Chapter 836
"But isn't that the autobiographical storybook of a monk who was taken away by the demon clan and enslaved? It's a bit strange that Fang Zhi, a brain-sucking worm, is even introduced." Wu Sanyuan asked puzzled.

"Although the book describes the century-old enslavement history of Chen Shaoren, he also recorded in detail the race, characteristics, hunting habits and house management methods of many monster races during his enslavement. Among them, the monster insects are There are 100 or [-] middle schools. The introduction of related hunting habits of other monster races also involves more than [-] kinds.

Almost wrote down the characteristics of the ordinary monster race.

We will often deal with demons in the future, so you can read and read more later. "Chu Ziyan explained to him in a low voice.

Wu Sanyuan was taken aback, he really didn't expect that book to be so important.

"I'll read it carefully when I get back."

"In addition to the book I just read, there is another book called "The Encyclopedia of Languages ​​of the Ancient Monster Race" from volume one to volume 220. You only need to learn a little about the first forty languages."

After hearing Chu Ziyan's words, Wu Sanyuan immediately showed a bloody expression.

"Vice commander, please spare me. I have not studied well since I was a child."

Ahhh, Chu Ziyan burst out laughing in a low voice.

"If you can read it, it's better to read more if you have nothing to do. At least you need to know which family those languages ​​belong to. I suggest you better learn it." Chu Ziyan said.

"Is there someone to teach? Haven't the monster races appeared yet?" Wu Sanyuan said in astonishment.

"I have learned jade cocoon. Use spiritual knowledge to learn, learn quickly, and remember firmly." Chu Ziyan said.

"Sanyuan, you're here." Wu Sanyuan's adoptive father stood in front of the Huiwu Building, which was the only meeting place, and waited for them. He also greeted Chu Shinian, who was disguised as Wu Sanyuan.

"Father." Chu Shinian saluted with cupped fists.When Wu Sanyuan saw it, he didn't tell his adoptive father that the adopted son in front of him was actually Chu Shinian, the leader of the Chu family.

"I want to tell you some bad news. An old founder of the Northwest Building has also come. He also wants to run for the general affairs elder." Wu Dui of Wu Sanyuan said.

Wu Dui is also an old man, but he is not from the group of the oldest founders, but the first group of warriors to join.

Although he also became a monk later, but because of several serious injuries that year, he has already retired to the second line and is in a state of retirement.However, he still holds the position of the elder of the Northwest Building.

"Then this time we..." Wu Sanyuan became anxious as soon as he heard it, and he imitated his confidant, Guzi, and said.

"It's not hopeless, but it might be a little dangerous."

"What's the name of the one who came back?" Chu Shinian asked.

"It's called Chen Dazhi."

"That Chen Dazhi from Qingyang City? He's actually the old founder of the Northwest Tower?" Chu Shinian said in astonishment.

"It's him. The Northwest Building was founded by a few of their old brothers when they were fourteen or fifteen years old. At the beginning, they started by reselling news from various places. Later, they also accepted some assassination missions." Wu Dui said.

"The development of the Northwest Building to this day not only has complicated personnel, but also develops towards the nature of a mission building. What is he doing back here? Still playing assassination?" Chu Shinian was a little puzzled.

Wu Dui shook his head, "Back then, Chen Dazhi started his business as a spies with various news, and Xie Chaosheng was the one who was responsible for assassinating and cleaning up the door. I heard that Xie Chaosheng personally brought him back. I think it was to strengthen the information of the Northwest Building. ability."

"Oh." Chu Shinian was slightly interested, but not very interested.Hasn't the information on the Northwest Building been confined to the Northwest?How can it be strengthened?
"Except for Chen Dazhi, the other candidates for general affairs elders are all fresh faces," Wu Dui said.

"The Northwest Building is a miscellaneous brand. Strangers can serve as general affairs elders in the Northwest Building." Chu Shinian sighed.

"Ah, you're right, the Northwest Tower really sounds like it's going to smash the brand." Xie Chaosheng brought Chen Dazhi and others to the gate at this time. "Anyway, you are still from our Northwest Building. The others, hehe."

Xie Chaosheng looked at Chu Shinian, and immediately laughed sarcastically.

Anyway, he wasn't laughing at him, and Chu Shinian didn't care, he gave Xie Chaosheng and the others a quack salute.Then push aside and let these people go in first.

After they had finished walking, he followed Wu Dui into the hall of the building.

The hall is surrounded by tables and chairs placed along the edge.In the not-so-large lobby on the first floor, the two of them sat down, and there were not many vacant seats left.Soon someone else came in.

Wave after wave.

The surrounding tables and chairs were filled, and there was no place to sit later, so I found a place by myself.Or go out and move tables and chairs.

When Xie Chaosheng finally announced the start of the General Elder Selection Conference, even the outside of the hall gate and the windows were full of monks who were armed and armed with weapons.

The three general affairs elders from the Northwest Building appeared one by one.The last one is the owner Xie Chaosheng.

"Brothers, before selecting the general affairs elders, I would like to introduce to you the founder of the Northwest Building, Chen Dazhi, who has just returned.

Chen Dazhi is the first owner of our Northwest Building, do you still remember him? "


Many old people looked at Chen Dazhi excitedly.They wanted to go out and talk just now, but unfortunately Chen Dazhi held them down with a soothing look.

At this time, Xie Chaosheng raised his head, and everyone shouted.

"Hahaha, I knew that none of you would forget him. He has come back to help me now, brothers, please do me a favor. Is there any problem with a general affairs elder?"

"Deputy host, deputy host." Someone shouted.

Immediately afterwards, other people also shouted, and soon the deputy host's shouts became one piece.Xie Chaosheng's face was so stiff that he couldn't smile anymore.

He knew that Chen Dazhi had a foundation in the Northwest Building, but he still didn't expect that the other party would be able to advance to the position of deputy landlord as soon as he came back after decades of absence.

But the voice of the deputy landlord was too loud, and Xie Chaosheng failed to suppress it several times.

In the end, he could only grit his teeth and hand over the position of deputy landlord to Chen Dazhi who had just returned.

In fact, Chen Dazhi was unhappy with Xie Chaosheng because of his family background, and feared him.The problem is that unless he doesn't come back, as long as he wants to come back, he will definitely threaten Xie Chaosheng.

"Thank you for the love from the host and brothers. I'd rather be respectful than obedient. I'll be the sub-host." Chen Dazhi accepted the position of sub-host generously.

Not only did Xie Chaosheng spy in his heart, but also made some other people secretly anxious.

"Now that Deputy Director Chen has taken office, can we start selecting general affairs elders next? There are only three general affairs elders who can still work normally. There are still five people left. How to choose these five people, the two landlords will tell you Standard."

An elder said carelessly.

(End of this chapter)

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