Chapter 832

Spiritual fruit and elixir are also based on fame, and his family's Qingyang spiritual peach sells well, almost sold out.But other peaches are almost sold.

"My family still has a lot of Panlong peaches, and this kind of peaches are not bad. It's just that they are not as famous as Qingyang Lingtao, so the sales volume is not as good as Qingyang Lingtao." Chu Dashan introduced it to Guo Peng.

"Where are the samples?" Guo Peng asked.

Chu Dashan casually took out some jade boxes from his storage ring, and opened the boxes, revealing the first to third-tier Panlong peaches inside.

The fruit of Panlong peach is slightly larger than Qingyang spirit peach.

Inside the fruit, there is a spirit dragon swimming looming.

"This peach is fine." Guo Peng looked at it and gasped. "How can this kind of peach with vision not sell well?"

"Because it is more expensive. When there was no such kind of spirit dragon, it sold well. Since I have this kind of spirit dragon, I have increased the price of peaches. It has grown to three times the previous price. So it won't sell as well as Qingyang Lingtao.

Cough cough, in fact, it was not as good as the Qingyang spirit peach.But the sales are also good, and now they are much worse.Only one-tenth of the original sales. "

Guo Peng took a deep breath.An Nai felt the excitement in her heart, and said to Chu Dashan with a serious expression, "Uncle Dashan, can you let me take a look?"

"You can also eat one to feel the taste of this kind of peach." Chu Dashan gave you a casual expression.

"Okay." Guo Peng took a peach and looked at it carefully, then took a bite.A special energy flowed down his throat, and then spread throughout his inner organs.The five viscera and six internal organs are then moistened, warmed and nourished by a layer of soft and inexplicable essence, which continuously removes impurities in the focus of the disease and improves the functions of the powerful viscera.This essence then spread to the bone and spinal cord, and Guo Peng clearly felt that his bone marrow also had a slight increase in agitation.

Bone marrow is the root of a monk, cutting scriptures and washing the marrow can completely change a monk's cultivation aptitude, but that is only once.But this kind of peach can be taken continuously.

"This peach can be called a treasure." Guo Peng said very firmly. "It can actually strengthen the internal organs and bone marrow of a person."

"The Qingyang Spirit Peach is also fine, and the Qingyang Spirit Peach even has the effect of prolonging life."

"This kind of Panlong peach can also prolong life?" Guo Peng said again in a firm tone.


"Xiao Guo, you really know how to eat it. I haven't said it yet, you know it. Longevity peaches, longevity peaches, and spirit peaches do have the effect of prolonging life. Moreover, this Panlong peach is said to be a close branch of another kind of immortal root Tongtian flat peach. Mutant species." Chu Dashan said.

"Hey, Uncle Dashan, you know a lot." Guo Peng said emotionally and implicitly complimented, "Even though my family also grows spiritual plants, I only know that the Panlong Lingtao is a close branch of the Immortal Root Tongtian Pantao."

"Hahaha, this is what my niece told me. My niece likes to collect such news and legends. For example, the acme of fairy roots such as the Dao Dao tea tree and the Tongtian Pantao are said to be self-proclaimed. No one can control it. Let them roam freely in the void." Chu Dashan said with a smile.

He is not sure about the Tongtian Pantao, but the Dao Dao tea tree has already surpassed the limit of the fairy root, okay?

That kind of existence is not for a small person like him to talk about, he should do something of his own.

"Why sell it?"

"A Tier 130 Panlong Spirit Peach has [-] spirit stones. A Tier [-] Panlong Spirit Peach has [-] spirit stones. A Tier [-] Panlong Spirit Peach has [-] spirit stones," Chu Dashan said.

"This is higher than Qingyang Lingtao, no wonder it can't be sold." Guo Peng said speechlessly.

"Qingyang Lingtao doesn't have such a vision." Chu Dashan pointed to a phantom of a little dragon swimming proudly.

Don't say it, it really happened for a while.The abnormal image looks even taller.Selling expensive is also understandable.

Anyway, he can take it back and sell it at a higher price.

"Can it be cheaper if you buy more?" Guo Peng asked.

Chu Dashan thought for a while before saying, "Why don't I give you a [-]% discount."

Guo Peng: "..." After thinking about it for a long time, you always give me this little discount, are you sorry?

"My peaches are really easy to sell. If you hadn't come, I wouldn't have discounted half of the Lingshi." Chu Dashan said solemnly.

"OK then."

Guo Peng said he bought more, but he didn't actually buy much. The main reason is that he couldn't hold back whether this new Panlong peach was popular in the upper world, so what he took away were all first-order Panlong peaches. It's just a few hundred.

For the rest, he bought those relatively safe, low-level elixir that he was familiar with and could sell for a high price.

Guo Peng returned after less than five days away this time.

Chu Dashan was so surprised.

"Why did you come back so soon?"

"That Panlong Peach, this time I'm ordering 100 million spirit stones for the first and second tier Panlong Peach."

Chu Dashan was very surprised when he heard this, "Xiao Guo, you are amazing. The first time you ordered the elixir of 15 spirit stones, the spirit fruit, and the second time you ordered 100 spirit stones. This time you placed an order even more. It's only [-] million spirit stones. You are too rich."

"Where is my money? This is the money of the power behind me. They also took a fancy to Panlong Lingtao. Uncle Dashan, you don't even know how popular this kind of peach is. I just passed it on from here. , someone over there was optimistic and ordered some. The rest were bought before they reached the upper and lower realm passages.

Uncle Dashan, I heard that the panlong peaches you sell in Longshanfang City are still the same, there is no such spirit and small dragon style? "Guo Peng asked in surprise.

"Longshanfang City sells all the old stocks. After cultivating this new variety of Xiaolong peaches, we began to clean up the old fruits. The new fruits cannot be sold, so we have stored them in the fruit cellar. " Chu Dashan said with a smile.

"Then how much stock do you have of the old variety of Panlong peaches?" Guo Peng asked as soon as he turned his eyes.

"There are hundreds of thousands of catties left, not much more, the selling price is relatively cheap now, it doesn't matter if you can't sell it, I will keep it as a monthly release later." Chu Dashan said indifferently.

"Such a good peach, can it still be delivered as a monthly delivery?" Guo Peng gritted his teeth.

"I can't help it. I don't grow the poor elixir and spirit fruit at home. Why don't you distribute them?" Chu Dashan said helplessly, flipping his hands.

The Chu family usually grows what kind of hair and what kind of month.

The same is true for food, and so is the spiritual medicine and spiritual fruit.

It's just rough food and some basic medicines for ordinary apprentices.Only the monthly cases of those who have official public positions have spiritual stones, spiritual stone tickets, various high-quality spiritual food, spiritual vegetables, and various spiritual fruits and spiritual medicines.

"I also want to take a position in your family." Guo Peng said pitifully, "I also want the monthly case of the Chu family."

Chu Dashan laughed out loud.

"By the way, Uncle Dashan, how many seeds of the old Panlong peach do you have?"

(End of this chapter)

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