The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 841 Chu Shinian's Objection

Chapter 841 Chu Shinian's Objection
Otherwise, Long Yun, the Anxi mansion is not just paper, why is it so easy to be breached by others, and there are many monks in the Song Dynasty.But if they are cavalrymen, they are powerful.

When tens of thousands of monster war horses came, it was really majestic, so powerful that it was almost suffocating.

The Chu family also has their own war horses, which are new breeds that are selected for breeding.But Xichang people have been breeding war horses for generations, and their geographical location is also good.It is very suitable for the survival and reproduction of demon horses.In addition, the Chinese calamus is specially bred.

Therefore, their horses are generally better than Chu's war horses.

Although the gap is not too big for a single horse, if thousands of horses are mixed together, that little gap will be magnified.lead to large disparities among groups.

When Taohua and Chu Shinian received the news that the Xichang cavalry had invaded, Long Yun had already fallen.

Besides, their own horses can't keep up with others.

Then we can only widen the gap in equipment, so wait until the whole army of the Chu family advances to the edge of the Lingshan Mountains to garrison.

The Xichang cavalry army is not far away from them.

The two sides fought three battles outside Lingshan.

The result was a huge loss.

The Chu family killed tens of thousands of cavalry one after another, and tens of thousands were seriously injured and slightly injured.

The cavalry of the Xichang Kingdom did not take advantage of it either, and their battle damage was almost one to one with that of the Chu family.

This result was unacceptable to both the Xichang cavalry and the Chu cavalry.Both sides are very proud, thinking that they can definitely defeat each other.result……

What a big disappointment! !

In the big tent of the chief general of the Chu family, there was almost an uproar.

The main general, Chu Gai, had a gloomy face, and watched the several Wanqi school lieutenants in front of him criticize each other for their cowardice and incompetence in the three battles, and their performance was extremely poor.

"Okay, a group of people who can't afford to lose. Is it that difficult to admit that their riding tactics are better than ours?"

"The general..."

The captains of Wanqi all had black faces and gritted their teeth.

"It is said that we are only a little short of horses. The equipment is much better than theirs. The key is that their riding tactics are good." Chu Gai said calmly and deeply. "Let's recall, people are generally more proficient in riding than our soldiers."

"Archery skills are also good." A Wanqi school lieutenant gritted his teeth and said, "One of the sharpshooters shot four of my soldiers to death with a single arrow. through the neck."

"Their equestrian skills are also amazing. They rushed more than three meters in front of us, and they were able to turn around. They rushed over the corner of our team. They rushed all the way, and shot arrows all the way, directly shooting my phalanx on the top Thousands of people. It directly caused the serious loss of my ten thousand riders, and thousands of them died in battle."

With their beginnings, each of the Wanqi captains began to seriously recall their failures.

After the last Captain Wanqi finished speaking, Chu Gai's expression changed.

"It's really better than not knowing, so we are so bad."

"The Xichang cavalry has always been the top cavalry in the mainland." The ten thousand cavalry captain spoke the truth directly and speechlessly. "Although the training and equipment are good after we form the cavalry, they are the strongest in the mainland. We need time to hone if we want to surpass them."

"The problem now is that everyone is calling at the door, and there is no time for us to sharpen it." Chu Gai said.

His words made the Wanqi captains below all look heavy.

"General, let's sneak attack." A Wanqi school captain said. "First lure them into our territory, and then find a suitable time and place to sneak attack them, or ambush them."

"Let's ambush, find a place with lush vegetation, and burn them all with one fire." Another Wanqi captain said with a sinister face.

"Water flushing is also fine. Guide them under a dam. Tens of thousands of horses will be taken away in a wave of water."

"Pretend to be defeated, and then lead them into the city. There are so many streets and alleys in the city, it is not conducive to the cavalry at all. At that time, the elite infantry under our command will teach them how to behave in minutes."

"If you don't want to use poison, it's also okay. If the poisonous smoke blows from the wind at night, we'll kill them all night without being able to prepare, and all the people will die."

Chu Gai saw that everyone just lost their composure for a while, and their mentality was not so seriously hit by the battle damage, and they could still come up with so many insidious and cunning ways to deceive people.Very satisfied.

"What everyone said is good. Then let's figure it out, how can we get them into the set more smoothly, and completely clean up this group of Xichang people."

As a result, on the second day, the Xichang cavalry retreated before the Chu people could lure him into the trap.

The army galloped out of Chu's territory.

Chu Gai didn't lead his army to chase after him because he didn't receive the famous order.As a result, a few days later, Chu Gai received an order from the Patriarch.

Stay put.

It turned out that after the Xichang people left, they ran to Anxi Prefecture City with another [-] new cavalrymen. After directly destroying the city and massacring Anxi Prefecture Cheng and a group of officials, they directly occupied Anxi Prefecture and Longyun Prefecture.And they sent troops to force Zhang Yufu to retreat steadily.

Fan Zeng couldn't defend Zhang Yu, so he directly led his troops to retreat to Anhua Mansion.It is equivalent to directly giving the last four cities and people of Zhang Yu to the people of Xichang.

The Xichang people plundered the last four cities very quickly, the people were looted, and all the wealth was robbed. The last four cities were not occupied, but directly burned down.

Anyway, if the house is burned down, it will not be left to others.

After the Xichang people burned down the four cities, they did not stay for a long time, but rushed directly to Anbei Mansion.

Anbei Mansion was independent and difficult to support, and the Fu Cheng also retreated to Anhua with a large army and some nobles.

General Xichang laughed out loud at Da Song's cowardly behavior.Very happy to occupy the three houses.

Now in the northwest of the Great Song Dynasty, in less than a month, there is only one Anhua Mansion left.

Tao Hua and Chu Shinian were dumbfounded.

Taohua knows that the Song Dynasty will inevitably destroy the country.


She couldn't believe the performance of the many governors and troops in the northwest.

This is too much.

It was much more embarrassing than fighting their Chu family.They dare to fight with people from the Chu family.But against the Xichang cavalry, these people escaped and surrendered a large area of ​​territory on a large scale.

Such actions are simply astonishing.

"This is simply faster than the Xichang people!" Chu Shinian said speechlessly. "What do you think, Patriarch?"

"We also sent troops to take the opportunity to occupy Zhang Yu's other four cities." Tao Hua said.

After hearing this, Chu Shinian directly objected, "Recently, our Chu family has developed too fast, not to mention, we have now removed the population and monks of five cities from the small world.

Including the recently accepted refugees and the displaced population of the small world, as well as the original population of our Chu family, the total population is nearly 6000 million.

The resettlement and management of 6000 million people is enough for us to be in a hurry.

Chu's management talents have never been satisfied.

The Chu family's population is too rare!
Without enough tribesmen, we can only place foreigners in key positions.The Chu family has just risen, so I think it is safer to hold such a key position in the hands of the clansmen..."

(End of this chapter)

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