Chapter 851
On the one hand, the Chu family is intensively building a new city to accommodate a large number of immigrants from the small world. On the other hand, it is looking for suitable places on the newly formed tributaries during the flooding of the big river to build new villages.

Tianshui River has a large amount of natural water spiritual energy, nourishing the water and soil on both banks, and gradually more spiritual fields will be born.

As for the influence of the foul wind, after the foul wind has passed, the earth itself is constantly purifying its top soil.So if the foul wind hadn't come frequently, it wouldn't take long for the land to become animate again.

Of course, this is just the influence of a dirty wind.

Anyway, there will only be one foul wind.

Taking advantage of the influence of the dirty wind is not as great as in the later period.Peach Blossom accelerated the development of their new villages and new spiritual fields.

We must catch up with time and work hard to open up wasteland and farm.

The crazy land reclamation arranged by Taohua is not only on the great wasteland, she is also working hard to let the people open up land within the coverage of the five elements.Outside the scope of the five elements and other pot lids, she is also trying to encourage everyone to open up wasteland.

The many islands with spiritual veins in the sea of ​​their own are the focus of opening up wasteland.

When the fertile land was wiped out, it was leveled again. If there was less land, it would be transported from other areas with a lot of land. If there was no fertilizer, it would go to dig sea mud.In some places in the sea area, the seabed is more than ten feet thick.

After being discovered by a fleet of the Chu family, it became a sea mud excavation site. The smelly sea mud, after fermentation and drying, is a good natural fertilizer.

Mobilize the whole family to build the city, rebuild after the disaster, open up wasteland, and resettle immigrants.Taohua and the others are busy every day and don't have any extra energy.Even the precious son Taohua didn't have much time to accompany her.

But Taohua doesn't have time to accompany the little guy, and the little guy has time to come and play with her.Anyway, just let me see you. After I see you, I will play mine and you will do your work.Neither of us disturbs the other.

But you have to take me for a walk every day, dare you try walking me?

On this day, under Brother Chun's regular reminders, Taohua dragged his son in the pony carriage for a walk again.

The small wooden carriage can actually walk without being dragged.But people dislike slowness, so they are dragged away by Taohua.

Chu Shinian walked towards his mother speechlessly. Was it his son who came up with a way to walk his mother?

"Why don't you find someone to drag him around?" Chu Shinian asked.

"Your son won't let me. I have to drag him." Tao Hua was also quite speechless, thinking that this kid is really a chicken thief and a black belly.

"Come on, let me pull it." Chu Shinian walked over and took away the brocade that was dragging the pony carriage.

Regardless of whether it's daddy or mothery, the little guy is so happy that he's dragging him for a walk, even laughing and giggling.

Chu Shinian: "..."

Both the husband and wife are not weak monks, they can take bigger steps, and there is no problem at all while walking while guarding the small car.Besides, the couples around this mansion are very familiar with each other, and they all know what kind of road the car is suitable for.

"It'll be fine when this little kid can crawl and walk." Chu Shinian comforted himself.

Peach Blossom: "..."

"Peach Blossom, the mainland is about to face a new famine," Chu Shinian said.

Taohua raised her head, "Is the situation outside very bad?"

"It's very bad. Because of the flood, we were cut off from the outside world and the roads were damaged. It was too difficult for the spies to bring the news back. This made them delay for nearly half a month before delivering the news. And it's just the news from the nearby countries and regions. Longshanfang City has recently started to send news back, and it's all about the bad situation.

It's really a big deal. "

Taohua remembered that disasters were indeed frequent in this period in her previous life, but in her memory, the flood of the scale in June seemed to have been postponed for more than ten years before it began to appear.

This time it was ahead of schedule.

Whether it is a foul wind or a great flood.

In the early stage of aura recovery, after the budding period of aura from scratch, it will enter the early stage of aura shock with constant natural disasters.At this time, natural disasters are just natural disasters.

But even if it's just the early stage of spiritual shock, it's not so easy.

"Is it because their grain fields have been washed away more seriously?"

"If it's just a grain field, I wouldn't say that something is wrong. It's a warehouse. The flood flooded and washed away the large granaries and grain depots of many forces. Do you understand?" Chu Shinian said to Taohua, "There are still leaks in some places. , or because the food is not well preserved, the food is moldy and hairy in a large area.

It rained for a whole month of June, not for a few days.

For more than 1000 years, countries on the mainland have never experienced such heavy rain.This time everyone was caught off guard.The problems of granaries and granaries in many countries and forces suddenly broke out.When the famine comes, I am afraid that many places will collapse directly. "

Taohua was silent, indeed.

"In addition to the problem of food, the problem of dead people is also very serious. I heard that a large number of corpses can be seen going down the Tianshui River every day. A large number of fish, shrimp and water animals in the river are constantly devouring those corpses.

The ones in Tianshui River are pretty good.I'm afraid it's a body in another tributary river.Whether it's a human corpse, a livestock, or a beast in the mountains.If there is another complication, it will be even more worrying. "

"I have arranged for the physicians and alchemists in the family to pay close attention to this matter. As soon as any symptoms occur, they will prescribe medicine according to the symptoms."

Chu Shinian nodded.

Now there are more elixirs, and the disease is easier to treat than before the spiritual energy revived.As long as it is not caused by spirit insects or spirit poison, it is relatively easy to treat.

If it's caused by spirit insects, spirit poison, ahem, then it's really a big trouble.

"I also asked the guards in the army to do the salvage of the corpses." Chu Shinian said, "Some corpses can't even recognize their specific appearance, and they can't even find their relatives, so we can only collect the relics and store them in a centralized place to wait for someone." Come to claim it. The bones will be buried in advance."

"During the burial, let the doctors deal with it, so as not to cause servitude." Taohua reminded.

Chu Shinian nodded.


A large group came out of a small village on the border of the Chu family, there were two or three thousand ragged refugees.They were all yellow and thin, just like living skeletons.Some villagers noticed that a group of people like them had entered the village, and immediately a young man from the guard came over with weapons to inquire.

"Where did you come from?"

"We escaped from Zhangyu City and the nearby villages. Xichang cavalrymen arrested people when they entered the city, and burned, killed and looted people. We are all survivors who managed to escape. Our home is gone, and our relatives are gone. Please. The Chu family takes us in." A man with a beard and a hooded face took the initiative to stand up and talk to the young guards.

(End of this chapter)

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