Chapter 835

"Commander, to tell you the truth, there are miniature spiritual veins for sale outside, but they are either equipped with dirty hands, or they are inherently deficient. Good things, who would be willing to sell them? But our family's collection is different. I heard that any tiny spiritual veins that are collected will be re-cultivated for a period of time, and will be sealed again until the next use when all the deviations are made up."

Wu Sanyuan didn't hide at all that he had deliberately made up this matter.

The main reason is that these tiny spiritual veins in the Chu family's collection can be obtained almost every now and then.

Hundreds of thousands of them are sealed up in the clan treasury.

Since the recovery of spiritual energy, with the continuous acceleration of the recovery of spiritual energy, various tiny spiritual veins, spiritual springs, spiritual lands, etc. may be found anytime and anywhere in the wilderness.Some were occupied and developed, and some were extracted by monks, and then sealed up for sale.

Everyone knows that the Chu family is rich, so they can sell good things to the Chu family.

"I heard that the family recently received a miniature spirit vein with attributes, and that person got six thousand spirit stones."

"That's a land master. They will seal the miniature spiritual veins, and the extraction of the spiritual veins will be complete. That's why the family gave him such a high price." Chu Shinian was thinking dumbfounded.

However, that geologist was also introduced by his family geologist, and he was a former friend of his own geologist.Such an identity naturally requires a high purchase price.

"Hey, anyway, the family's miniature spirit veins are good. If I get great merit this time, I'll change to another one. Then I'll make a space medicine field or something." Wu Sanyuan said.

"This is a bit difficult. You must first find a usable space fragment, and you must have land to plant that kind. Then seal the miniature spiritual veins in it and cultivate it yourself. It will consume a lot of resources during the process.

If you don't want to hold back your cultivation, it's best to wait until your cultivation base is higher and it's easier to find resources. "

Chu Shinian gave a suggestion.

"I heard that as the spiritual energy recovers faster and faster, after this period of time, there will be fewer and fewer miniature spiritual veins that will be born in the future?" Wu Sanyuan asked with some worry.

"Generally speaking, when spiritual energy recovers early, many miniature spiritual veins will be born. But in the future, as the spiritual veins in various places grow bigger and bigger, they will absorb more and more spiritual energy from the world. The scattered spiritual energy overflowing from Zhayangsan will Fewer and fewer. Miniature spiritual veins will also become fewer and fewer.

The miniature spiritual veins born within the scope of the large spiritual veins are all their branches.In the end, tracing back to the source will return to the real large spiritual vein. "

After hearing Chu Shinian's words, Wu Sanyuan showed his original expression.

"Then it will become more and more difficult for me to exchange my great achievements for miniature spiritual veins?"

"It's impossible to tell."

"Then I'll change it at this time."

"what ever."

In fact, everyone knows that there are some good things. After passing this village, this shop will disappear. After this period, even if there are still miniature spirit veins in stock in the family, it will become difficult to trade.So Wu Sanyuan was right.But Chu Shinian, as the acting Patriarch of the Chu family, cannot encourage everyone to do this.

"Then tomorrow's elders meeting, Commander, do you want to go and see it? If you go, you will disguise yourself as me, how about I disguise yourself as your servant?" Wu Sanyuan asked.


In the early morning of Zhang Yu, the whole city gradually woke up from the silence.All kinds of rice smells, rouge smells, and all kinds of defecation smells, rotten debris smells, and all kinds of sour smells are so soft that it is hard for the nose.

Chu Shinian had been staying in his own city and the mountains outside the city for a long time, and it had been a long time since he had such a mixed smell of mutated smell, so disgusting that he almost vomited.

After closing the acupuncture points on his nose so that he could no longer smell that weird smell.

Chu Shinian said in a rare irritable manner, "I have also been to other cities that have not been transformed by formations. Although they are a little dirty, they don't have such a weird smell."

Wu Sanyuan snickered behind him.

Chu Ziyan also snickered behind him.

"You..." Chu Shinian became even more irritable.

"Head, that's how it is here. This Zhang Yu actually has this stinking problem of pouring night fragrance early in the morning. He also washes the toilet early in the morning. Maybe the other side is still cooking breakfast."


Chu Shinian felt that he was really dying.

Wu Sanyuan and the others laughed so hard that their chest hurt from laughing.

Although Chu Shinian seems to be capable of everything, but this guy is actually very hypocritical, and he likes to be clean.And Zhang Yu's weird morning scene probably made him dizzy! !
"Is Zhang Yu's person mentally ill? Vomit..."

"This is the custom here." Wu Sanyuan smiled and said, "We got used to it for a few days when we first arrived. I haven't had breakfast for half a month."

"Who can eat this shit? Uh... how could they develop such a weird habit? Aren't the night incense harvesters all at night?" Chu Shinian asked puzzled.

"I don't know about that. It is said that this place was like this a long time ago." Wu Sanyuan said.

"I checked, and it is said that it was originally used to defend against brain-sucking monsters." Chu Ziyan is more reliable.At least he looked into it.Wu Sanyuan is not related to his mission, he is the master who has no interest at all.

"Brain-sucking demon insects, that means there used to be a nest of brain-sucking demon insects here. You all think about it, and bring both the protective talisman and the protective Horcrux." Chu Shinian urged.

"The protective talisman is okay, but the protective horcrux is too expensive." Wu Sanyuan said.

"That's better than being brain-sucked by a sneak attack." Chu Shinian said speechlessly.What are you thinking, why can you lose your life?

"What does this brain-sucking worm have to do with the smell of rice?" Wu Sanyuan asked again.

"Generally speaking, when people are eating, it is easiest to relax their defenses. Brain suckers attack people at this time, and it is difficult to be detected. It is possible that the human brain has been sucked away, and only people around them will find out when they are dead. But If there is a bad smell around, the brain-sucking worm's sense of smell will be overwhelmed first, and it will violently attack the living things around it. Then it will be discovered, caught or killed by humans." Chu Ziyan explained to him.

"Vice commander, you know a lot." Wu Sanyuan said enviously.

"Go back and take a look at the book "Those Years I Was in the Monster Race", there are images of brain-sucking worms and the key points of prevention and control." Chu Ziyan said.

"Ahem, cough, I always thought it was an idle book. The kind that is useless." Wu Sanyuan was taken aback.

"If it's really useless, why not put it on the first floor for people to read casually, but put it on the second floor of the library, where only family members can read through it." Chu Ziyan said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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