Chapter 859 Fist
"Their envoy said that they were recommended from there," Chu Shinian said.


"Northwest Aboriginal Alliance." Chu Shinian said.

"Ahem, cough, it turned out to be them?" Tao Hua was a little surprised. They hadn't heard anything from Chu Shinian last time.He hooked up with Xichang before arriving first. "Okay, see you then."

The envoy is a handsome middle-aged guy with good looks, and he is very talented.That behavior is not the same as Chu Zifei.

Tao Hua felt that she wanted to go wrong, and she should let Chu Zifei come to receive him.

"I have met Patriarch Chu."

The messenger saluted Tao Hua in a grand manner, and then greeted Chu Shinian.

Before seeing Patriarch Chu, the envoy had been wondering what kind of woman could suppress a man like Chu Shinian.

After seeing Patriarch Chu, the messenger inexplicably felt that a person with such eyes could suppress Chu Shinian.

"The envoy of Xichang?"

"Yes, I am Fan Bingjun, the envoy of Xichang."

"Then what is the purpose of the envoy coming here at this time?"

"The Song Dynasty is on the verge of disintegration. The monarch of our country sent me to invite the head of the Chu family to hunt the territory of the Song Dynasty. In addition to your two families, there are 26 other forces that will join hands.

At that time, the royal family surnamed Zhao in the Song Dynasty will not have a single blood left. "

Taohua's eyes widened instantly.

She said how the Great Song Dynasty fell so quickly in the previous life, and how the Zhao family of the royal family died so tragically.In the end, there were not many branches left, but all the famous branches were slaughtered.

Could it be that the previous life was this Da Song whose alliance collapsed?

Can't really say it's them.

The Chu family in the previous life did not have such a large business, so naturally they were not qualified to meet with them.So she didn't know how the territory of the Song Dynasty was allocated by specific people.

"Divide the Great Song Dynasty and have the Qingyang family?" Taohua asked.


Then it's no wonder, it's no wonder that the Qingyang family always secretly troubled their Chu family in the previous life. It is very likely that the entire northwest area was divided to the Qingyang family in the first place.

"You should know that we and the Qingyang family belong to two factions, but their territories overlap." Taohua said.

"The Qingyang family has already chosen another place. Only you and my family are left in the northwest area. As long as you and our family divide the territory well." Envoy Fan said.

"Tell me, where did the Qingyang family choose?" Tao Hua asked curiously.

"Big Snow Mountain."

Taohua immediately recalled that the Daxue Mountain actually stands at the junction of the northwest and southwest regions.Directly separate the two areas horizontally.

"It's a nice mountain area. Then they plan to place the small world in the Daxue Mountain? I thought they would place the small world in the Wanji Mountain Range."

"The demon clan over there is too fierce to gain a foothold." Envoy Fan laughed.

"Then how do you Xichang plan to divide the northwest with us?"

As soon as Envoy Fan heard this, he asked someone to unfold the map.

"We want here, here, here..." He casually took out a writing brush dipped in red ink, and drew a big circle. "Patriarch Chu, what do you think?"

The scope of this enclosure covers the area where the Xichang cavalry strolls today, and even covers Anhua and the surrounding areas.

Taohua nodded and said, "I think it's pretty good. You go there, Qingyu Mountains will belong to me. The great plains on both sides of Qingyu Mountains are also mine." The Qingyu Mountains of Xichang and the Great Plains on both sides were drawn in.

"This won't work, this is where my king's capital is." Envoy Fan's face immediately changed.

"Anyway, you have to gradually move inland to fight against the inland countries. The Qingyu Mountains are too close to my Chu family's territory, and they hang alone outside the vast territory of your future. Why don't you just turn your feelings directly to We got it. Besides, in fact, it is not impossible for us to seize it. Let's die and see who dies in the end."

"You, Patriarch Chu, are you crazy? If you fight against us, Xichang, will your Chu family get some benefits in the end?" Envoy Fan suppressed his anger.

"What is crazy? You may not know, I have always thought that the Qingyu Mountains are a good place. The Lingshan and Yangshan areas occupied by my Chu family are all on the tail of Qingyu. Its head and body are on your Xichang's hands." Patriarch Chu looked at Envoy Fan with glowing eyes.

When Envoy Fan heard this, his face became even more ugly.

"If you want those sites, you can take them. I am optimistic about Qingyu. Since we are here to divide the northwest, it is impossible for you Xichang to take all the benefits, right? The land is for you, and the Qingyu Mountains belong to us. In this way, everyone wins, what's wrong?"

"No, absolutely not. The Qingyu Mountains must not be given to you. It is the holy land of our Xichang people."

"What kind of holy land has been left unused by you all the time. If the Qingyu mountain range belongs to our Chu family, we can develop it into what Xiongshan is today."

Envoy Fan's face turned pale.

"Patriarch Chu, I don't think your Chu family has any sincerity at all."

"You are sincere in drawing the map like that? Could it be that you think that you Xichang will be able to secure our Chu family?"

"Don't forget, in addition to cooperating with you, we can also cooperate with Qingyang World to drive you away." Envoy Fan said with deep and vicious eyes.

"Then let's go. Before I leave, I will shatter all the spiritual veins and earth veins in the local area. If you die, everyone will die together. Anyway, there is already a Wanji Mountain Range, and it's okay to add another deserted place."

This is really poisonous.

If you don't let me stand, I will directly destroy this world.

"It's impossible for you to want the Qingyu Mountain Range. Either it is in the hands of Xichang as a holy place, or we will destroy it directly. Landslides are not impossible." Envoy Fan did not show weakness at all. road.

"It doesn't matter, you collapse." If you don't collapse now, after your Xichang is destroyed in the future, you will also collapse the Qingyu Mountains.My ability to collapse the earth veins is still learned secretly from you.

"You..." Envoy Fan deeply felt that Patriarch Chu was a piece of hob meat that could not be eaten by oil or salt.

It's so hard to communicate.

"Commander Chu, I think you should speak up to persuade your Patriarch. It won't be of any benefit to your Chu family if the conversation with us, Xichang, fails."

"Actually, what's the use of dividing this kind of thing in advance? Isn't it to see who has the biggest fist and who can occupy more territory?" Chu Shinian looked at him with an expression that he was just speaking the truth.

Messenger Fan: "..."

Tao Hua directly smiled and clapped her hands, "Yes, I thought so too. What's the use of sharing in advance, whoever grabs it in the end will get it."

(End of this chapter)

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