Chapter 840
The entire northwest of Yun'an Continent is actually a mountainous and watery area.Most of the dams on Chu's land are used to raise fish, shellfish and water the surrounding hillside spiritual plants.The main reason is that there are no springs on some hillsides, and there are many spiritual plants planted, and a lot of water is needed.

Although there are many Lingzhi husbands in the Chu family, if there are pools, small lakes and other waters nearby, they can save a lot of mana when casting various small spells on Lingzhi.

Husband Ling Zhi of the Chu family thinks that one person can use it more than several people, so everyone would rather build more small lakes, small pools, etc., so that they can take care of their own Ling Zhi more easily.

Ling Zhifu's apprentices of the Chu family are now teaching in regular schools.A large number of graduates will eventually follow a formal Ling Zhifu internship.

Be more powerful, the official Ling Zhifu who will lead apprentices, just take apprentices every year, all kinds of benefits and rewards are enough for them to practice and use.What's more, they themselves have various benefits and rewards for their own jobs.

Those spiritual plant husbands who are short of money can also use flower pots to grow some special and precious spiritual plants by themselves. When they sell them later, it is equivalent to earning pocket money for themselves.

In short, a Lingzhi husband has a lot of income every year. It is a trivial matter to support his family, and he can save it and go to the black market to exchange for more precious things.

Of course, there are places where there is no shortage of water, and there are places where water is scarce.

At least there is a lack of water near the Lingshan Mountain in the Chu Clan's territory.Here, the Chu family has built six alpine lakes, large and small.It only temporarily solves the problem of water shortage in this nearby area.The main reason is that the population of Lingshan is increasing.There is also the continuous transfer of people from the small world to settle in this area, so the lack of water will still be the main problem here in the future.

There is also a lack of vegetation on the Lingshan side. Most of the areas are just grass slopes, and the grass is not very lush.

Trees are even scarcer, and you can't see a tree or two even after running a few hills.

In the Lingshan area, as you go south and east, and cross Yangshan City, the vegetation begins to increase gradually, and the greenery gradually becomes one piece. The more you go northwest, the Great Northwest Wilderness is there.The sand and rocks became the main body, and the top of the broken mountain was full of stones, and it was not easy to see a living thing occasionally.

The Great Northwest Wilderness is really wild!
Except that it can be planted near the banks of the branches of the Tianshui River, other places are filled with sand, sand, and sand.

The Great Northwest Wilderness is surrounded on both sides by the Wanji Mountains and the Beiman Mountains.He put it in his arms directly.Beyond the Wanji Mountains and Beiman Mountains is the edge of the mainland, and you can see the endless coast.

Therefore, the Lingshan area is a transition zone between desolation and prosperity.

After passing the northernmost part of Lingshan Mountain, there is another long and narrow plain, Longyun Mansion.Longyun Mansion is a border mansion, which gathers many passes of Song State.Lin Changge came out of Dali Pass in Longyun Mansion.

Because the citizens of Xichang were particularly warlike, Longyun Mansion had never been peaceful, resulting in very few people there, except for military family members, there were almost no civilians.

Passing through the pass over there, the city is also particularly dilapidated and weak.

In the words of the caravan buddies who have been there by the Chu family, the city over there is not as well built as some of the large villages on the Chu family's side.

At most, the villages on Chu's side don't have city walls.But some of the walls of the small city over Longyun Mansion are less than half a foot high, so what can that do?
Furthermore, due to the influence of the foul wind, many exposed water veins, pools, swamps, and lakes have become full of toxins.Not only animals can't drink it, but people can't drink it either.If the time is short, everyone can persist, or dig a deep well to get water to drink.

But after a long time, the land can't even grow crops, and the nearby water can't be drunk. Not far away, there is a Chu family that is said to have beautiful mountains and rivers and a lot of food.Therefore, whether it is Long Yun or the people from other prefectures, they secretly migrated towards the Chu family with their families.

In order to be on the safe side, some of them let the young and strong children migrate there with their small families, and when they are stable there, they will lead the whole family there.

Dozens of people sneak away at a time. If they are not caught, the whole family will be alive.

Anyway, the Chu family only accepts refugees and never asks where everyone came from.

In the end, it developed to the point where the people ran away from the entire village, and while the village ran away, they also called away their own soldiers who were stationed at the pass.

With soldiers escorting them, they ran faster.

This is a sinkhole for the defenders of Longyun Mansion! !
Lei Yi and the generals were all black and furious.

Some had explosive tempers, and simply killed the captured escapees, even the military family members and civilians, and the soldiers, wanting to make an example to others.

As a result, people were just killed today, and more soldiers ran away at night.

I can't even get it back.

With a cruel temper, he simply drugged his superior, poisoned him to death, and then fled with the soldiers and family members he had accepted.

Soldiers and civilians ran a lot, and there were not a single ghost in the small passes on the edge of Longyun Mansion.The people and soldiers of Xichang Kingdom are like entering the land of no one! !Walking through Longyun Mansion is like walking through the back garden of one's own home.

This bad situation lasted less than three months, and the cavalry from Xichang Kingdom came in large numbers, and they rushed directly into Longyun, grabbing whatever they saw.The last few small towns left in Longyun and Longyun Mansion were destroyed.

The Prime Minister of Longyun Mansion died in battle!

After discovering that Longyun Mansion was extremely easy to bully, the cavalry of Xichang Kingdom entered Zhang Yu Mansion and Anxi Mansion near Zhang Yu Mansion in a blink of an eye.

The Zhangyu Mansion was able to resist slightly, and the Anxi Mansion was even worse, unable to resist the invading tens of thousands of cavalry from the Xichang Kingdom.He even let other people's parents drive in, and if he wanted to rob that city, he would rob that city.Except for Fucheng, some cities in Anxi Prefecture have been killed and looted by others.By the way, it also took away a large number of people.

This is almost the biggest shocking change since the appearance of Dirty Wind.

In just a few days, two and a half prefectures fell one after another.

Da Song has never shown himself so weak in front of others.

The new emperor of Song Dynasty was furious.

In one day, more than 30 imperial edicts were issued one after another, ordering nearby prefectures to send troops to resist foreign enemies.The emperor himself also sent General Guo Zhanqi over.He also asked him to lead [-] imperial guards over.These imperial guards also suppressed a lot of spirit stones and marched together, Guo Zhanqi and some other generals were entrusted with important tasks.To re-form a strong army in Anhua Mansion, and vowed to wipe out the Xichang people.

Where is it so easy to level up, just a war horse is enough for them to drink a pot.

I can't beat it at all.

Xichang Kingdom was originally a half farming and half nomadic country, rich in war horses and wild horses.People's ancestors have trained war horses for generations.

So even if war horses have evolved into monsters now, people can still turn these monsters into their own combat power.

(End of this chapter)

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