Chapter 850
"Are you really planning to dismantle these seven ancient cities into 21 smaller cities?" Chu Shinian asked curiously as he looked at the map of the new city marked by Taohua.

"That's right." Taohua pointed to some places inside the Five Elements Spiritual Land and said, "These areas are far away from the nearby cities and have a large population concentration. After we upgrade the original villages and towns into small cities, we can just strengthen management and rule. "

"Then why not build a big city?" Chu Shinian was a little puzzled.

"Because there is no need at all, there are big cities nearby. Every big city needs not only the population, but also the resources within a certain range around it. It is not easy to build big cities frequently in one area.

Otherwise, food, drink and housing in the big city can only be supported by cities farther away to ensure the people's livelihood needs.Then the gain outweighs the loss.Besides, the concentration of large cities will also cause a waste of management personnel.

Obviously, a set of management personnel within a radius of several hundred miles can manage well, whether it is a city or a village or town.But because there are so many establishments in big cities, it is necessary to get several sets of management personnel anyway.Everyone can only manage one city each. Isn't this a waste? "

Chu Shinian nodded in approval.

"So it's very appropriate for us to use our own materials to dismantle the original ancient city into a small city and build it. Besides, it's not good for too many new immigrants to gather in a certain place."

After hearing this, Chu Shinian agreed even more, "Give more preferential conditions to the new immigrants, and let them go to the island."

Peach nodded.

Although the sea hurricane is terrible, it can't submerge the entire island, at most it can lose some farmland and fruit forests.


So the entire Chu family began to act again, on the one hand, disaster relief, and on the other hand, reconstruction.Then they recruited a large number of people to build new cities.

Fourteen small cities have been upgraded inside the Five Elements Spirit Land.

Seven small towns were built on the Northwest Wilderness.

These 21 small cities were being built almost at the same time.Each small city can only accommodate 4 to [-] people.

But this is already very good, and not every place is densely populated, some areas are sparsely populated, and it takes half a day to ride a horse between villages.

Especially in the Great Northwest Wilderness, not to mention cities, even market towns are rare.

It is necessary to trade, everyone can make an appointment at most, and then establish a short-term large trade zone in a certain location.When the transaction is over, everyone retreats, and the place immediately returns to desolation.

The small city on the Northwest Wilderness has been changing every day since it was built.

In a few days, the high city wall was as tall as a person.Then continue to increase.

Then every few days, new people came, and they actually lived in temporary tents near the city.Then it also joined the construction of the city.

Because there were more and more of them, nearby villagers came here to sell some bamboo baskets, baskets, wooden basins and so on.While asking them, "Where did you recruit? Why did so many people come one after another?"

There was a shopping lady who took her little girl and replied with a smile, "We were assigned to settle in the city here. We were assigned to the city here, with a house in the city and 150 acres outside the city. The barren land. I will also give you 50 yuan of spiritual coins as a settling fee."

"It's such a good deal?" The villagers who sold things were stunned.

"Hehe," the aunt covered her mouth and said with a low laugh, "I heard that people in small cities with green mountains and green waters don't have this preferential treatment, so they give a small house in the city and [-] acres of wasteland outside the city. They share it there. The houses don’t even have their own yards. All the houses in our area have yards.”

"The treatment is too good," said the villager.

"The head of my family knew the treatment given by the city here, so I chose this place without saying a word. There are only seven small cities here, and each small town can only accommodate [-] people, and the places have been snapped up. If it weren't for our head Quick hands and quick legs, the first to run to save our lives, we can't get the quota here.

When the places in the seven cities here were full, many of those who didn't get the places cried and beat their chests.But there is no way out of that.That's all there is to it. "The aunt said with a fluke look.

"If you want me to say that our Great Wasteland is good, one year of planting can be worth five years of harvest." The villagers also said proudly. "It was the flood that scared everyone a little while ago. But it's nothing. Since the flood came down, everyone has been working hard to prepare the land and try to harvest another season of grain this year."

"If we didn't have to build the city, we'd plan to plant it for a season."

"Your family can mainly use the labor force to build it. The rest of the old and weak women and children can go to open up wasteland. You don't need to open up wasteland, just open up three to five acres. The grain seeds given by the Chu family are easy to grow, and the yield is large. With the production of three to five mu, your family will not have to worry about food for the next year."

"Really? There are such powerful seeds? There are about ten people in my family."

"One mu of land costs seven to eight hundred catties. If your family has a dozen people, you open up ten mu of land, and the tax here is one ten. The grain of ten mu of land is enough for you to eat."

"Our family's land used to be more than 100 catties of grain per mu." The aunt asked in disbelief.

"There is no one mu of land here that produces less than [-] catties of grain. The Chu family started out as a planter. How can we not give good seeds to our own land?" the villagers said firmly.

"Then if our family's 150 mu of land is developed..."

"Then your family will distribute it. You will get a lot of grain in one season. If you can't eat it, you can sell it to Chu's grain store. The purchase price they give is higher than other houses. The most important thing is that you sell the grain. For the Chu family, there are no points there. If you buy new varieties of grain seeds from them in the future, there will be discounts."

This time, the aunt was shocked, "Does the grain shop still sell seeds?"

"How fresh, grain shops don't sell seeds, where can we buy seeds?" the villagers said speechlessly.

"Our seeds are bought by the monks and masters of various families. Our family was only responsible for farming for the monks."

"That's the tenant. We have a lot of tenants here. But you will all be common people with your own fields in the future, and you have to get used to the common people's style. Among us common people, there is only one Chu family who can only be seen when collecting taxes.

We have to worry about the rest.

Especially things in the field, if you encounter something that you don’t know how to deal with, you can come to me, or people in our village for help.Our village is not far from this city, only about ten miles away.You can find it by walking upstream along the river. "The villager smiled and explained to others.

(End of this chapter)

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