The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 830 Northwest Countries

Chapter 830 Northwest Countries
" little Chu family..." The old man really wanted to say, you are a small upstart, how dare you despise us so much?

"Could it be that our Chu family has to present what you want willingly in front of you as soon as you talk? Are you thinking too much?" Chu Shinian looked at the other party with strange eyes.Originally, he planned to respect the old man.

The purple-haired old man almost exploded his lungs.If not, if not...

He was really going to turn around and walk away.

"Just like you, even if the Chu family joins the alliance, they will definitely not be able to get along well." The purple-haired old man flicked his sleeves and left angrily.

Chu Shinian watched the other party go away speechlessly.

"Come here, ask the hidden guards to find out where the old man came from?"

"There's no need to look it up, that's the old man of the Nie family in the Northern Qi Dynasty, called Nie Shiqi." Chu Xinjia walked out from the large shadow behind Chu Shinian.

He also came out silently.

"Northern Qi is not very far from us. Apart from the territory of Song Dynasty, if we go further north, we will find Xichang Kingdom and Beiyan. Beiyan East is also Northern Qi." Chu Shinian said.

"It's very far away," Chu Xinjia said speechlessly, "Although Xichang is not very big, Beiyan is indeed a big country. In the past two years, if the Beiman tribes hadn't often found fault, they would have invaded once if nothing happened. Beiyan would not be Weakened enough, as for letting Xichang grow bigger, he was bullied by Beiqi one after another."

In the northwestern part of the Yun'an continent, especially the northern region, because of the large number of black barbarian tribes, there were wars whenever there was nothing to do.So all the small countries perish.Only the great powers of Beiyan and Beiqi survived.

However, Northern Qi and Northern Yan were also unable to protect themselves, unable to continue to expand their territories.

On the contrary, because Xichang did not directly border the northern barbarian tribes, and was next to the Great Northwest Wilderness, although it was a mess, it survived.

Immediately after that is the land of the Great Song Dynasty. The northwest of the Great Song Dynasty is blocked by the Great Northwest Wilderness on one side and the Wanji Mountains on the other side, so only a small and narrow part falls here.There are only six prefectures in the northwestern part of the Song Dynasty, and it is also because of the small size of the territory.

The land area in the southwest of the Song Dynasty is much larger than that in the northwest.

"In any case, their hands are stretched too far." Chu Shinian frowned and said, "An old man from a family in the northern part of the mainland went to the northwest to organize some kind of alliance. Is he sick? Is his brain flooded?"

Ahhh, Chu Xinjia burst out laughing happily after hearing what her commander said.

"Hey, what's so funny? I don't even think it's funny." Chu Shinian asked in a bad tone.

"No, I just think it's quite interesting." Chu Xinjia continued to laugh. "But which ghost alliance are we really going to join?"

"Observe first and see what is going on with this ghost alliance." Chu Shinian said indifferently.

"Would that be bad? Anyone with a discerning eye can see that our Chu family's relationship in the upper realm will not be good. In the eyes of our acquaintances in the upper realm, we are just big fat." Chu Xinjia hesitated Said, "It's still the kind that anyone can sip."

"In the eyes of people from the upper realm, isn't that power in our lower realm fat?" Chu Shinian looked at Chu Xinjia puzzled, "Aren't you stupid? Everyone is fat, and that piece is eaten first, then It also depends on who is more of a persimmon.

Even if we have practiced with those guys, can they rescue us with all their strength after we are targeted? "

"No." Chu Xinjia said decisively.

"Since you know it all, why should I say it again. As long as we don't want to talk, we will be the last to be eaten even if it's fat. What's more, whoever eats it won't be sure."

"Commander, those people are all from the upper realm." Chu Xinjia silently reminded her commander, does this person want to kill all the forces from the upper realm? "There is such a powerful and powerful monk in the upper realm."

Chu Shinian rolled his eyes at him and snorted arrogantly.

Chu Xinjia: "..."

After Chu Shinian went back, he returned to Taohua's side and told Taohua about it.

"This kind of alliance organized by old-fashioned forces is actually for those old-fashioned forces to find cannon fodder for their backs. After joining such an alliance, we should wake up a bit more, maybe we will be pushed out as a substitute for the dead at some point." Taohua thought for a while , said.

She remembered that this alliance also existed in her previous life, and it was dedicated to cheating her own people.And it's ruthless to cheat one's own people.

"Then we quit and don't join this alliance?" Chu Shinian asked his wife what she thought.

Taohua thought about it again. "Let's join first. Even if they specifically cheat their own people, as long as we are more prepared, they won't be able to cheat us if they want to."

"Enen, as long as you are strong, your enemies will be crushed." Chu Shinian said confidently.

Seeing Taohua, she hung on to him with a smile.

"Recently, many people in the family have said that the upper realm is capable of many things, and that a small family like ours is not enough for others to poke with one finger. I think many people have lost their spirits because of such remarks. But husband, you You are different from others, how come you become more energetic?
And the fighting spirit in his eyes is getting more and more? "

"Ahem, life without an opponent is really boring." Chu Shinian put on a light air.

Pupu, Taohua smiled and kissed her husband's cheek.

"It seems to be true. All these years, I have only seen your eyes full of fighting spirit when you just entered the dark guard, and when I let you turn from the dark to the light last time?"

There was a faint smile in Chu Shinian's eyes.

"You remember my things really firmly. Tell me, did you notice me as early as that time?" Chu Shinian asked with restraint and expectation.

Cough cough cough, Tao Hua silently rolled his big white eyes.

"Didn't you really notice me from then on?"

"No, it wasn't that time. I noticed you as early as the first time I saw you. But at that time, I just thought you were very talented, and your character was strong enough. It's suitable for training in the dark guard." Taohua Road.

Chu Shinian was a little disappointed, but he said happily, "No matter what, you have noticed me."

Tao Huaxin said, I noticed too many people back then.

Speaking of which, when she really thought about her marriage and future, she never thought about Chu Shinian.She put the truth under her nose to investigate, and it was after Chu Shinian confessed to her.Speaking of which, she didn't like him much at that time, she just thought he was more suitable.

As for now, I like it a little bit, probably.


Brother Chun crawled in, kept Chu Shinian's thigh, and sat down on his feet.

(End of this chapter)

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