of them that have mutated into monsters.It's just endless.

Taohua sorted out the entire family internally, and Chu Shinian mobilized the patrolling guards and Youxianwei to work together to perform operations on the monster clan in the sea and on land.

On land, the main thing is to maintain stability, and only beat those thorn-headed monster tribes inside the Chu's territory.But at sea, Chu Shinian was completely unscrupulous.Every day, countless big fish and sea beasts are dragged onto the French boat, and then broken down to sell materials.

At one time, it caused nearly four months of sea fish to dive.The price of sea fish meat has dropped by about half compared to the previous price.Even in the middle of the mainland and in the desert far from the coast, there are a lot of sea fish meat.

The common people over there were crazy about eating at the beginning, and got tired of eating after four.You're going to vomit, can't you sell us some meat instead?
The crazy flood of sea fish meat, and it took four months, directly caused tens of millions of mortal children under the age of ten to capture the sense of aura and directly became monks.In particular, the children in the areas under the Chu family's control had the largest number of monks.

Many children who have just migrated to the Chu family's territory, or have just been included in the Chu family's territory for a few months, have captured the sense of qi and officially entered the Tongmai First Layer.

Becoming a monk is a change of fate for a child, no matter what he wants to do or learn in the future, the advantages are too great.A monk is the first priority of many school colleges.

This change throughout the entire continent has been going on for four months.Both the local and the big forces in the upper realm have faintly felt this change.

So, on a night with few stars in January...

(End of this chapter)

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