The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 831 Don't dislike expensive

Chapter 831 Don't dislike expensive
Chu Shinian watched speechlessly as his son hugged his thigh, raised his neck and yelled at him.

"What is he doing?"

"I want you to take him out for a walk." Taohua acted as a commentator for her son.

"Why do you have to hug your legs and sit on your feet?" Chu Shinian was puzzled.

"Probably because I think you are a good seat." Taohua was also a little suspicious.

Chu Shinian: "..."

"I can't help it. This is my first-born son, and I have no experience." Seeing that Chu Shinian couldn't accept it, Tao Hua hurriedly made excuses for herself.Anyway, as a narrator, she often understood the intentions of the crooked son.

The stinky son who can't speak is really a vicious troublemaker.

Chu Shinian picked up his family's heavy meat dumpling.

"Son, do you want to go out for a stroll?"

Ah ah

The little guy responded to him.

"Okay, let's go. Dad will take you out for a stroll."

Chu Shinian greeted Tao Hua with his son in his arms, and then walked towards the various yamen gates in the front yard.

It’s okay not to work, we can catch laziness.

So a certain clerk in a certain small room had just eaten half a chicken leg... woo woo, when Chu Shinian, who was holding the child, looked straight at him.

Another four or five people sneaked into a certain small mansion to chat about the mountains for a while, and finally got Chu Shinian out.Everyone... blah blah.The collective laughter stopped abruptly.

Chu Shinian walked around with his son in his arms, and then the entire front yard government office jumped around.

There was also an unlucky guy who fell directly from the door to the outside, bleeding his nose directly.

When Chu Shinian carried his son back to his chief office desk.

Chu Zixian and Chu Xinjia followed helplessly along the way.

"Commander, why are you so free today? Why do you even go to the government office for a stroll?" Chu Xinjia looked at him speechlessly.

Chu Shinian gave his son a small orange wooden ball to play with.

Then he raised his head and gave the other party an angry look, "If I don't go for a walk, I don't know that some people in our government office are so idle."

"Isn't this normal? When you are idle, there are times when you are busy. Even if you didn't see it, Commander, you should know when everyone is busy," Chu Xinjia said.

Chu Shinian thought about it. "Okay, just finish the job."

Chu Xinjia immediately cheered in her heart.

He was afraid that Chu Shinian would have a convulsion and suddenly want to make trouble in the headquarters again.

The guys at the headquarters are really tired, and they really don't have much free time.It can't be compared with those outside who are eating and waiting to die.


Guo Peng left for less than ten days, and then came again.

Seeing him, Chu Dashan was always surprised, "Why did you come back so soon?" Now it's so easy to transport a large amount of goods to the upper realm?
"I sold that batch of goods. It wasn't sold to the Upper Realm, but to someone else." Guo Peng said, "Although it's not a big profit, it also made me a small profit. They also gave me a lot of deposit, Let me sell some more goods to them."

"Okay, what do you want this time?" Chu Dashan asked.

Guo Peng quickly handed over his order list to Chu Dashan.

Chu Dashan frowned after looking at it.

"Our family's first-tier Qingyang spiritual fruit is basically sold out. There is no stock for the second-tier. Now there are only third-tier and fourth-tier ones."

With a puff, Guo Peng sprayed the fruit tea he had just entered. "What? Your family doesn't have first- and second-tier Qingyang spirit peaches, but there are third-tier and fourth-tier ones?"

"Third-grade low-grade, third-grade mid-grade, third-grade high-grade Qingyang spirit peaches are available, and fourth-grade low-grade spirit peaches are available. Because high-grade spirit peaches are not easy to sell, it is useful for us to keep them ourselves, so we still have some in stock. On the contrary The first-tier and second-tier ones are very easy to sell, and everyone likes them. So after the peach harvest season, there are basically no stocks."

Hearing Chu Dashan's words, Guo Peng's jaw almost dropped, "Your peaches are so popular?"

"Qingyang Lingtao is a recognized spiritual fruit among the spiritual fruits. It sells better than my family's other Panlong peaches, Xuexiantao and Jinyangtao." Chu Dashan said.

Guo Peng felt very sour when he heard this. Whether it is Qingyang spiritual peach, panlong peach, snow fairy peach, or golden sun peach, they are all high-grade spiritual root peaches.It is enough to boast of raising ten or eight trees to form a grove.

But the one surnamed Chu raises tens of thousands of acres.It's really maddening.

"Then I'll book the Qingyang Lingtao head office for the next harvest, right?"

Chu Dashan shook his head immediately. "Our family's spiritual fruit never accepts reservations."



"Why?" Guo Peng was puzzled, "People can always make reservations for other people's homes."

"There are many fruits in our family that cannot be reserved." Chu Dashan thought for a while. "Looking at Qingyang Lingtao, as long as there are ripe ones, they will be sold out. If the high-grade peaches cannot be sold, the family will keep them for themselves."

"Wait, why can't the third-grade peaches be sold? What's the price of your third-grade Qingyang spirit peaches?" Guo Peng asked puzzled.

"Actually, it's really not that bad. My family's first-order Qingyang spirit peach has grown to a 12-yuan spirit stone." Chu Dashan said.

Guo Peng nodded, "It's not expensive." It's actually a little expensive.But the peaches of the Chu family are well-raised and full of aura, so everyone can tolerate a little bit of naughty little expensive.

"My family sells [-] spirit stones for second-order peaches," Chu Dashan said.

Guo Peng cough cough cough, this price is a bit high.

"My family sells Qingyang Lingtao, a low-grade third-tier spirit peach, for [-] spirit stones."

clack clack...

Guo Peng almost coughed his jaw off.

"Are you selling peaches? Uncle Dashan, are you robbing spirit stones? Our high-grade spiritual root peaches in the upper realm only sell for 700 yuan of spirit stones at most. It's still a top-grade upper realm."

"I've seen peaches of the same kind in your upper realm." Chu Dashan complained, "To be honest, it's really not as good as the third-order low-grade peaches raised in our family. We have a high price, and there is a reason for the high price." Chu Dashan said here , and moved a few jade boxes out of the storage ring.

Three of them are normal third-tier high-grade peaches in the upper realm.

The other five boxes contained five Qingyang spiritual peaches ranging from the third-rank low-rank to the third-rank high-rank.

"You compare."

Guo Peng put the two kinds of peaches together for a look.It was immediately obvious that the peaches from the upper realm were far inferior to the Qingyang spirit peach, which was the worst third-tier low-grade peach, in terms of character and aura reserve.Moreover, Qingyang Spirit Peach has other effects.This kind of spiritual fruit has the effect not inferior to some panacea.

"So don't think it's too expensive when I sell it for [-] yuan, there is a reason for being expensive." Chu Dashan looked like he was fooling around.

Guo Peng: "..."

After much deliberation, Guo Peng decided to go back and discuss it. "Or I'll think about it again."

"Okay. Others that our Chu family has a lot of stock, I'll get you some more." Chu Dashan said while looking at the order list in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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