Chapter 833 Seed
Before the Chu family's spiritual fruit is released, the seeds have to be taken out.Then the seeds are specially treated and packaged in a special jade box.

Therefore, the Chu family stores a large amount of seeds every year.

"Do you want it? One seed and five spirit stones." Chu Dashan said immediately.

Ah poof.

Guo Peng looked at Chu Dashan speechlessly, "I was the one who found your peach tree seeds for you."

"But it wasn't much cheaper when you sold me the peach tree seeds." Chu Dashan blinked his big eyes and said.

Ah puff!

Guo Peng always wants to feel that he has brought Lao Chu to a bad place.

"I think five spirit stones for a seed is a bit expensive, but I think five yuan for a catty is not bad."

"Then go ahead and buy it. Don't look at the small seeds of the Panlong peach tree, not much bigger than a broad bean. But each one weighs a catty. If you insist on weighing by the catty, I don't disagree."

After Guo Peng heard this, "..."

When Guo Peng set off again, he took away a large number of first- and second-order Panlong peaches, as well as a small part of the original Panlong peach tree seeds.

Chu Shiluo just rushed home and sent Guo Peng off with Chu Dashan.When Guo Peng was far away, Chu Shiluo asked his own father in doubt, "Why does that kid insist on buying a batch of the original Panlong peach tree seeds?"

"Perhaps because you think that if you take it to someone else's house, you can grow the Coiling Dragon Spirit Peach with the image of a small dragon?" Chu Dashan guessed.

"Maybe there is a possibility. But our Panlong Lingtao has mutated, and I have something to do with the abundant innate Yimu Qi here. Why did he mutate the Panlong Lingtao?" Chu Shiluo was puzzled.

"Maybe he has some kind of immortal root?" Chu Dashan thought for a while and guessed.

Chu Shiluo: "..."

Now that he is among the high-level members of the Chu family, he already knows that there are immortal roots in the family, and there are more than one.It's just that the fairy roots at home are not planted on the mainland.Temporarily not affected here.

"Let him go. Anyway, as long as he produces spirit stones, we'll sell them. Otherwise, it would be a pity that there are so many seeds that don't need to be stored in the warehouse to collect ashes." Chu Dashan is now open.

There are too many things stored in the fruit cellar at home. If it is full, he will open another one, and if it is full, he will look at it again. His eyes hurt from looking at it.

"By the way, dad, are all the peaches and seeds in our fruit cellar this time?"

"It's not seeds, they were all planted by the family in other places. Didn't our family's earliest seeds come out? The seeds stored now are relatively late in storage. So the seeds sent to Guo Peng this time are all Was transferred from the place.

The same is true for the Panlong Spirit Peach of Tier [-] and Tier [-].Most of the spirit peaches grown at home are third-tier.The first and second ranks are all peaches that were planted in the nearby spiritual fields within a year or two of the newcomers to the family. "

With the continuous evolution of the third-order spiritual veins, most of the spiritual fruit tree seedlings planted in the early days have gradually entered the third-order or even higher fourth-order.

Of course, if it really can't evolve, and if it starts to show signs of malaise, don't let Ling Zhifu pull it out.

If these foundations are not good enough, they are eliminated products.Either it was sent to the pharmacist for use as a material, or it was sent to the clansmen for a monthly routine.

The open space left was also replanted with new medicine seedlings and fruit seedlings.

There are more and more Lingzhi husbands in the Chu family. In order to take care of the high-ranking Lingzhi, they are also very diligent in patrolling the Lingtian.The little apprentices patrol the area under the responsibility of their masters like little bees.I was afraid that something new would happen, so I didn't even report it to my master.

"That is to say, most of the fruits and seeds out of the warehouse this time are from the family's fruit warehouse?" Chu Shiluo asked in surprise.

"Now your sister is in charge of the family's fruit storehouse, so naturally the old ones over there will leave the storehouse first." Chu Dashan sighed and said, "This is indeed a marriage, but Jiner's elbow is turned outward."

Chu Shiluo pursed his lips and smiled.

"Did you see your second sister when you went to the wasteland this time?"

"I didn't see it, but I saw the child of the second sister's family. Brother Xian is so strong that he will be called uncle." Chu Shiluo happily introduced to his father.

"Oh, my fairy brother. You said that your second sister is the same, so don't take it yourself, and don't let me and your mother take it. I'm so mad, what's wrong with taking it back? Your mother and I can bring the child to death Already?" Chu Dashan immediately said angrily.

"Father, you can take a break. Although the second sister is not here, she also said that she will go back in the past few days. Brother Xian is over there, and the second sister and brother-in-law spend most of her time looking after you. You were brought back, second sister and brother-in-law Brother-in-law won’t be able to see him for several years? What are you thinking? How could Second Sister be willing to let the two of you back?”


Chu Dashan was not angry.

How old is this? It's just a child.

Chu Shiluo complained helplessly in his heart, and then coaxed, "Didn't the third sibling give birth to a little girl for you?"

"Your mother is taking it with you." Chu Dashan said sadly. "You're not married either. You said that if you were married, you would ask your wife to have more children. Why should I have such a big resentment? Both of your younger sisters are married and have children, and your younger brother is also married and has children. Just you, just you..."

Chu Dashan successfully ran away from Chu Shiluo.

"A wicked son, an unfilial son..."

Regardless of how he shouted, Chu Shiluo ran away without a trace.

In fact, didn't he just not find a suitable one?Why do you have to force him to grab a random marriage?

Wasn't he the one who turned around and made trouble?
Chu Shiluo said in his heart that he must persevere, and then find someone he likes.


Xie Chaosheng sat in the private room of Fuyue Building, the largest in Qingyang, waiting quietly.

After a while, the door opened, and the boy led two middle-aged men in.

"I haven't seen you for many years, Brother Chen." Xie Chaosheng got up, and looked at the person who walked in in front of him cheerfully.

Chen Dazhi got a little fatter.

Keke, I ate so much recently.

"Brother Xie, it's true that I haven't seen you for a while. How are you doing recently?"

"I'm fine too." Xie Chaosheng said with a smile. "Your second son, Chen Gong, has recently fallen into my turf and was accepted as a bodyguard by me."

"Chen Gong?" Chen Dazhi really didn't expect it. "Didn't he stay and fly with his beloved woman?"

Xie Chaosheng wanted to laugh, but then thought of his eldest daughter.I felt deeply that I couldn't help but smile.

"He seemed to be in trouble, and he was rescued by the eldest daughter of my family. My eldest daughter still remembered him, so she handed him over to me for treatment. Later, he said he had nowhere to go, so I left him behind."

"I said you are free, so why come to see me when you have time?" What Chen Dazhi said made Xie Chaosheng extremely speechless.

"What are you going to do with your second child? I think he seems to want to come back, but he doesn't dare to come back?" Xie Chaosheng said.

Alas, Chen Dazhi sighed heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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