The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 839 Tier 4 Purple Blood Spirit Tea

Chapter 839 Tier [-] Purple Blood Spirit Tea
"Thank you." Chu Shinian said to Tao Hua. "Brother Chun gets bigger and harder to take care of."

"Too energetic, too energetic." Taohua complained.

Even if a child can't speak or run, it's not so easy to treat.Especially the precocious little ones, since they started to express their emotions, all kinds of shit happened one after another.

"By the way, I'm going out in the daytime tomorrow, so I'll send the little guy to my mother." Tao Hua said.

"Will it bother my mother-in-law too much? Do I need to come back and bring him?"

"Leave it to my mother first, you are busy too." Tao Hua said. "By the way, there was a secret report just now, saying that the Huiwu spirit tea suddenly mutated into a special spirit tea of ​​the fourth-order low-grade. Let me go and have a look. Let the nanny take him later, let's go and have a look."

"New species?" Chu Shinian asked strangely.

"I'm not sure yet. Let's talk about it when we go over and have a look."

After dinner, the couple set off for the Ziyang area.Ziyang has become a large number of spiritual tea trees.It can bring a large amount of spiritual tea income to the family every year.Gray mist spirit tea forests are scattered all over the mountains outside the city.

In some places, the tea trees grow big, and those are old tea trees transplanted, and in some places, the tea trees grow small, and those are new tea trees planted later.

There are only dozens of mutated tea trees of the fourth rank and lower grade.They are all the earliest batch of old tea trees.

Of the three most ancestral mother tea trees, one was given away, and two were taken away by Tiling of the Shi family for cultivation.not here.

A group of old tea trees here are the second-generation offspring of the three old trees.

They were also the ones who mutated. A total of twenty tall tea trees had mutated. The leaves of the fourth-tier low-grade mutated tea trees had changed from gray-green to purple-green.Huge variation in color.

Taohua walked around the newly mutated tea tree, and then took a photo with Qi Tianjian.

"This is the transformation from Huiwu Lingcha to Zixue Lingcha. The growth limit of Huiwu Lingcha is the third level. The fourth level is no longer Huiwu Lingcha." Tao Hua said in surprise.

"Zixue Lingcha, is it more precious than Huiwu Lingcha? The quality of the tea produced is better?" The old patriarch of the Qi clan who was in charge of the medicine garden came over and asked in surprise.

"The quality of spiritual tea has become better. But look at the old patriarch, there were originally more than 200 second-generation descendants, but in the end there were more than [-] mutated trees. The success rate is less than one-tenth. The rest are for the sake of becoming new. They mutated and died." There used to be a large area of ​​dense tea trees in that place, but now there are only twenty trees that are still standing upright.The other tea trees were all withered and rotted into black mud, which looked really miserable.

"If this Zixueling tea continues to mutate, every tree that mutates successfully will have a group of tea trees of the same species around them that will become victims of their mutation."

Hearing this, the old man of the Qi family took a deep breath.

"Look at the three or four generations of tea trees around you. If they mutate, we will lose even more. And after being promoted to the fourth level, Lingzhi Lake will form its own unique domain. No other Lingzhi will take root in a certain area around it. germination."

The old man Qi gasped again.

"So Patriarch, what do you mean?"

"Move. Move the third-order tea trees of the third generation and the fourth-generation tea trees. Increase the distance between them. It would be better if they don't advance to the fourth level, and don't lose so many third-level peak spiritual tea trees all at once.

Not cost-effective. "

"How can it be uneconomical? The price of the fourth-tier tea is simply incomparable with the price of the third-tier tea." The old patriarch of the Jia clan said immediately.

"I mean, it's not worthwhile to promote the strongest tea tree to the fourth level by sacrificing tea trees of the same kind and the same level. We can use spirit stones and special wood crystals as fertilizers when we find that they have this kind of promotion point. They provide a boost for advancement.

The rest of the same tea trees of the same level may also provide them with some fourth-level spiritual plants. "

"Oh, Patriarch, so you think so. But in this way, the consumption of spirit stones and spirit crystals must be an astonishing figure." The old man of the Qi family said.

"But a fourth-order spiritual plant can sell 300 million middle-grade spiritual stones."

Ah puff! !
The old man almost dropped his jaw in shock.Cough cough cough, only 100 yuan of low-grade spirit stones can be exchanged for a middle-grade spirit stone.

"Then we are full of money? Patriarch, you should recruit more troops. We Lingzhi husbands can't take care of them at all."

"It's okay, such a big spirit tree, who can toss it away? It's not easy to plan it out." Taohua smiled and said, "Besides, there are troops stationed near all important spiritual planting parks. Don't worry."

Looking at the mutated second-generation trees on the slope, the old man Qi not only remembered that he had two more mutated mother trees in his family.I don't know if it's safe or not to keep it at home.Or he should go home and set up a few more formations.

After leaving the tea mountain, Chu Shinian asked Taohua incomprehensibly, "The mutation of the second-generation tea tree must not have been completed overnight. They should have reported the signs of tea tree mutation to you long ago. Since you don't agree with the sacrifice, then There are more tea trees of the same type and grade, why not remind them to move the rest of the tea trees out earlier?"

"First, a sign is a sign. Our family has never raised Huiwu Lingcha before. Whether it can mutate or not depends on the mutation.

Second, how did their variation come from? We have to get actual data.Even if some tea trees are sacrificed, we have already mastered the law of their variation.At this time, it is necessary to remove other tea trees of the same species and grade in advance in the next step.

In the final analysis, Huiwu spiritual tea is still a low-level spiritual tea. Only by cultivating tea saplings with serious fouls can it be possible to bring enough benefits to the entire family.Just relying on a few or dozens of tea trees to bring income is hardly enough for the family's teeth.

Therefore, it is very necessary to sacrifice some second-generation tea trees to find out the law of the overall tea tree variation. "

"Oh, it turned out to be like this, no wonder you don't mind at all, the mother tree was left behind by their family." Chu Shinian suddenly realized.

"It's not the sixth-level Enlightenment tea, nor is it the Dao tea. For a few low-level mother trees, there is no need to ruin your reputation." Taohua said.

"But the mother tree always mutates first. Have you ever thought that even if there is a tea forest, the mother tree should be the first to reach the sixth level?" Chu Shinian asked puzzled.

"I won't talk about this matter, you will know when the time comes." Tao Hua laughed.

"Taohua, you are too naughty." Chu Shinian smiled helplessly.

The couple walked all the way down from Ziyang Tea Mountain, and found that all the tea trees in Ziyang were planted on the top of the mountain.Some common perennial spiritual fruit trees and spiritual woods will be planted in the middle.All kinds of spiritual vegetables and spiritual medicines with short growth cycles are planted in the flat area under the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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