The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 842 That Qingyang Family

Chapter 842 That Qingyang Family
"In addition, our various food reserves, daily necessities, etc. are all bargain hunting.

Our production capacity is limited in a short period of time, and it is impossible to make up for the huge material gap.

I think the Chu family has swelled to the limit and can no longer toss about.

Besides, we still have a small world population of nearly 1000 million that needs to be resettled, so there is absolutely no need for us to occupy those four useless cities at this time. "

Taohua thought for a while and thought, "However, many people in the four cities escaped to the wild. If we don't occupy the four deserted cities, the Xichang people will quickly react and occupy them again. At that time, there is no way to make a living in the wild for a long time." The people can only be plundered by the Xichang people again. That is not tens of millions of people. At least a few hundred thousand people, or even millions. After all, besides the main city, the other four cities of Zhangyu also have nearby towns and villages. There are a lot of people. There should be quite a few people who used the terrain to escape the pursuit of the Xichang cavalry."

"I know you feel sorry for them. But we are powerless to do more now." Chu Shinian said. "The Chu family said that there are hundreds of thousands of people in the clan, which may be considered a big clan in the local area. But in the eyes of other big families in the mainland, we are quite a small clan.

With this small population, tens of millions of people are ruled.It is already the limit.We have to digest for a while.

What's more, we are still fighting with the monster race at sea.This will inevitably consume a lot of resources and manpower in our clan.

At this time, at least for half a year, we are not suitable to really fight against Xichang people.

As for the matter of being hard-headed and tough, isn't there still the royal family of the Song Dynasty?It is also good to use waste until they are not completely dead. "

Taohua was silent for a while, her eyebrows frowned.

"I know you can't see the 100 million people being displaced, or being plundered by Xichang cavalry, and reduced to slaves from then on. But you should also think about how different the other four cities of Zhangyu and the six cities of Zhangyu we occupy today are Similar. They have been ruled by the Fan family and other nobles for a long time, and they are more or less hostile towards us. We occupy Lingshan and other places, and help them build new cities and houses, let them settle down, and support them at low prices Buying fields and setting up workshops. But in terms of people's hearts, we still can't eliminate some barriers and let them completely return to their hearts."

Taohua was silent again.

"Blindly treating them well and giving benefits will not make those people completely loyal. When necessary, let them compare the tragic situation of the same kind, which is more conducive to their complete loyalty to us."

Who can be careless?

Even small people have it.

The more the Chu family gave, the more subconsciously greedy they became.Always wanting more.Compared with the original citizens of the Chu family, they wanted to be on par with others and get the same preferential treatment in one step.

What a free house, what a high-paying job, what a spiritual field filled with spiritual energy...

Don't think too beautifully!

The key is what have you done?You should get these just by acknowledging the rule of the Chu family?

Even the former Chu family's citizens, only those who went to remote areas and sea conditions have this kind of treatment.

This kind of ethos spread widely among the new cities and the immigrants who moved out, and it made the original Chu clansmen disdain them.The conflict between the two sides has intensified, and incidents of quarrels and fights have occurred recently.

It's just that Taohua is the head of the family, and these low-level matters were quickly resolved by the family's guards.That's why I didn't report it to her.

But Chu Shinian knew about these things.

"Did something happen?" Taohua is a very sensitive person.

Chu Shinian simply talked about the recent minor conflicts among the people.Then I summed up "Although most of the people are quite peaceful. But it cannot be otherwise, they are also expecting more from us.

But why? "

Peach Blossom: "..."

"In the past, our territory was small and we had enough clan members. So it was easy to win people's hearts. We just need to give more benefits and strict management requirements. Now our population is so large, and the management has reached its limit. The territory is still skyrocketing, The population is still increasing rapidly, and it's getting out of control." Chu Shinian said honestly. "Actually, I think even if the spiritual energy recovers, it won't wait for me. We should still grow in a controlled way.

Now it is not suitable to continue to expand, but should accelerate the internal fine management.

The other is to accelerate the cultivation of various talents who identify with us and are also recognized by us.Especially management talent.The affairs of the college should still be put in the first place of development. "

The Chu family must spread their ideology to the entire new and old sites of the Chu family.

"it is good."

In fact, Taohua has rectified the Chu family's internal management, clansmen, and spies many times in the past year. It is known that she has actually discovered that the current Chu family's internal management is not smooth.When there are too many people and people's hearts are confused, many conflicts and messy things will arise.

After all, the whole family of the Chu family is not very rich, and the time to make a fortune is too short.Various problems are prone to occur.This is also the reason why [-]% of the insurgents in history were finished in the end.

Today's Great Song Zhao family is also from the rebel army. Since the establishment of the Great Song Dynasty, it has also planted a big hidden danger that will lead to the collapse of the dynasty in the future.

There are too many great nobles who listen to the tune and not listen to the announcement.

Of course, Da Song was able to make a fortune back then, so why wasn't it because of them?
The so-called success also Xiao He defeated Xiao He!

What the Chu family needs most now is time. Time can quickly consume the current territory, population and hearts of the Chu family.It can also cultivate a group of talents for the Chu family.

Chu Shinian said with a relaxed expression, "It's very good that you agree with my thoughts."

"I agree with whoever has the right idea." Taohua smiled. "I'm not a sage with hundreds of millions of spiritual thoughts. I can think of everything." She didn't do it in her previous life.

The promotion is to save yourself more time for practice and personal time.She simply threw Chu Shinian out.Without Chu Shinian, it would not be so easy for her to control the development of the whole family now.

"Actually, the development of the family is pretty good at this time." Chu Shinian said confidently. "At least we started from a poor family with basically no foundation, and it is still not bad to be able to develop to the present."

"Actually, the Chu family has some accumulations." Taohua said with a headache, "Don't make us so miserable."

"That depends on who you compare with." Chu Shinian said speechlessly. "Not to mention anything else, just the Qingyang family that has sent us several times of news recently, compared with them, we are simply weak to the point of scum."

Cough cough cough...

Taohua looked at him speechlessly.

Chu Shinian also looked back very seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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