The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 860 The place where nine leylines gather

Chapter 860 The place where the nine leylines gather
The two parties finally broke up unhappy, and Fan Envoy ran away in anger.

Only the young couple were left sitting next to each other, chatting while eating fruit.

"I am afraid that Da Song will really be finished this time."

"It can persist until now, which shows that the people in the royal family are not so useless." Chu Shinian said.

Taohua took a look at Chu Shinian, and thought that it might be those who were reborn, or those who accompanied Chongbao, deliberately extending Da Song's lifespan.

"Whether it's trash or not, you can see it after this time."

Chu Shinian nodded directly.

"Do you think the Qingyang family really went back to Daxue Mountain?"

Taohua thought for a while, "I can't be sure."

"If they want to fight with us, whether it's the Xichang people or the Qingyang family, they are all too close to us. I'm afraid they will lose a lot in the fight. On the contrary, the royal family of Song Dynasty is too far away, so it's nothing to fight. Loss." Chu Shinian Simou said.

"There will be no Xichang people, and there will be others in the Qingyang family. In short, this is a world of great struggle, and it is impossible without struggle. The only thing we can do in the Chu family is to develop, fight, and strive to survive." Even if It is also good to strive for the canonization of the God Court in the end like in the previous life.

"People from the Qingyang family came over yesterday. They said they wanted to move the small world and asked when we could do it."

"Tomorrow. Remove the small world first. I need to rearrange it over there."


Near Mausoleum, on the ground where a small world is located.The terrain at this time has many small hills, high and low, layer upon layer.

The members of the Qingyang family are all dressed in cyan robes.

All of them have high crowns and belts, with solemn expressions.

The odd-haired old man had white hair like snow, and held a wooden box full of runes in his hand.

People from the Qingyang family and the formation masters of the Chu family are all on the move.Everyone is arranging formations, intending to peel off the small world in the leylines all at once.This is a colossal monster, without the use of formations, it cannot be moved by one's mighty power alone.

When the main formations, auxiliary formations, and augmentation formations in the ground and underground are all done, the land masters and formation masters on both sides start to stand.They all retreated to the periphery of the field, and then watched intently one by one.

The craftsmen on Chu's side, who had been waiting for a long time, also took their disciples to occupy a favorable terrain early on, staring at them with wide eyes.

The Chu family is really getting better and better!

Forget about raising the sea to raise the island, now even the small world dares to directly strip the leylines.

Following Taohua's nod to signal, the opponent's old man started to activate the formation.

Immediately there was a huge roar from the ground.

The earth is constantly cracking, from small cracks to big cracks, from big cracks to giant cracks all around.Under the crack, a round khaki sphere is constantly being pulled out by the power of the formation.

Click it...

As soon as the top of the sphere approached the ground, a crack appeared on the main formation, and it cracked into several sections at once.

As soon as Taohua waved her hand, Chu's land masters and formation masters immediately jumped out, activated the backup formation of the main formation, and once again stopped playing.

The old man of the Qingyang family turned blue and looked weak.Emma is scary.

He almost thought that the main body of the small world had fallen back again.

If it was transferred back again this time, it might have fallen somewhere in the ley line, and it would be inconvenient to locate it and move it.

Kaka, Kaka, Boom...

The soil layer was torn apart, and a huge khaki sphere with a diameter of more than one mile was pushed out by the force of the formation in the ground.

Just when the last part of the soil ball was about to leave the ground, a certain main formation was suddenly destroyed by several formation masters from the Qingyang family.Kakaka, the soil ball suddenly fell violently, at an extremely fast speed, and it was about to smash into the ground again.

Tao Hua let out a loud shout.

The craftsmen on the east and west sides started to move one after another, bang bang bang, and a large amount of dazzling white light was immediately ejected from the ground where they were originally standing.Formation patterns swarmed out, directly turning into chains, dragging the soil ball again.

"Drag it out." Following Taohua's order, the craftsmen on both sides and the masters of Chu's land masters worked together to drive multiple formations.The augmentation formation suddenly ran out of the maximum value.

With a buzzing sound, the soil ball was directly pulled out of the ground.

Boom boom boom...

Under the earth, the air of the earth's veins surges up to the sky like a majestic Milky Way.

Hula lala's earth attribute spirit stones and earth attribute special spar rain directly followed a certain earth vein air column soaring into the sky, and then fell to the ground.

Chu Shinian led the hidden guards to catch the saboteur of the Qingyang family, and then pushed the formation masters of the Qingyang family who were doing nothing to get out of the area where the earth ball was.

Only the white-haired old man was left with a blackened and stiff face and continued to make clay balls, and the clay balls were gradually shrunk by him.

When the people of the Chu family were picking up the crystal stones on the ground like a girl, he finally turned the soil balls into soil beads and sealed them in the wooden box he brought.

The column of air rushing out of the ground veins is still expanding.The surrounding spirit stone crystal rain is still falling.

The old man couldn't hold back and put some spirit stones and crystals that fell near him into his pocket.

Chu Shinian walked over, and then looked at him beckoningly.

The old man blushed when he saw it.

"Let's go now."

Chu Shinian directly made a gesture of invitation.Then he directly escorted them out of here.

When they walked out of this mountainous area, they could faintly see a thick first layer of crystal stones and spirit stones on the ground, and the khaki-yellow energy of the veins would completely erode the nearby mountains into khaki-yellow...

The air column erupted directly for five or six days before gradually weakening.

Dozens of nearby hills have changed their appearance drastically, turning into mounds of various colors.But at most, it is still a khaki mound.

All kinds of spirit stones and crystal stones, even though the soldiers kept picking them up day and night, they still kept falling.

In the end, everyone didn't pick it up with their hands and just put it in the basket.

This time, the Chu family harvested a large amount of spirit stones and spar stones, which made the surrounding forces envious and jealous.

Who would have thought that moving to a small world could still pick up a spar rain for nothing.

They really want it too.

As the air column weakened, the rain of spirit stones and spars that spewed out gradually decreased.Chu's land masters and formation masters started to move again.After the pillar of earth veins weakened, a huge tiankeng began to appear on the ground.

The small world that was able to absorb a large amount of earth energy disappeared, and the earth energy here began to collide wantonly and chaotically.

However, as Chu's land masters and formation masters rearranged a new formation.Little by little, the underground earth veins and earth energy collisions were reorganized.Only then did everyone see clearly that this place turned out to be a place where nine leylines gathered.

It's no wonder that the big monks back then wanted to put the small world here to make offerings.

(End of this chapter)

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