Chapter 838
Chu Shinian naturally understood the rules, and he knew what to do after hearing it.

The other two newcomers, Xie Chaosheng, also urged and persuaded them kindly, but it is unknown whether they listened or not.

In short, it seems that everyone is treated the same.

Finally, Chen Dazhi sent those two out, and Xie Chaosheng sent Wu Sanyuan out.Xie Chaosheng pulled Wu Sanyuan out, and said in a low voice, "Now you can understand, we suspect that the two newcomers are from the upper world. Be careful when you see them in the future."

After hearing this, Chu Shinian asked in confusion, "Since you suspect that the other party is from the upper realm, why don't you just kill them and let them meddle in the affairs of our Northwest Building?"

Xie Chaosheng was very happy that Chu Shinian used the term us.

"Now the power of our Northwest Building has been greatly weakened. If it weren't for the handwriting of those people from the upper realm, ghosts would not believe it. If you keep your voice closed and don't let them in, why not let it go and see what kind of medicine they sell in their gourds." Xie Chaosheng had a heart-to-heart look at Wu Sanyuan's value.

Chu Shinian immediately showed a look of gratitude. "It's because the kid's thinking is shallow, or the host is wise."

"You, it's just that you have too little experience. In the future, when you get mixed up with me at my age, you will naturally understand."

Chu Shinian: Do I still have to be at your age?
After leaving Xie Chaosheng who had been pleading with him, Chu Shinian and the others simply returned to Wu Sanyuan's house.

"What do you think of that Xie Chaosheng?"

"In fact, he didn't really believe me." Wu Sanyuan was silent for a while, and then said seriously.

"Well, you have a good idea. Xie Chaosheng doesn't believe the people from the upper realm, and he doesn't believe you, who joined the Northwest Building later. Maybe you were also sent by some force to seize power with him. Actually, I don't think he believes himself either. It belongs to the sub-host who got it back." Chu Shinian said. "Chen Dazhi seems to have a deeper foundation and more prestige than his in Northwest Building."

"I heard that there are many honored elders in the Northwest Building. The old elders think that Chen Dazhi is more capable than Xie Chaosheng. After all, the Northwest Building is in the hands of Chen Dazhi and is flourishing. In the hands of Xie Chaoheng, it is walking on the road of collapse. On the edge, falling off a cliff." Wu Sanyuan said jokingly, "It's me, compare the performance of the two landlords during their reign, and I will choose Chen Dazhi to follow."

"After all, being able to live to be honored is not a small role in itself. Their attitude represents the attitude of most middle and lower elites in the Northwest Building." Wu Sanyuan added.

Chu Shinian nodded in agreement.

"Whether it is the family or the sect, it is impossible to ignore the voices of the old people."

The main reason is that their status in the family and various small groups in the sect is unshakable.


Chen Dazhi took back Zhang Yu's mansion.Several close old brothers and confidantes quickly renovated the whole mansion.The original dilapidated look has receded, and the fresh and elegant layout makes this place full of elegance.

The old brothers had just been sent away after drinking, when his son Chen Gong came.

The current Chen Gong is full of the precipitation and vicissitudes of the years.Wearing a martial monk's robe, although he is still majestic when walking, his spirit is much more restrained and sluggish.

"It looks like you are ten years older all of a sudden, and you can be called brothers with your father." Chen Dazhi couldn't help joking when he saw him.

Chen Gong: "..."

"Where's that woman of yours who left everything behind and desperately tried to save her?" Chen Dazhi asked.

Chen Gong was silent again.

The eyelids couldn't help drooping.

"I heard that you rescued her. Then, why wasn't she with you?" Chen Dazhi asked.

"She left Da Song and got married." Chen Gong said.

"Where did you go? Zhao Guo, or Lishan, Xichang, Beiyan, or Beiqi?"

"She married to the central hinterland of the mainland." Chen Gong said.

"That is to say, what kind of powerful man has she dated again? You, a spare tire, can't satisfy her ambition, so she abandoned you." Chen Dazhi asked with a smile.

Chen Gong's expression was complicated. He still remembered what Eugen said when the man left, "I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled to living an ordinary life like this. So I'm sorry, I can't be with you anymore. You forgot me Bar."

He, Chen Gong, really couldn't satisfy her! !
She chose to follow that man also because that man was a very powerful person.

"She married another man, and that man made her a prince and side concubine again."

"It's a one-word difference, from wife to concubine, thanks to that girl who can bear it. Alas, no, she is married for the second time, and she can be a prince and side concubine, which is also some tricks."

"Father, can we stop talking about her?" Chen Gong begged for mercy.

"Okay, but you have already been expelled from the house by me, so you can live on your own in the future." Chen Dazhi didn't show any face to his youngest son.

"I will live my life well. If you have something to do with you, please call me."

After hearing this, Chen Dazhi had a complicated expression.

"After your elder brother was beaten by me and wounded his foundation, he came back to me like you and said similar things. I don't know if I can't teach children. You and your elder brother are no good."

Chen Gong's cheeks burned hotly: "..."


Chu Shinian brought Wu Sanyuan back to Miryang overnight.Wu Sanyuan immediately went to work, while Chu Shinian led his people back to Xianyang directly.

Brother Chun is sitting in contact.

But he doesn't like to sit very much, he will go to the soft quilt after sitting for a while.

There are also special tinkering hands patting the back of the cotton, which is especially enjoyable.

A head of thick black hair grew spontaneously, like a savage bird's nest.


The little guy changed various syllables, as if he was chatting and singing.She is not afraid of people at all, she just glances at everyone she sees, and then continues to look up at the sky and sing.

Since it is old enough to sit and roll over.He doesn't like howling much anymore.

Howling is only when you lose your temper. At other times, people have already learned to entertain themselves.

As soon as Chu Shinian walked up to him, the little guy spotted him.

Ah ah ah! !
The little guy recognized him and cried out excitedly.

Chu Shinian quickly hugged the chubby little soft dumpling.The little guy put his little mouth on Chu Shinian's cheek and gnawed it familiarly.

Looking at his silly, stupid and cute son, Chu Shinian's heart was particularly soft.

"Ah, it just so happens that you're back, so I'll leave it to you to bathe the little guy." Taohua said happily as she finally threw the hot potato out again. "I just carried him out for a few laps, and ate a small bowl of custard. This kid has finally had enough tossing and wants to take a walk by himself."

(End of this chapter)

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